Good, that's the Romisen host, some people call it the "Classic", because while i did make several other models, this one was requested in the majority of orders in the past and the present...
I once butchered Rkcstr's driver to make it 12mm long and get it inside this host!
It's impossible to do with what you are proposing. You'll just have to trust me and go with the right parts i'm afraid...
Well, send me the parts, and the Rayfoss driver, and i'll see if there is ANYTHING i can do to make it fit with the original driver.. If not i'll still buy the Rayfoss driver off of you for testing, or return it to you and use a FlexDrive.
Did you manage to pay for it with PayPal?
Well, your laser lacks a heatsink, which is not too good for the power nor the diode... They last longer when cooled...
I saw it... What's the laser on the right? What host is that?
Hey, you and me both, brother...
I am, or rather will be broke in a day or two, when i order two more 8x's for the MURDER pool... :evil:
Anyway, i'll do my best to prepare you an affordable kit for your laser build, but i'd really like to see the parts for myself, so it would be done right, ok?
There is no reason the laser should not be as good as it possibly can! :yh: