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Customer Problem - Just warning for you all

Mar 30, 2012
Hi Everyone ,

Wanted to share with you a issue I had with a customer of mine.

This guy called Gary Mittendorf has bought two lasers from me.

At first a 502B 2.4-2.7W laser. He got the laser and was happy with it.

Now he asked me for a laser repairing service. I have no idea who built his laser.

He sent me a pic of the laser condition. When I received it I checked it and told him the diode and driver are needed to be replaced.

This was a survival laser SS host. With a m140 diode and G lens.

I asked for a reasonable price of $85 with shipping which he paid for. This price was given to him as he was a returning customer. Basically no profit at all.

Now after a few weeks when I had time I started working on it. Set the driver in place and connected the diode.

After a few more weeks. I finished the host itself ( had to sand it as it had a lot of scratches on it ).

Now I can to the final part of inserting the diode to the heatsink .. And guess what ? The set screw is stuck. Tried to pull it but no luck.

At this point I told Gary I can not continue with the build. Unless he pays extra for a new host.

He did not want to pay. Was angry about me for some reason. Though I offered a refund at this point.

After a quick thought .. I emailed him and told him I will give him a new host. For free. I had my own SS hosts.

So $85 for a totally new laser. Who gets anything better than that ? And a SS host with copper heatsink not a very cheap one.

I finished the laser and sent it out.

After a few weeks Gary told me he did not get it. I WS sure I have given him the tracking code but I did not. And probably lost it.

I told Gary that if within a week he does not receive the laser to email me And I will refund him. He replied after a week with a very angry email. I just refunded him for $90 ( as the refund option did not work as 45 days have passed I just sent him $90 back ).

Also told him that I am going to send him his host in a few days. And did so too.

Now after 2 weeks. I get an email from him. Saying he is pissed and that I am a scammer. And what not ..

And the best part , he blackmailed me for $250 to be sent to his PayPal within 12 hours ! Where are we people ?

He also told me that if I will not do it .. He will tell everyone how bad I am .. And that I scammed him .. Ha ha .. I scammed him ... right ? Lol

But I am no scammer. I lost a laser sent him his stuff back and .. Now sent him $100 extra.

Let me explain , he said that $250 is for the parts he lost :

$80 for the host
$130 for the diode
$40 for shipping.

Those price are not reasonable at all. And his diode was dead. I did not stole it as he says.

I did my calculations :

$40+- for new host
$30 for the g lens
$30 for shipping.

Sent him $100 today. Just for my own silence.

So basically I lost here around $300.

I hope you guys will be aware of two things. Do not offer repair services. There is a very low margin of profit. And it is harder than building a new one.

And beaware of this guy. Gary Mittendorf.

Best Regards :beer: ,

Mar 11, 2009
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. The community here knows you and your reputation so I find it hard to believe this guy will have much luck changing our opinions. Was this bum on this forum? If so screen name please :)
Mar 30, 2012
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. The community here knows you and your reputation so I find it hard to believe this guy will have much luck changing our opinions. Was this bum on this forum? If so screen name please :)

Nope. I have no idea if he is a member of LPF or not.

Though he says he bought the diode from DTR and host from survival lasers ... so he might be a member here indeed.

I am not angry about this situation. I am just feeling bad honestly. Did my best and than I got this responses from him.

I offered refunds for many times during the whole process. He never wanted any.

Now refunded him for $90 + $100 for nothing at all.

I hope this will be over. Not going to do anything else for him. Did more than I should already.

Jan 29, 2012
Thanks for letting us know and sorry to hear about this. Please send me his details via PM and I will add him to "The List":beer:
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Reactions: rhd
Feb 24, 2014
Sounds like this guy is total Ba$^rd Ethan. I am sorry you got taken. Every one on here knows your reputation for doing the right thing by your customers. Ty for the heads up


Dec 7, 2010
Sorry for your negative experience with this guy. It's good that you've put everyone on the lookout!

It's also a good reminder to everyone to only ship tracked, and keep track of your numbers.

I am baffled that after years of these (or similar) scenarios coming up over and over and over again, people are still messing up the whole tracking number issue. This is not a fuzzy area any more. Ship with tracking, always, and provide the buyer with the tracking number. Period. This is as important as anything else a seller does as part of their business, whether that business is something part time on a web forum, or full time on eBay, Amazon, etc, as a massive operation.

