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FrozenGate by Avery

Glasses really needed?

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Picked up a young airman from the airport just out of basic training. As we went through the gate I asked him for his ID. I handed it to the gate guard and he handed it back. It was then that I read his first name on the card. Michael. I said, Airman Hunt, you're first name can't really be Mike!? His eyes hit the floor and I knew his name really was Mike Hunt!

Damn Javalin, you just reminded me that I also know a Mike Hunt. It's not a name that you want to say real fast, especially in mixed company!
During introductions, you definitely want to say Mike (pause) Hunt. :D

@Eudaimonium - I think you're right, it sounds like we're a bit obsessed with dicks.

Looks like this thread sure has taken a couple of left turns along the way. ;)
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I got nothing to reply to that :p

We also have a couple of creative ones (euphemisms) but it doesn't really even compare.

Our curses are far more creative, though! :p
May I then introduce you to the man a large percentage of the country were calling,

"Tricky Dick" ;)

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So weird. Always out of nowhere with these diesel lessons nobody asks for. Then this?

You obviously need to be on a diesel forum.

When's the last time you posted about a laser?
Damn Javalin, you just reminded me that I also know a Mike Hunt. It's not a name that you want to say real fast, especially in mixed company!
During introductions, you definitely want to say Mike (pause) Hunt. :D

@Eudaimonium - I think you're right, it sounds like we're a bit obsessed with dicks.

Looks like this thread sure has taken a couple of left turns along the way. ;)

It gets better, he got sick and me and a coworker drove him to the doctor. I couldn't help myself, When I was asked where I was going I answered in the straightest face I could muster "I'm going to the doctor, Mike Hunt is hurting"

Not a common name, and you know their parents had to know what they were doing. Especially for it to happen twice!?

I honestly had absolutely no idea. I mean seriously,

Richard = Dick?
Peter = Wang?
By what logic?

I think english language has more euphemism for dicks than all other languages combines.

With "John" sometimes being toilet, is there a single male name that doesn't in one way or another relate to genitals?

John Harrington made the first flushing toilet. People often think Thomas Crapper did, but he actually made internals for the toilet like the ballcock and had the first showroom for toilets.

So that's where the phrases "Going to the crapper / john" came from.
John Harrington made the first flushing toilet. People often think Thomas Crapper did, but he actually made internals for the toilet like the ballcock and had the first showroom for toilets.

So that's where the phrases "Going to the crapper / john" came from.

The Hero and Savior of Mankind, and that's how we use his name today. What a bummer.

Wow you did everything right for unintentionally pissing people off here; that said, I had a good time reading through this thread.

He spends his time posting about engines/trucks. I agree with you, a couple times is fine. But it gets old after awhile, even annoying.
@MagnaMagicBtu I understand about being passionate about something, but when you continuously post stuff that nobody cares about it gets old.

By the way, have you found Jesus?
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