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FrozenGate by Avery


The one that I won for 127 is now minimum bid of 200. Seems like he is serious.

Docjohn :) :) :)

He has significantly raised the prices. I don't blame him; it's a bummer for all of us though. The last blue sold for $577 and the new one starts at $1000.
It's a true shame that he finally sold a unit to someone with a brain....(AND a meter !) otherwise, none of his price raises would have gone into effect ;)
Got mine in today,.. so far I'm pleased even though I can't meter it.  It is clearly visible in light and bright as my 95mw DL greenie.

SenKat_Stonetek said:
It's a true shame that he finally sold a unit to someone with a brain....(AND a meter !) otherwise, none of his price raises would have gone into effect ;)

Are you saying you don't have a brain Senkat? ;D ;D ;D Just kidding!!! Also Great picture 110100100 !!!

DJ :) :) :)
docjohn said:
[quote author=SenKat_Stonetek link=1214359147/40#51 date=1216249418]It's a true shame that he finally sold a unit to someone with a brain....(AND a meter !) otherwise, none of his price raises would have gone into effect ;)

Are you saying you don't have a brain Senkat? ;D ;D ;D Just kidding!!! Also Great picture 110100100 !!!

DJ :) :) :)[/quote]

You hit the nail right on the head ! :D Mike is MUCH more diplomatic than I am - he always HAS been, and ALWAYS will be ;) I lost my temper when he told me I didn't know what TEM01 was, and when he insisted that my metering equipment was bad. Then when he threatened me with negative feedback, in an attempt to make me let the whole thing slide - I COMPLETELY lost my temper - but I did win my pay-pal dispute, and insured that jackass couldn't sell that same piece of shit back to anyone else at the same time. Yeah - I am a vengeful little prick, but after all the shit that egotistical bastard TRIED to pull on me, it felt damned nice to completely screw him over in the end. Oh- and the BEST part of all this is, I managed to buy a NICE green "lasershow" thingie from a pawn shop for $50.00 (galvos were not operating properly in the pawn shop) so I talked those folks WAY down from the price on the sticker, and it turns out that the module inside is VERY nice indeed - OVER 100mw, so I ended up perfectly fine by returning that crappy, used, piece of crap when I did. {damn that was long way to say, "Yes" wasn't it ? LOL !!!}
I love your RED DEVIL Senkat !! It fits you ;D ;D ;D

I guess this is still the extreme laser thread, so I will just say that I am still waiting for the 100 mw labby that I won on E-bay from extremelaser. I know don't hold my breath. In all fairness though, it hasn't been long enough. Will post when I get it and how it does.

DJ :) :) :)
The review starts here------- This will take me a few posts to cover it all so don't reply too soon --- I'm a slow typer :(

The first unit arrived well packaged in peanuts and anti-static bags. It came complete with keys for the power supply and easy to read instructions. The two parts (head and power supply) looked brand new and clean.

Startup requires connection of the laser head to the supply. Plug in the supply to power line and switch on. A red LED will indicate ready for power up. Insert the key and turn clockwise. About 6 seconds later, a green LED will light and the laser will emit a nice Blue beam if the shutter is open.

I noticed some beam spillage at the edges but this is usually a minor problem with many lasers. The beam seemed well focused across the room and in dim lighting could be seen. I used 3 power meters and the power output was 62 mW +/- 2 mW. When graphed (see below) it provided a very stable output. I only graphed about 3 minutes. Stable output is important to some laser experiments and this looked good.

However, I was hoping for a power level closer to 100 mW and I emailed Jure about getting more output. Jure was very understanding and numerous email exchnges lead to a RMA on this unit. Jure explained that he has many customers and stability is often more important than raw power. He is not interested in POP and BURN parlor tricks but does understand scientific explanations with power graphs.

I returned this first laser and got a replacement. There may have been something in the beam path causing the lower power readings and spillage.



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The replacement laser was returned quickly with similar good packaging.  It appeared the same condition as the first unit.

This laser showed almost no beam spill and showed output around 120 mA.  I noticed that the beam output was far less stable than the first one but this is acceptable for me making spyros etc..    This better meets my needs as I told Jure what I needed.  The beam still has good quality but I haven't had time to measure the beam specs.  

I have run this labbie for 2 hours continuous and the TEC heatsink shows minimal heating. There is no focus adjustment and the last optic appears to be an IR filter.  Again, I haven't measured IR emission yet.  The power supply also has external leads for TTL input which I will test later.

Here is one graph from this laser.  This is the most stable one I plotted and power never dropped below 95 mW.



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I mounted this Labbie in front of a modified spyro sold by Spencer Gifts. At night, this Blue gives similar visual to a 50 mW greenie. The color is super.
Here is the laser with the spyro mounted. I will later mount a dicro to work with a DX red labbie.


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In conclusion, Jure at Extreme Lasers treated me in a professional manner. He, like many sellers on the internet, is finding a more informed buyer AND a large swarm of those who demand POP&BURN toys for pocket change. Sadly, he is reconsidering his pricing in ebay to closer match other vendors of 473nM lasers.

Anyway, I am pleased with my transaction and here is a final picture through my Spyro. (Eat your heart out Scope guy !!! Thanks)



  • 473nM-4.jpg
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Hemlock Mike said:
In conclusion, Jure at Extreme Lasers treated me in a professional manner. He, like many sellers on the internet, is finding a more informed buyer AND a large swarm of those who demand POP&BURN toys for pocket change. Sadly, he is reconsidering his pricing in ebay to closer match other vendors of 473nM lasers.

Anyway, I am pleased with my transaction and here is a final picture through my Spyro. (Eat your heart out Scope guy !!! Thanks)


Nicely done (as always), Mike

Thanks for the review,... I'm hoping to get the next laser bee on ebay so I can have an ok hobby meter to check mine out and I'm going to try a diy 3 mirror spyro this weekend. :D
wish i could've gotten one before the price went up - but i also think he's not gonna be able to get rid of them so easily with a start price of $1000
