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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery


^ uhm, maybe cause 3 hours are, after all, a bit too much time, for cut and fill a baguette ..... (except if the workers are paid on time-based, and not on productivity-based :p :D)

A few weeks ago, I tried to hook up a PHR to a V2 Flexdrive and a few AAA's to see if the reason I failed building it earlier was simply a problem with the host I had. I hooked everything up, and it didn't work. No big suprise really.
Later, I replaced some wires on a motor to use to make a tunnel effect. It didn't work at all. Getting suspicious, I tried lighting an LED; it didn't work.
The wire I used for all of this doesn't conduct electricity. :yabbem:

Well.... if your wire doesn't conduct electricity...
I would surmise that it is perhaps a piece of rope...:crackup::crackup:

LMAO Of course its a woman.

find the finger tip in the fennel salad game . . .


yup . . . that's it . . .


ow . .. i be leekin . . .

I would've taken care of the bleeding before using the computer... It looks like that keyboard was on it's last legs before the blood got all over it though.
Man, that keyboard is dirty. Not only just dirt, but germs from everyday use. Not including the germs from the mandolin blade.

No mandolin guard?

who was that member here that had an avatar that was a "stick figure" guy typing all crazy untill he was down to his bloody nubs LoL

find the finger tip in the fennel salad game . . .

yup . . . that's it . . .

ow . .. i be leekin . . .

If he'd been typing, there would have been "splatter" :eg:

I had trouble deciding if this was win or fail


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