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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Get this one....1500mW

You hurt or help a company with your wallet. You either buy a product or don't buy. Some people wait for prices on products to go down before they are "worth" buying. Smart people learn to avoid company's with bad business ethics, therefore the company loses business.

You cant detox being an a$$hole. I've been trying for years.
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We were talking about Chinese laser retailers, not eBay.

You have a lot to learn, but I'm not going to educate you. You'll find out soon enough.

Eye for an eye? :thinking:

So does that mean if you hit someones dog with your car after you've had a few beers, they get to kill yours? How about replacing the dog with your child in the same situation?

You're just posturing. Nobody is impressed with that here. We value honesty, and intelligence. There is never an excuse to scam people. No matter who they are. By doing so, you're lowering yourself to their level. And if you lower yourself, then you're a hypocrite.

I didnt file a claim thru ebay, like i said. Use your paypal account and you will have the same protection. If i hit someones dog with my car b/c i was dunk then they can kill my dog and take me to jail. Heck if i killed their dog b/c it was my fault period they can kill mine. Cause thats what i think would be fair. I dont drink and drive, thats what idiots do. I could honestly care less about "impressing" someone on the internet. I just saw something and pointed out a way to correct it. I value honesty just as well, which is why i have no sympathy for liars. letting people off easy is exactly why our country is in the crap its in now.
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"2 wrongs doesn't make a right" Is overrated"

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I didnt file a claim thru ebay, like i said. Use your paypal account and you will have the same protection. If i hit someones dog with my car b/c i was dunk then they can kill my dog and take me to jail. Heck if i killed their dog b/c it was my fault period they can kill mine. Cause thats what i think would be fair. I dont drink and drive, thats what idiots do. I could honestly care less about "impressing" someone on the internet. I just saw something and pointed out a way to correct it. I value honesty just as well, which is why i have no sympathy for liars. letting people off easy is exactly why our country is in the crap its in now.

Our country is crap because of people like you. To stubborn to admit when they are wrong, and to dumb to listen to someone who knows what they are talking about.

EVERYONE makes mistakes. If you're to stupid to learn from them, then you deserve what you get. You are the only one to blame for your mistakes.

Bottom line, if you did your homework, you wouldn't have gotten that piece of crap laser to start with. Dont blame others for your own stupidity. You ripped yourself off.
LOL, if you say so.... If there were more people like me, there would be less scams like that. I bought that laser cause i knew no matter what i was going to be pleased. Now b/c of me the company is no longer listing items for sale. How did i rip myself off again? You shouldnt act like you know everything about every situation. Bottom line, i did my homework. I knew the company wasnt reputable, I also knew no matter what i could get my money back. Shut down a company and got a free product in the end. Maybe we would see less ads like the one OP found if more thought like me. Its sad, you act like im the one going around screwing people. Sorry i just would rather see action then people turning the other cheek to stuff like this.
If there were more people like you I'd go ahead and kill myself cause the world is dumb when it is inhabited by idiots like yourself...

Sorry dude you need to learn when to stop and take TJ's advice.

That large rep # under his name shows he's been here awhile, knows what he is talking about, and that many people agree with him.

You should wise up , quit being a smart ass 14 y/o and do the same
I should wise up? Notice how this whole conversion I didn't throw out personal insults or call anyone names? Yet you managed to throw a few in one post... Sorry you didn't like my opinions so much ya felt it was neeccasary to call me names.

TJ don't take anything here personal, it's just a conversaion between some adults. Adults don't always see eye to eye. They also don't throw out personal insults.
LoL...I dare someone to buy this and do a review
Green Laser 1500mW 445nm High-power Star Pointer Burn Match + Pop Balloon $212.03 Free Shipping @GoodLuckBuy.com

looks like a cheesy Krypton knockoff, or "cheesier":D

Hey look, it's got "Solid-state laser pumping" so that has to be good
and it's a green 445nm!

A Green Laser 1500mW 445NM well it looks like it is just another WL knock off......just like many of the others sold it does what 30secs duty cycle, has no heatsink and will die quickly and/or melt the lens too, 30 day "warranty", it even comes in the same box as some of the other knocks off do. They classified it as IIIB, now that part Might actually be the truth; still a 445nm Green Laser though :crackup:

Like their website name says Good Luck in Buying this.
I should wise up? Notice how this whole conversion I didn't throw out personal insults or call anyone names? Yet you managed to throw a few in one post... Sorry you didn't like my opinions so much ya felt it was neeccasary to call me names.

TJ don't take anything here personal, it's just a conversaion between some adults. Adults don't always see eye to eye. They also don't throw out personal insults.

Truth hurts, you were being a moron, I called you on it.

Calls em like I see's em
You just can't stop insulting can you? Maybe you should also take his advise "2 wrongs don't make a right". You have a good now, I wouldn't want to see any "yo mamma" cut downs next.
