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Customs SUCKS

Really? Are you really asking me that? who are you? an employee for the FDA? where did you come from and why do you know so much about the legalities of importing lasers? You know more about the subject than I do and I am the one in this stupid situation. Thanks for the empathy that you feel FOR THE CUSTOMS AGENTS. I was unaware that 5mW lasers required accession numbers or device approval.
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If he is who his username suggests, then I put forth much respect for him and any information he puts forth- but I also am unaware tha 5mW lasers required accession numbers, so do please clarify this.

edit- nevermind. he's not who I thought. but do feel free to share information regarding accession numbers for class IIIa lasers
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Is the 5 mW a approved device with a accession number?


Steve please dont get mad at some of these kids remarks. Its good to have you around to advise us what is fact and what is fiction. There is so much hoopla around here, we need a person like you.
People wake up to the fact that selling your lasers in the US is going to be a whole new situation soon. The FDA has always had an eye on this forum. Now its obvious they are staring straight at us. You need to either adapt, or get ready for the government's foot to be shoved up your arss.
That's exactly why I don't sell lasers....It's just not worth getting in trouble for. :)
Really? Are you really asking me that? who are you? an employee for the FDA? where did you come from and why do you know so much about the legalities of importing lasers? You know more about the subject than I do and I am the one in this stupid situation. Thanks for the empathy that you feel FOR THE CUSTOMS AGENTS. I was unaware that 5mW lasers required accession numbers or device approval.

No special empathy for the customs guys, but I would prefer that they inspect packages like they should and as the law requires. If you can get a pointer into the country, just think what else could come in , wrapped in little glass vials. Going to extreme examples, a kilogram of the right metal powder could render a large part of a big city useless.

Yes, ALL laser devices, including stuff that has the beam totally contained, need a manufacturer's report submitted , approved, and get a number assigned.. I've been working with lasers since 1988 and not for the CDRH.
I've had a laser show variance and I have worked at a facility where we imported scientific lasers every once in a while. I've crossed the US/CAN border both ways with the required paperwork and in more then one case brought lasers back using the "return to country of origin clause".

I'm part of a another industry that uses lasers, and we are watching pointers erode our freedoms.

If you don't think that you need paperwork, Pop a DVD or CD player out of your PC, and see the IEC number for European laser safety, and a CLASS I Warning on the side. Its Class I, because the beam is totally contained and interlocked so it can't come on when the tray is out. If a CD player needs paperwork, and they do, why would a pointer not?

If you would have had a proper manifest, declared the proper numbers, and did the paperwork, you would not be waiting for some highly paid consultant to determine what you attempted to import right now. Form 2877 I believe.

Here, have a read: From a laser safety consultant's web site, Right now you are somewhere in the flow chart on page 15 :


"Ignorance of the law is no Excuse", I Don't know who said it, but it can come back to bite you.

Government is reactionary, they wait till they see people getting hurt or large amounts of money flowing, and then they do something about it, Until the last 5 years, you needed 1700 watts of power to generate 100 mW of visible green light, and considerable skill to keep that laser working. Now its a turnkey module from a country that has NO respect for Us, and our rules. Before, safety was provided by the fact that you needed skills to generate the hazard. Now you can get the hazard turnkey at BigboxMart.

Now the folks in DC are seeing the possibility of a airliner coming down, or a freeway accident, or schoolchildren blinded, and they are reacting. Your the target, as they can't hit the Chinese.

And Mario, if you need to know who I am, I'm not Sam, but I did the Ion chapter and quite a bit of the rest.

Wake up people, if you don't start following the rules and paying attention, it has BIG consequences. It is your duty as a citizen to protect other citizens, or society falls apart.

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No special empathy for the customs guys, but I would prefer that they inspect packages like they should and as the law requires. If you can get a pointer into the country, just think what else could come in , wrapped in little glass vials. Going to extreme examples, a kilogram of the right metal powder could render a large part of a big city useless.

Yeah, like somebody is going to build a bomb to kill everybody just because, AND he is gonna order the components through eBay or some other country.

Today it is harder than ever to even purchase the smallest amount of any chemical for other purposes than placing it behind your fridge to avoid humidity.

If you go to extremes, with 1kg of water you get 0,111kg of Hydrogen and you could blow up pretty much what you want if you transform it to energy ;) (E=mc^2 sound familiar?).

Customs offices are only created to tax stuff and give money to the government.

In my country they try to "promote our own industry" by upping the tax rate for incoming stuff to 50%. That's right, FIFTY PERCENT of the original price for stuff we can't even manufacture here, so what industry are they promoting?

It's just that simple.

Customs offices are only created to tax stuff and give money to the government.
End quote

That is not always true.

Here in the US, they let the fees on most non corporate small imports go.

In 1776 the founding fathers of my nation decided that taxes and customs duties, including taxes on the letters in the mail and playing cards , needed to go. They did something about it. May I suggest you work toward changing your nation's policies.
Or maybe not, if you don't see most of your nation's wealth flooding out to China and India.

Oh, and BTW, We're a target, as our government, right or wrong, sticks its nose into other people's business. We need customs. We have such huge amounts of cargo coming and going (mostly coming, its part of our current economic problems) into our ports that little boxes are not worth the time to tax.

But I would rather they have someone there looking for drugs,fake medicines, virus and bacteria, infected fruits, bad meat, and certain metal powders. Chems are easy to get if your older, work with chems, or if your a nation-state. The individual is not always the threat.

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Niko you cant compare the customs agents in your country to the agents in the US. Although they may share some similar traits they are not the same. You don't live here so you opinion on our customs tactics is null. On the other side of the coin I could not comment on your customs office either. So don't take it as an attack on your character.

Customs offices are only created to tax stuff and give money to the government.
End quote

That is not always true.

Here in the US, they let the fees on most non corporate small imports go.

In 1776 the founding fathers of my nation decided that taxes and customs, including taxes on the letters in the mail and playing cards , needed to go. They did something about it. May I suggest you work toward changing your nation's policies.

Oh, and BTW, We're a target, we need customs. We have such huge amounts of cargo coming and going (mostly coming, its part of our current economic problems) into our ports that little boxes are not worth the time to tax.

But I would rather they have someone there looking for drugs,fake medicines, virus and bacteria, and certain metal powders. Chems are easy to get if your older.
Really? Are you really asking me that? who are you? an employee for the FDA? where did you come from and why do you know so much about the legalities of importing lasers? You know more about the subject than I do and I am the one in this stupid situation. Thanks for the empathy that you feel FOR THE CUSTOMS AGENTS. I was unaware that 5mW lasers required accession numbers or device approval.

LSRFAQ is probably one of the foremost authorities on the subject, seeing has how he authored large portions of Sam's FAQ himself, and has an extremely long history with lasers.. just FYI, not trying to get involved in any bickering..

Customs offices are only created to tax stuff and give money to the government.
End quote

That is not always true.

Here in the US, they let the fees on most non corporate small imports go.

In 1776 the founding fathers of my nation decided that taxes and customs, including taxes on the letters in the mail and playing cards , needed to go. They did something about it. May I suggest you work toward changing your nation's policies.

Oh, and BTW, We're a target, we need customs. We have such huge amounts of cargo coming and going (mostly coming, its part of our current economic problems) into our ports that little boxes are not worth the time to tax.

But I would rather they have someone there looking for drugs,fake medicines, virus and bacteria, and certain metal powders. Chems are easy to get if your older.
Steve you are triple posting somehow. Sometimes you need to refresh the page for your post to show up.
