I spent some time in Asia and I didn't like their religious culture, it was just so foreign to me it was creepy and because of it, I didn't feel comfortable with the people, on average, where I was visiting. Is it racism? Nope, it was their culture. Of course if I were born into it I wouldn't have an issue, so I'm not blaming anyone, it is just how it is. Here's a more black and white example of a clash of culture which someone might call racism that occurred to me, well, in fact, I was called a racist by the individual I clashed with.
While working in Afghanistan as a SME/civilian leading a radio shop of Air Force radio technicians on Bagram Air Base, one of them kept playing rap music in the truck, when I told him I didn't like it he said I was racist. I for one don't like rap music, I can just feel my blood pressure start climbing when I hear the kind which is just repeating swear word after swear word. I told the guy I thought it was offensive because a racial slur was being repeated over and over again and he said I was being racist, because as a black man he can say or listen to the N world all he wants and I as a white man cannot object to it. Reality was I dislike the rap culture and when mixed with racial slurs drives me up a tree, but if I were born into that culture, no problem! I can see the racial slur as clearly wrong, but as far as the culture goes that's my personal bias and I don't think it is wrong, it is just how it is.
What I think a lot of this comes down to is people being jerks to one another, this guy knew I hated racial slurs and because the music had the N word being repeated over and over again, he decided to take my dislike of it out on me and play the music more often and louder. This reminds me of the kind of folk who are hyper over the top gay acting, the minute they see someone doesn't like a man acting more than feminine, they have a sense of joy by flaunting it in your face, again, taking pleasure out of pushing it in your face simply because you dislike it. I think a lot of the race BS is just that, people being ass holes to one another and using race as a vector to do so. Truth is, there is only the human race among us, the variations are so minor but the mindsets, oh, they can be quite distant from another but the hate isn't, when you hate someone or think you hate their race, you are connecting yourself to them just as much as if you dearly loved them, except in a painful negative way.
Since I'm outing myself for having a dislike of flauntingly over the top feminine behavior from a man, believe me it isn't their s exuality I dislike, it's that behavior and when I can detect someone is pushing it in my face because they can see I am uncomfortable with it, only then is when it pisses me off, otherwise live and let live. Some people just want to be in your face and will use any cause, any ***uality, any racist method they can to do so.
Interesting you can't use the word s e x u a l i t y here without the word s e x being ***'d out.