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FrozenGate by Avery

dx true 5

Feb 22, 2008
hey guys a while back i bought several of these 5 mw from deal extreme some putting out over 65 mw i thought how could this be ?? so i dissasebled two and they were both different inside ,two different models or companies i don't really know i thought wth they are only 10 bucks each what about a pot mod .. well it worked one went from 8 mw to 50 mw and i only turned it up a small turn ,the other went over 70 mw holy crap are these the same as the true 50's just turned down i think they are i dont condone pot modding at all
but i put one module in my sons aries its got killer .9 mrad i told him to limit to a minute or less ,time will let us know how well this works out

i'm thinking since us sales of any laser over 5mw got stopped these may have been factory returned and possibly lowered the output
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How did you take them apart? Maybe post pictures of the insides as well...
Okay, but maybe you can still give some description on how you managed to disassemble them, as that seems to be a major hurdle with the common garden variety green laser pens, and I'll have to do it sooner or later to mine...
oh ok i wrap the tip in leather and man handle it wiggling it out takes aboout 2-5 minutes but it works lol
oh ok i wrap the tip in leather and man handle it wiggling it out takes aboout 2-5 minutes but it works lol

That never worked for me :( I usually end up cutting the end of the aperture off and hitting the module out with a pole
naw leather or wood blocks and pliers pretty easy heres a pic or two note notice the strange large resister added on this one 70 mw pot modded i have never seen that before


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I've taken several of these apart... I will say use a cigarette lighter to soften the glue then looking down the batt. end twist {w/ Johns leather idea}just make sure the spring and eternals turn w/ the head unit. If not than your twisting the driver off the diode out pins.:(
oops you dont twist you wiggle back and forth twisting does no good

ok i just pot modded 4 more of these
heres the results

1) was 9 mw after mod 48 mw steady

2) was 7 mw after pot mod 58 steady

3) was 7 mw after pot mod 12 mw ?? strange wouldnt go higher

4) 12 mw went to 77 mw after mod
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oops you dont twist you wiggle back and forth twisting does no good

ok i just pot modded 4 more of these
heres the results

1) was 9 mw after mod 48 mw steady

2) was 7 mw after pot mod 58 steady

3) was 7 mw after pot mod 12 mw ?? strange wouldnt go higher

4) 12 mw went to 77 mw after mod

If they are threaded you have to go further than a wiggle (ex.) KD 30,50,100,150mW.

your right on the pen style .Unless you remove the button first.

Now that you have the #'ers you'll have to see how long the last.:)

couldn't resist the pot...Just say no!!!!!
no the whole thing just pulls out in one piece
ive taking apart about 30 so far all are the same
its just this last batch from dx was different having a large resister on the bottom of the
board remove the round spring cover and thats when you can see the bluish green resister

now lets see if i can get 1200 mw out of my rpl
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Hey john. Interesting find.
Are these readings unfiltered?

I am ordering a few of these soon. I'll have to do a little experimentation.
i noticed something close to the same i bought 2 of these at different times roughly a year apart. one is dim the other i would estimate at 20mw. nothing to brag about but definitely brighter than any other 5mw green i have ever had
This has been brought up on this thread I made today too: http://laserpointerforums.com/f45/new-dx-green-modules-42299.html

It's cool, I've noticed these lasers change A LOT from batch to batch, now that DX got modules maybe this means that they're using those modules inside every laser and just limiting the current with the pot.

John, if you've got 30 of them and you're going to disassemble them please let us know if they're all from the same batch and how many have the biga$$ resistor :)
We could be looking at really cheap 50mW (or more) pointers here!

(Any pointer died yet?)
If the trend for their pointers and now modules are anything like when I last bought a bunch, they seem to be getting away from the newish module with the funky smelling green epoxy.

The optics are much better and they all (the ones I had) use an open can diode right up against the crystal. The newer ones only seem to put out a lower mW dependant on the batch of medium, but are more consistant than the newish oldschool's.

That tasty fat resistor has been an indicator of medium to the higher quality units once reserved for the more expensive hanhelds, baton and flashlight style. Ive rarely seen these in pen form unless the true 50 or 100's.

Thing is with DX, when you think there is a steady pattern forming , it always changes...
Thing is with DX, when you think there is a steady pattern forming , it always changes...

Exactly. That is why we need to know if they're using the big resistor modules inside those 5mW pens. We could seriously get a lot of them if they pass regular longevity tests. I can't wait for John to answer to this thread :)