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be getting this tracking number issue wrong at this stage. Don't ship untracked. Don't lose your tracking number.

To be clear, I'm not saying that makes it your "fault" or puts you "in the wrong". But scammers take advantages of weaknesses in a seller's operation. Not using tracking, or losing the tracking number, is one of the main weaknesses that a scammer will look to exploit. So don't give them the opportunity.

Sorry for your loss, and thank you for alerting the forum.
Mar 30, 2012
Sorry for your negative experience with this guy. It's good that you've put everyone on the lookout!

It's also a good reminder to everyone to only ship tracked, and keep track of your numbers.

I am baffled that after years of these (or similar) scenarios coming up over and over and over again, people are still messing up the whole tracking number issue. This is not a fuzzy area any more. Ship with tracking, always, and provide the buyer with the tracking number. Period. This is as important as anything else a seller does as part of their business, whether that business is something part time on a web forum, or full time on eBay, Amazon, etc, as a massive operation.

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be getting this tracking number issue wrong at this stage. Don't ship untracked. Don't lose your tracking number.

To be clear, I'm not saying that makes it your "fault" or puts you "in the wrong". But scammers take advantages of weaknesses in a seller's operation. Not using tracking, or losing the tracking number, is one of the main weaknesses that a scammer will look to exploit. So don't give them the opportunity.

Sorry for your loss, and thank you for alerting the forum.

Thanks for the response RHD.

I always send via registered mail. But from hundreds of packages I send each month ... one went wrong unfortunately.

The 45 days paypal refund time has been over. So I could in fact not refund him. But I was more than fair with him. And did something I should not even do.

In anyway , like you said - people should keep the codes with them. And ship only with registered airmail , even if someone ask for a non tracked mail , still send it via tracked mail. Otherwise , expect problems with PayPal later on ...

Thanks for the support ! :beer:
May 25, 2013
Weve Got your Back Eitan! just brush him off your shoulder,
I cant believe he has the cheek to call you a scammer after what manipulation he tries on you, Thankz for Informing us!
and just like I tell everyone, you have excellent customer service!
If he was a good Positive guy he would be here giving a VERY positive review on his experience with you(apart from his doings) He has been looked after very well by you

Keep Up the good work Eitan!
Dec 10, 2012
That always sucks when someone makes accusations agents anther person that are not true!
Is his real name "Gary Mittendorf"?? and is that his LPF name?
I'd like to have his LPF name to keep an eye on him!

Mar 30, 2012
That always sucks when someone makes accusations agents anther person that are not true!
Is his real name "Gary Mittendorf"?? and is that his LPF name?
I'd like to have his LPF name to keep an eye on him!


Yep real name.

I do not know if he is from LPF. Just guess he is.

Anyway I hope I am done with him. Did my best for the guy. And refunded him after all for more than I should have.

Thanks for the support again.



Feb 27, 2011
he blackmailed me for $250 to be sent to his PayPal within 12 hours ! Where are we people ?

He also told me that if I will not do it .. He will tell everyone how bad I am .. And that I scammed him .. Ha ha .. I scammed him ... right ? Lol

Your reputation (not the silly green bars) speaks for itself. Even if he does say those things I highly doubt anyone would believe him ;)
Dec 12, 2012
It's always sad when someone doesn't treat you fairly, and you went above and beyond to accommodate him!

Same as what ARG said^, you have a very good reputation. What you did in this instance shows some of why you have such a reputation.
Oct 27, 2014
Sorry to hear joker you're a good guy. You are not a scammer I have received my laser from you for proof. Your doing good don't let anyone bring you down. Wish you and the business the best of luck. :)
Mar 30, 2012

I really appreciate everyone here ! ^^

ARG your words are really making me stronger. People just do not know how bad feeling I got.

Although I did not scam the guy ... I feel bad that he is angry about me. I am trying hard for my customers and really my ultimate goal is that they will be happy with the product.

I got many cases in which products does get broken or not in perfect condition when they arrive to the customer. But we always fix them together. Sometimes by emails , sometimes people choose to send it back for a quick fix.

But to get to a point in which he tell me I scammed him. That's making me sad and angry at the same time.

I just hope no one will need to face such customers again.

If anyone runs into a situation with a customer , with PayPal or not , feel free to email me or just shoot me a PM. I got a lot of experience with scumbags like that.

