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FrozenGate by Avery


Has it still not arrived !?!?!?! man I cant wait for a review + pictures !


It did arrive but the power was 65 mW with some beam spill. He cheerfully accepted it back and the new one will be here Friday.
It was bright and has nice beam color but I wanted the higher power to compete with the Lanling RGY. By the way -- YES it popped baloons and I lit a black match just so I can say so..... :D
Jure has communicated with me very well and we have had no arguments.

Hemlock Mike said:
It did arrive but the power was 65 mW with some beam spill. He cheerfully accepted it back and the new one will be here Friday.
It was bright and has nice beam color but I wanted the higher power to compete with the Lanling RGY. By the way -- YES it popped baloons and I lit a black match just so I can say so..... :D
Jure has communicated with me very well and we have had no arguments.


I just won a GBS-100 green labby from extremelasers on ebay. ($125 plus $29 shipping) They say they retail it for $995. :o :o


I will let you all know what I get and how it tests out. How are you coming with your deal with them Mike??

CUL Docjohn :) :) :)
Short update -- I got the replacement Blue today. :D
a hot blue to be sure --  120 mw and no beam spill.  There may have been something in the first one to scatter the beam.
I'm happy  ;D This will take a while to make pictures and review. Be patient.

docjohn said:
[quote author=Hemlock Mike link=1214359147/24#33 date=1215633930]It did arrive but the power was 65 mW with some beam spill. He cheerfully accepted it back and the new one will be here Friday.
It was bright and has nice beam color but I wanted the higher power to compete with the Lanling RGY. By the way -- YES it popped baloons and I lit a black match just so I can say so..... :D
Jure has communicated with me very well and we have had no arguments.


I just won a GBS-100 green labby from extremelasers on ebay. ($125 plus $29 shipping) They say they retail it for $995. :o :o


I will let you all know what I get and how it tests out. How are you coming with your deal with them Mike??

CUL Docjohn :) :) :) [/quote]

Take your queue from Mike on that one.....that is the same model I bought from them that was so horrid an experience. I am not trying to jinx you !!!
I got the new one. Jure thinks something was in the beam path. This has a clean beam at ~120 mW !! I'm working on graphs, pictures and review.

docjohn said:
[quote author=Hemlock Mike link=1214359147/24#33 date=1215633930]

I just won a GBS-100 green labby from extremelasers on ebay.  ($125 plus $29 shipping) They say they retail it for $995.


It doesn't retail for 995, it retails for 100-250 You just proved it. Why would someone pay a thousand from their website when they can get 85% off on ebay?
Cyparagon said:
[quote author=docjohn link=1214359147/24#34 date=1215821844][quote author=Hemlock Mike link=1214359147/24#33 date=1215633930]

I just won a GBS-100 green labby from extremelasers on ebay. ($125 plus $29 shipping) They say they retail it for $995.


It doesn't retail for 995, it retails for 100-250 You just proved it. Why would someone pay a thousand from their website when they can get 85% off on ebay?[/quote]

Valid point - perhaps what was MEANT to have been said was that it retails to UNINFORMED/EDUCATIONAL/MILITARY/GOVERNMENT entities for that price direct from their internal sales area :) LOL
I have made some graphs and built a toy for this  -- Be patient on the review, I have to have fun....


I took about 20 pictures of the scan in my back yard last night and none are worth crap. It looked super but no settings gave a good pix.


  • 473nM-2.jpg
    20.3 KB · Views: 89
I'll mess around with mine when I get it to see If i can get some decent beam shots.
I dont know what camera you have, but on my cheapy canon powershot I go into manual mode and set it to no flash, iso800 and exposure times of anywhere from a second to 15 seconds depending on which laser I'm trying to capture. You definitely will need to set the camera on something for those long shots though. Hopefully that helps.
WTF! i got banned from bidding on future auctions from extreme lasers :'(
i emailed him saying i want a unit that puts out 100mw at the very least and anything under that and i would request a replacement or a refund.
because of that, i got banned from bidding on their auctions???
Jure emailed me last night and told me that he wouild no longer have "penny" auctions. He feels, I think, that he has got burned on the last couple auctions. Maybe, but I look at the US economy and how much spare money we have for our toys and I can see why this can happen. Times have changed for him, us and the internet in general. Jure is not mad but very frustrated.
I see that other laser companies are requesting higher starting bids and I assume Jure will do the same for similar product.

Hemlock Mike said:
Jure emailed me last night and told me that he wouild no longer have "penny" auctions. He feels, I think, that he has got burned on the last couple auctions. Maybe, but I look at the US economy and how much spare money we have for our toys and I can see why this can happen. Times have changed for him, us and the internet in general. Jure is not mad but very frustrated.
I see that other laser companies are requesting higher starting bids and I assume Jure will do the same for similar product.


well that sucks, i was hoping to scrape some cash together and get one of those... :'(
