Thats a Good Question.
Looking for some FeedBack here Guys.

What currant would you guys like to see available.:beer:
First, let me add my testimonial. I have one of these in an RHD build that has survived me inserting batteries backwards (something I invariably do at some point or another) and it runs smooth as butter!
As to the current (or currant if you prefer jelly!

) choices,
Here is
some of my logic...
You have
LPC-826 and LPC836 which I assume this driver can handle? I believe you yourself have said 510mA is a very good number for the 826. I don't see much action on the 836's, I don't think they are really a factor.
With the Mitsubishi 635/638's you have the 300 and 500. Not sure what people are running the 300's at, but I have my 500 at 1,100mA I think, and I think that is conservative so maybe 1,100mA, 1,400mA and 1,600mA?
Also you have the 12x blurays for now... Lot's of risk aversion variation here. I know some folks who think 600mA is reasonable. For me this is an expensive diode and I want it bright, but alive for a little while. I tend to shoot for just over 500mA so the 510mA is a good one again. I'd also like 525mA as well. I'd say a 550mA and 575mA might be good for those who are adventurous.
Then the 445's... How high do you wanna go? I know there are still some A140's out there, but I don't dabble in such tomfoolery!
Here I would think that 1.6A is your low end with 1.75A, 1.9A and 2.0A all being useful. Then after that, I would assume every 100mA is pretty useful.
Any thoughts? Any stupid mistakes in my reasoning or any huge gaps I missed?