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FrozenGate by Avery

FS/ 808nm IR Lasers 200mW - 5W

yea it would be greatly appreciated also do check if you can get any visable lasers between .5w-5w would be sweet and a price also thanks john -crypt

Hi I'm intersted in 5W or 3W if you have any in stock.
Also can you ship to the US still?

Has your supplier the 5W IR beasts in stock now?

Last time you I contacted you (I think it was June10) you told that max 3W were available.

Anyway,... If i had to choose between a 5W ir laser and a 5W blue portable laser i would definitively go for the deep blue laser,...;)
Anyway,... If i had to choose between a 5W ir laser and a 5W blue portable laser i would definitively go for the deep blue laser,...;)

Not if you´re a wavelength-collector and already have a blue ;)
