also, almost the same as an ape!!! lol We will always have hate, greed, and selfish aholes till the end of humanity!
They didn't know about autosomal info back then though...they thought it was all junk DNA, etc.
Now a days, there's a ton of additional info about what expresses, and when, etc...and that adds a massive variation in overall differences.
~ 70% of a fruit fly's genome is also found in humans for example.
Consider that apes show compassion to each other, will work together for their common good, will share food and resources with each other, etc.
Of course, some apes, just as are some people, going to have some bad tendencies once in a while.
If an ape is too big an a hole, the other apes shun them. They won't groom them, they get over run with parasites, and can die. They may even attack and drive away the bad ape, and so forth.
It depends upon that group's dynamics.
We are really pretty similar, except we have just formalized more of "the rules" and associated penalties.
Some groups simply tolerate some behaviors more, and some less, than other groups.
Look at a gang, vs a corporation. Both groups value certain characteristics, with a large overlap..but, each shaped by its environment.
Aggressiveness with violence vs w/o violence would be a shade of the same thing...with one group leaning one way, and the other, the other way.
Most of the
differences between people's behavior are culturally associated more than genetically associated...with everyone being SOME combination of nature and nurture.
Racism is a very natural progression of "us vs them" that we evolved with. Dehumanization of "the enemy" is as old as tribal conflicts.
Familiarity breaks that down, and, allows people to see individuals and not stereotypes.
Some groups have that backfire though...cops for example, who police an area where a particular ethnic or political group is that everyone they see who's black for example, IS, statistically, a criminal.
In short order, a non-racist cop becomes racist...its alwys the blacks he's having trouble with, and, blacks become the enemy.
Even black cops end up assuming a black kid is up to no good as the default assumption.
Studies where they have to quickly shoot or hold when a pic of a potential perp/or innocent are flashed on a even the black cops shoot black people more quickly.
Its just human be wrong about stereotypes. Its one of the many short cuts our brains use, that gives wrong results sometimes.