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You forgot to put the labels on this one, mister equitas :tinfoil::

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Whoops. My bad :p Thanks for fixing :D

Surprisingly accurate assessment of the situation. DRM is not really preventing anyone who wants to pirate, from doing so. It does annoy the hell out of paying customers.

Back on topic though...


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I'm not familiar with the process of drilling a water well, but I don't think it's supposed to go like this. The visual punchline comes at about 1:40 .

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yeah it is harder than it looks in the movies and what not but that guy is just dumb! instead of swinging, or even trying to swing his leg for that matter, he swung his face downward :thinking:

Having seen full size and then some SUVs and pickup trucks crumpled like soda cans... these smart cars scare me in terms of what would happen in a crash.

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