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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery


You can see where the guy falls through the glass, the glass pane folds over him. Definitely some kind of surface treatment to create that effect.

My point was, with the older type of glass with thin reinforcing wire inside, he would be in extreme trouble... I saw a guy punch through one of those small pieces of glass with wire... completely, and badly cut up his hand.


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As is often the case, whether it is a win or a fail depends on the perspective ;)

You really only need to watch the first three minutes

He who attacks must vanquish. He who defends must merely survive.
-- Master Po; Kung Fu

That's just painful to watch... some of those people should not be anywhere near a gun.

@Cyp and Hitshane - it's meant for the same audience that always asks upon seeing a laser beam "how far does it go".
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