Thanks Guys--
i got a very nice 'gift' from Dr Chuck at AixiZ Lasers- he gave me three analog 473 fatties- Once i find the 4 wire plug i need to send modulation signal to the driver i can see if one match up just one pair that results in 473 sweetness.
Five of the six fans come on (one PS did not have a working fans when I powered it up. Inside there is a small green LED and that comes on with all three.
I have some analog lasers so i know that w/o a modulaiuon input of 5vdc none of these will lase.
If I have no luck now I will for sure get EXCELLLENT advice at SELEM.
I am sure at least one attendee will bring me the plug/wire I need. I would not at all be surprized if one guy will work on these while we are at SELEM. Stuff like that happens at every LEM. We are driving again this year so lots of room to bring everything I want.
I know that many of you would be interested in holding another TEXLEM- if you want this to happen in your home town, thats easy- just go find us a great venue and the rest will falling place. Must have power and restroom. High ceilings are best.. I found a pretty good empty warehouse and held STEXLEM 1 in 2010. I covered the cost of the venue as it was ONLY $150 for a five day weekend. I set my gear up on thursday and did a rtest run on Friday- the other laserists came in on Sat and we had a blast until 4 AM Sunday. WE fried the sound system so for the last two hours one guy pulled his truck inside and cranked up his stereo.
Buffo & I put together a little tutorial on the art of the LEM. He perfected the know-how by running lots of LEMs.
SELEM has grown so huge we now rent another building in the same complex so we can fit in all the projectors. If you commit NOW to making SELEM VIII in 2014 you can make the event.
CYA at a LEM!!!