See This mails he sended me today>>>>>>>>>>?>
(1) Hey Carlos, just touching base realy quick, yes im still here and things are still going sort of as planned, the best they can be anyways. "BTW i was gone for christmas week, hence my late response, i do apologize, but everyone needs to see their family right?
Also, I've come to a descision that you and Frank deserve a sizable refund for your troubles, along with the laser of course
. What would you say is a fair amout for your troubles? and i will endebt myself to you saying i owe you that much, I feel it is the least i can do to make things right, i feel absolutely horrible that this experience wasnt what it should have been, and i really want to make it right, i want us both to be satisfied
so i believe some money back is in order, let me know what you would say is fair ok?
Talk to you then, your friend
Tyler - Dark Lasers
in reguards to what heruursciences said. it's a load of CRAP! i ordered ONE 9mm 1WATT 650nm red laser diode for $150, not any c-mounts or anything like that, and it wasnt $250, he's a liar.
I want you to read up on heruursciences, he's the biggest scammer who ever lived on LPF, read his threads, he's even LISTED as a scammer! and him lying saying i got 2 free C-mounts and got $250 back is a total lie.
Talk to some of the members on LPF about him, theil tell you, and i also have proof that he lied about what i ordered from him on paper! I ordered the diode and 3 weeks later he STILL wouldnt answere a single e-mail, not one. and a week later, i get an e-mail from HIM saying how HIGH he was that night and he's "not sending me shit" and i quote word for word. he's BAD news, stay away from him, he almost got me for $150 when i first started building lasers a long time ago
For further proof (the person i ordered that diode for) PM "themandalorian" on LPF, he'll tell you the WHOLE story, un-denyable truth directly from the customer i ordered the diode for
I hope that clears that up! god i hate heruursciences (his name is Chris Leubner, and he's addicted to crystal meth) it's even in the news papers!!!
Heres a few links backing up my point
Flea-bay bogus dealer....heruursciences
50W 808 diode-bar on ebay, worth the cash?
BUYER BEWARE! EBAY SELLER HERUURSCIENCES!!!!!!!!!! - alt.lasers | Google Groups
now read those threads very closely, and i garuntee you will see my point, he's a WELL know scammer, there are over 100 documented cases of him ripping customers off, sending broken items, empty packages, or nothing at all!!! thats why i opened a dispute on him b4 it was too late, and it was for $150 not $250 lol, he makes me laugh. what a rotten person...
Hope you havent done business with him, he's a tricky one.
Anyways, lets keep in touch, let me know what you think of heruursciences after all i've just shown you,
Talk to you then
Your friend,
have responded, see previous e-mails please
Your friend,
So as you all can see , he,s staiting his point , well surely not any answer on one of my requests , still no proof that he,s already finished my build white laser , and no date when he,s going to ship to me , i think he s never going to , so thats why whe will continue with involving fedds , mean while his bank already is beeing informed , it will be a matter of time i hope... anyway i already ordered an other build white from an other member .... carlo:gun: