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FrozenGate by Avery

For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm*SOLD*

Mar 8, 2008
Hey guys I built a dilda-ray for fun the other day, its about 100mW peak, greater than 90mW average. It runs on one 3.6v rechargeable 14500. The driver is the flex drive (lavadrive... whatever you kids are calling it these days  ;D) and the diode is from the PHR-803T sled. I've built many lasers, but I usually don't sell them as this really is a hobby for me, not a means of income. But, I just really have no use for this laser. I have a ton of blu-rays and I might as well fund my hobby with the sale of a laser if I can spare it  :D

So, at this point, there are so many blu-rays for sale I'm just seeing if anyone is interested. I'm looking to get $160 + shipping, but all offers will be considered.





Don't forget, with this laser you also get the prestige of owning a laser hand made by the Gooey man himself  ;D ;D ;D

Thanks for readin'  :D

EDIT: Thought I would add, if there are any serious buyers who would like this configured a certain way, I can always change stuff around. You pick the power level, its at 90mW right now after clear acrylic, verified on my scientech 364 LPM.  Remember this is the same host as the red 200mW laser on DX, so its fully focusable etc etc.

Also, this will come with a warranty: As long as you have the laser, you can send it back to me to fix any problem at all, or make any changes to the laser, for only the cost of parts.

Re: Interest thread: Dilda-ray

Haha, I'm sure someone will be interested in a Dilda-Ray. Not me, I got Igor's build comin up. Yummeh.

Looks awesome though, g/w Gooeyman.
Re: Interest thread: Dilda-ray

GooeyGus said:
I've built many lasers, but I usually don't sell them as this really is a hobby for me, not a means of income.
I bet in a few months you'll have the B/S/T section filled with a bunch of goodies you're selling and you'll be raking in the cash ;D

To stay on topic, at only $160 you should sell this pretty quick.
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Yep...down right cheap! Considering the cost of the parts there!
May I ask what current you have the FlexDrive set at?
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

jayrob said:
Yep...down right cheap! Considering the cost of the parts there!
May I ask what current you have the FlexDrive set at?

Its right around 100mA 8-)
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

May I ask....... What the hell are those hideous (is that spelled right?) things in the middle of your pics? :o ;D (you pointed the laser directly at your camera didn't you?)
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

chido said:
May I ask....... What the hell are those hideous (is that spelled right?) things in the middle of your pics? :o ;D (you pointed the laser directly at your camera didn't you?)

Those would be the marks of a true laser e.nthusiast.  ;D
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

Youve gotta love big fat juicy melted bits in your ccd sensor. Haha, nice one gooey! :D
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm

My old phone camera has the same.
Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm


Would you take $130 shipped? I don't need the batteries.

