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FrozenGate by Avery

For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm*SOLD*

Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Still for sale. I forgot to add that its powered by a single AA sized lithium battery.

The laser has a 3 month warranty on any power under 100mA. I can set it to any current you would like, with output of up to 140-150mW.
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

dude gooeygus nice job ;D you did a great job but right now i wish i had the money :'( i would have straight up bought from you more than wht yud be selling soooo good luck and bes wishes

-xxkillxx 8-)

p.s. i would say you should keep it lol if i had a laser like tht i would be selling it foir at least $200..but hey idk how much the parts are+you should be like other companies and put on some labor tax ;D(seriously tho dont lol)
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

I would keep it but I already have a 200mW blu-ray and couple other PHR-803T pointers, so I dont really need it ;D
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

well hey with great lasers comes great burning sooo i guess ill check if ya still have it in about a months worth ill pm you and ask ;)
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Would it be possible to arrange something if I gave an 803t diode and a flexdrive in return + money?
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Would you sell it for $140? PM me...

By the way, would it do you any harm to set the flexdrive to 120mA if i buy the dilda-ray?
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Spyderz20x6 said:
Would you sell it for $140? PM me...

By the way, would it do you any harm to set the flexdrive to 120mA if i buy the dilda-ray?

I can set it to any current you like 8-)

I'll PM you later tonight
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

GooeyGus said:
[quote author=Spyderz20x6 link=1213179689/24#24 date=1214269267]Would you sell it for $140? PM me...

By the way, would it do you any harm to set the flexdrive to 120mA if i buy the dilda-ray?

I can set it to any current you like  8-)

I'll PM you later tonight[/quote]
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Spyderz20x6 said:
[quote author=GooeyGus link=1213179689/24#25 date=1214273471][quote author=Spyderz20x6 link=1213179689/24#24 date=1214269267]Would you sell it for $140? PM me...

By the way, would it do you any harm to set the flexdrive to 120mA if i buy the dilda-ray?

I can set it to any current you like 8-)

I'll PM you later tonight[/quote]

Looks like 4th of July is ON!


Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

daguin said:
[quote author=Spyderz20x6 link=1213179689/24#26 date=1214274133][quote author=GooeyGus link=1213179689/24#25 date=1214273471][quote author=Spyderz20x6 link=1213179689/24#24 date=1214269267]Would you sell it for $140? PM me...

By the way, would it do you any harm to set the flexdrive to 120mA if i buy the dilda-ray?

I can set it to any current you like  8-)

I'll PM you later tonight[/quote]

Looks like 4th of July is ON!


YEA!!! ;D ;D ;D
I'll be lighting bottle rockets till my eardrums pop :D
I'm so glad i got this deal before anyone else :)
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Still for sale. :-?

This is unique! No one else has sold a blu-ray in the dilda housing except that one scammer guy who sold it for $700!!!!!! :o :o :o :o

Mine is a bit less ;D
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Heh, the word "dilda" just sounds totally wrong.... ;D
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Hey man, Im really interested in buying your Dilda-Ray if it is still available. Do you accept Paypal ? I'll take it right now for $140. Let me know if you can send it asap. By the way, how long does the battery last? just email me if possible, thanks man. 8-)
