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The first article says 2012 but the FBI link says 2011.:confused:

I'm all for punishing idiots who do this... but come on, 30 months? His life is effectively ruined.

Maybe enough sentences like that will teach others not to point lasers at stuff they shouldn't be pointed at.

haha thats mad! love a good serving of justice.
I agree the seco dealing the blows with the baton should of been KO'd but if you look closely, the bald seco who gets kicked in the head by the first crowd member, he flags for the guy with the baton to stop.
The case about that teen getting sent to prison for that laser-aircraft incident: he'll probably have it reduced quite a bit since he's a teen, if it is clear he didn't realize the crime, and if he has no record. The event should be given more press though, so that at least people know about the consequences of those actions.
The first article says 2012 but the FBI link says 2011.:confused:

Maybe enough sentences like that will teach others not to point lasers at stuff they shouldn't be pointed at.

Ya I just noticed that. In the first article they included a video from the second article. I guess I fell for it. They included a video from another incident to enforce their decision to the public, on the current incident. Kinda like how most of the sandy hook footage is footage from another school on the same day on the otherside of town where they were doing a complete school shooting training scenario... Making up shit to get their laws passed.
I don't know why all these kids these days are obsessed with self mutilation, but I commend them on their voluntary participation in population control.

Haha, and surely the method used by this guy is much cheaper than the Vasectomy who can practice in hospitals, but what is certain is that this method is much more painful :eg: :p


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Anyone else miss that glass with wire inside it, I don't see it nearly as much anymore?

I guarantee after running through that kind of glass a person will not walk away.
Well it's reinforced by the wire, so there will not be any walking through it any more often than people walk through brick walls. Might have been replaced by laminate similar to the stuff in windshields.
