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FrozenGate by Avery

For Sale: WL 300mW Krypton and more(updated :(07/19/2016) Price Drop!!

Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

Olympus you could always buy it and ship to me and I can turn around and ship to you;)
Also if some one need a middle man with high reputation to inspect the Krypton, I am open to that option :beer:
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

I will gladly take the big boy! As long as it's still available? PM sent!
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Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

Invoice Sent to tomfire1735 for the Krypton 1W and the S3 Arctic Host. Right now both (laser and host) are on hold. Thanks
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

it was so hard for me not to buy that Krypton. TBH if I wasn't moving house tomorrow and broke from taxes then deposits and such for the new house I would have jumped on that in a heartbeat. I have 3 800mW 532's but nothing hits 1 true W. Thats a special laser. Happy for whomever got it.
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

Ya, I wanted it too, but I already have a JL which puts out 800+, plus or minus depending on how warm it is, or isn't. That and I'm working in a war zone, what am I going to do, light up the sky and say here I am?
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

Some questions and thoughts come to mind.

What's the food like there?

You will be practically a laser virgin when you get home, it will be like brand new almost.

You will be very happy to see your wife.

You may not take a trip to the beach for a long time as you will have had your fill of hot and sandy.

BTW do you get to come home every so often?

Do you get to leave the base, such as go into town?

Have you met any friendly camels?
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Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

Seems everything is sold!

What's the food like there? Anything that is good isn't very good after the cooks get ahold of it, especially steaks we get once a week, they are pretty bad, I can do so much better myself. Other than that, it is just regular American food, usually fried stuff but we have lots of salads, if you want that instead, the better choice much of the time.

You will be practically a laser virgin when you get home, it will be like brand new almost: That's true, except I ordered a couple of toys to use in my room :) Edit: I just realized saying it that way could be interpreted badly, I mean.... I have a small projector on the way and a laser pointer too.

You will be very happy to see your wife: I virtually see her every day on Skype, often twice a day. I can speak some Russian and this one phrase I can use does wonders to have a happy visual experience.

You may not take a trip to the beach for a long time as you will have had your fill of hot and sandy: I've never been a beach goer anyway.

BTW do you get to come home every so often?: I can come home now if I quit, or wait until my turn to take vacation this fall. The contract my company has with the military may end before then, unless renewed.

Do you get to leave the base, such as go into town? Can't leave the base, the company I work for now won't let me, but I did so when I worked out here a few years ago when with someone who had a truck, shhhh... Kabul, the capitol is only an hours drive away but best to stay on base, there is corruption everywhere in this country, the Afghan police could pull you over and have you in Pakistan in a few hours to be held for money. There was a German civilian who was taken by several Afghani's, I mean TAKEN... not my idea of a good time.

Have you met any friendly camels?Not yet, besides, I don't have a ladder but three weeks ago a five foot long Cobra snake was outside where I work.
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Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

Don't be discouraged if i get them and don't use one i'll set you up. have ti wait till he gets back to me


I will definitely be interested if you decide not to use one of them!
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

Alaskan, I would rep you if I could but I`ve got to spread around first. Really makes me think how peaceful land we live on is taken for granted so often.
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

JLM- Got my BigBoy in the mail today! Talk about lightning speed on sending that out, I appreciate that. Thanks for selling me a great host!!

Now if I can only make up my mind on what to put in it!!
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

I just got the LPM today too. Thanks for the quick shipping and excellent service JLM!

I think I've already found a way to fix the problem, but I'm going to have to get my better soldering gear out. Watch out for a how-to post if I'm successful.
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

JLM- Got my BigBoy in the mail today! Talk about lightning speed on sending that out, I appreciate that. Thanks for selling me a great host!!

Now if I can only make up my mind on what to put in it!!
Remember, the bigboy have a parallel battery cage 3.6V, you will need to change it to serial to get 10.8V if you want a 7W laser.
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Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

I just got the LPM today too. Thanks for the quick shipping and excellent service JLM!

I think I've already found a way to fix the problem, but I'm going to have to get my better soldering gear out. Watch out for a how-to post if I'm successful.
Re: For Sale: WL 1W Krypton and more

The WL Krypton still available again!
