AFAIK from reading auctions, buying myself, and general research kits are legal and allowed on both PayPal and eBay. So I buy kits.
Regarding PayPal or any other company letting political, social, moral, and other societal views either creep in, influence, or deliberately put in their policies, procedures, and practices, my experiences in the corporate working world, albeit limited to mostly one conservative industry, found that the biggest driving factor for a controversial (perceived or real) "do that" or "don't do that" was to limit liability in a litigious society (USA).
The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 is an example of holding top executives personally liable for company financial misdeeds (e.g. Enron) which took liability to another level. Hold people personally liable and you'll get 'better' behavior since at the end of the day it's people making those decisions hiding behind a company.
And finally, then /rant,preach,armchairpsychologist,backseatdriver,etc, two favorite quips come to mind:
"It's not whether it was a bad thing I did, or that I got caught, what matters is if I got punished."
"Corporations are people too my friend".