Re: FS: >90mW Blu-Rays, two models: OPEN
Well, i test all my diodes before putting them into the all-in-one modules, as i can't get them out again, unless dead.
So i modified a module so that the diode can be put in and taken out after the test.. And i test all diodes at 109mA for the selection, only select diodes in a certain range for these lasers, and then set them to 125mA once i put them into the modules.
Your diode tested at 88mW at that test.. But with the new info, it was actually 94mW!
So, your power is written on the inner flap of the box it comes in.. I also have them all written down, and can look it up. But, since my meter is showing too little, your power (and everyone elses) is actually 7% higher, than what i wrote on your box..
I'll look for the info and send you an email when i find it, with the correct power.. It is around 110mW.
So because of this, 120mW is not really an option with the diodes i used and the current settings inside. You would get like 130mW if you set it to 143mA. Had i used weaker diodes for all your lasers of if my meter was not showing too little, then you would get 120mW, at this higher current.
The other higher current option inside is not yet recommended for use! Besides, i would advise against messing with it just yet.. I think 110mW is plenty, and the difference to what you want would not be noticable, so it doesn't matter much if you leave it as it is for now, and get used to it.. Later you can switch it higher, and get a noticable difference! Brtaman set his to 143mA, and says the difference is larger than expected!
Use it as it is for a while. After i do more durability tests, you can then set it higher.. All it requires is a tiny drop of solder. I will prepare instructions for that.
Also, please do not attempt to open the module without special instructions! If done in the right order, it's perfectly safe, but if you just try to unscrew it in half, without doing an important step FIRST, you would rip the insides appart (when opening the module the battery contact board
must not turn!)!
I will send you pictures of what the all-in-one lazor module looks like, and how it comes appart correctly. Later i will also prepare instructions on how to set the power higher.
But now, i need to sleep.
P.S. About the undisguising. One person misunderstood where the notches are.. They are not in the battery contact board! Don't poke that! The notches are in the alluminum of the module itself, and they are large enough to be grabbed with any tweezers, for loosening and tightening.. Just follow the instructions when you get it. Make sure you know what you're doing.. Due to the design of the module, where everything is inside it, and tere are no wires going anywhere, it's actually easy and not dangerous as long as you leave the module in one piece, but still, better to be safe than sorry..