Hahahaha your taste in hosts are impressive sir. lol but I'm afraid I might have beaten you to this one

It's not exactly the same but from what I see the only difference is mine uses 3x CR123's so yours would be smaller. Have a look at my first blu ray build I finished a while ago ->
Actually I'm very picky about hosts, and I always pick the cheaper ones that somewhat look good.
Too bad I cannot find anything good in local stores, so far I have been using some Duracell 5$ flashlight. Fairly easy to install all the electronics but they look kinda ugly.
Anyway, I am always looking for nice fancy hosts on DX, and almost all niceones are fairly expensive.
Currently I am saving up for this:
DealExtreme: $15.16 14-LED Flashlight 4-Pack (3xAAA)
Again, they do not look quite pretty but functionality is great,
It takes 3x AAA wich should make it perfect for any laser: 3x 10440 for bluray, or 3x AAA for red, or 2x AAA and a spacer for green.
Or I could machine a cylindrical spacer, and insert one 14500 instead of 3x AAA pocket, and power a greenie with it.
Possibilities are endless