All jokes aside... I suppose I hadnt really looked into the laws on the batton, just assumed it was ilegal. Turns out, it isnt, I just need to buy it local, since customs wont let it in.
Weight is not an issue, and most defense items I carry tend to be kept in a lower back holster. Conventiently next to my wallet and my phone, and just hidden enough to keep anyone from noticing what I'm doing.
Clearly, a collapsible baton is the perfect item. They collapse to less then the width of my back, why extend to a suficient length (21'' is only three inches less than the batons I have trained with) and can be produced at speed, while not being leathal.
Another thaught I had was that I am not the type to open carry or show off weapons. I have had it drilled verry thoroughly that you draw, aquire target, and strike. In the type of situation where I would use a baton, I will accept the ticket/confiscation gladly. Otherwise, I am unlikely to be searched or stopped by the police.
Clearly I did not think the process through. I'm not sure why I dismissed a baton so quickly... I guess I'm just used to being legal...
Anyway thanks guys any recomended us sellers/brands?
Also, is it possible to make them? I allways prefer to make my own...
I cant carry a bat or a hocky stick since the entire point of this is not to apear menacing. If I want that look, I will bring my brothers old riot armor, helmet, and shield, along with a 3'7'' ultralite katana, NV equipment, and a few friends.
As for pepper spray... Does it work? I'm sort of skeptical about it.
The reason for my preference of edged or blunt force weapons is that they dont miss and are allways effective. My greatest fear is allways that a strike will prove in-effective. Probably something left over from uselessly beating on my brothers back while trying to wrestle. There is nothing more frustrating that throwing a full force punch and having it absorbed.
Also, anyone have anything to say about tazers? These are another thing I will be skeptical of until I see them in action...