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FrozenGate by Avery


Hemlock Mike said:
Jure emailed me last night and told me that he wouild no longer have "penny" auctions. He feels, I think, that he has got burned on the last couple auctions.

After missing out on the last three GBS-100 auctions, I was disappointed to see that they stopped offering them. I went to their website and found that the GBS-100 lasers aren't even being sold anymore... their complete absence makes me wonder if the penny auctions weren't just a way of getting rid of old stock. The new offerings are a different style, both the laser heatsink and the power supply have changed, and they now explicitly state that the part numbers represent the power, i.e. the new GLMC-100 says it has 100mW output power, while the old GBS-100 only implied that it was 100mW, never actually stating its output on the auction page.

I'm afraid I don't really understand the 'feeling burned' part. The auctions said that they were potential loss-leaders designed to attract new customers; they even stated that "we find it a privilege to educate our customers, and take pride in selling them there first laser product or laser accessory". But nobody wants to feel that they are being taken advantage of, so Jure's got to do what's right for him and the store. I'm just bummed that there is one less option for those of us who really are seeking a first 'real' laser.

I guess Jure was serious... on Ebay, extremelasers currently has zero auctions going.
