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Customer Problem - Just warning for you all

Dec 21, 2013
I've dealt with Eitan for the last 3 months for the purchase of 3 lasers (520nm 1W, 462nm 2.3W and 445nm 2.2W) and I can confidently vouch for him for his customer service. He made sure that I'm happy with all the lasers I bought from him.

Although the 520nm was faulty (driver got shorted) when I first got the lasers but we worked it out at the end together :beer:. If you want to buy a laser with top notch customer service then Eitan is your man :)

Sep 20, 2014
I've dealt with Eitan for the last 3 months for the purchase of 3 lasers (520nm 1W, 462nm 2.3W and 445nm 2.2W) and I can confidently vouch for him for his customer service. He made sure that I'm happy with all the lasers I bought from him.

Although the 520nm was faulty (driver got shorted) when I first got the lasers but we worked it out at the end together :beer:. If you want to buy a laser with top notch customer service then Eitan is your man :)

I second that. I bought two lasers from Eitan within the past couple of months. He was there to answer any questions I had, and always with a quick response. I will definitely be buying from him again.

There will always be people out there like that. No need to let to let them get to you, as their actions will most certainly come back to bite them someday.
Mar 30, 2012
Got an update here too.

I sent his stuff back via Express mail.


You can all see it was sent back.

So here , I lost a laser + sent him his money back + $100 I sent him because he blackmailed me.

Now I get an email from him saying I need to send him $150 more otherwise he will start posting stuff about me everywhere.

Here is the email he sent a few days ago :

I just don't understand the arrogance and bullshit you have thrown my way over the last 6 months! I have not read any of the emails you sent when you were in panic mode in response to my last email, I figured it was just more bullshit and lies. I believe That I was VERY Clear on what needed to happen, but yet still you choose a different path and continue to screw me over. Pay me what you have stolen from me, or I share with the world! That amount comes to $160 and If I don't see the funds in my account today, I'm assuming you went in another path and would like for me to provide and share to all. If you do the right thing and end this scam brought to me by you I will end this campaign  and you can do whatever it is to whoever that it may be without my helpful information for anyone that has any sort of interest and uses any search engines in their quest. Have a great life and hopefully our journey ends today by way of you depositing the remaining funds that you tried to swindle me out of and depositing back into my account of $160, TODAY. Goodbye.

After this email I sent him about 8-10 pictures showing his package with his stuff inside + the tracking code from above ^^.

This is what I wrote :

I am closing this discussion one and for all.

Sent your parts back via EMS Express. Shipping that costs me $40.

Attached a picture of your package and tracking number. Should arrive in the next 3-5 days at max.

You will be able to track it now in the Israel post website and tomorrow via the USPS website.

Now I get another email from him this morning :

What the hell is the excuse now? I'm done asking, if it's not there when I wake up in a few hours I'm starting off in the "laser pointer forums" followed by Google, yahoo, bing, and whatever else I can conjure up to inform people of the crap you have put me threw! I don't have time for this shit, but I will not be taken advantage of.  I will find time to implement these words and I'm not pulling a con on you, unlike what you have done to me over the last 7 months! This is over, no bullshit, no lies, just settle what you have stolen from me and we both move on! I've been in operations management for 20+ years, so my words that I write and say are implemented and carried out until completion.   This is the LAST TIME I WILL LEAVE THIS UP TO YOU AND IT BE YOUR DECISION. Goodbye and good luck!

I sent him another email now showing I sent his stuff back.

Can I do anything else ? I do not feel like sening him $150 extra for nothing.

I am tired of this.

He is also saying 7 months .. while the payment for this was made on 24th of August. No idea why people do this. I am tired of this truly.
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May 25, 2013
You Have done more than enough on your part now Eitan! money is one thing.. but time is a whole different ball game, dont let him get any more of your time!
block his email address and leave him behind
Mar 30, 2012
You Have done more than enough on your part now Eitan! money is one thing.. but time is a whole different ball game, dont let him get any more of your time!
block his email address and leave him behind

You are right my friend :)


But I hope it ends all of this. I will block his email now.

And if he is honest as he says ... he will stop emailing me.

I know I should not do this. But I did. Just to get it out of my head.
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Sep 20, 2014
Eitan what an awful experience! I can understand you're getting tired but try not to let it get you down, the members here have your back covered.

Do as RYDorDIE278 recommends - block the guys email.

If you're worried about damage to your business then just do a google search once a week looking for anything negative (it should be easy to find - if not it's unlikely to matter anyway). If you find anything then post it here and I'm sure the LPF members will soon have it covered. I would imagine anybody doing a search about sci-fi lasers would end up on LPF anyway and be able to make their own conclusions.
May 25, 2013
Ok Eitan, Thank you for sharing your experience!
This trouble will make you stronger in the end, Its just "conditioning" you for the future !
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Sep 20, 2014
I know I am stupid ...
I know I should not do this. But I did. Just to get it out of my head.

NOOOO! Please NEVER do that again.

Bad guys can be really bad. I saw a program once where this old couple were scammed - but that was just the beginning because their name was then sold on a list of scammable people and then a ton of scammers came after them...

What I'm saying is your chances of this happening again may have just increased, so you need to be more careful from now on. I'm not saying you should never give your customers the benefit of the doubt as it does make business sense sometimes, but giving in to threats and/or giving them the goods and the money! Please no more!
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Mar 30, 2012
You are right guys. And I did it just to let it go once and for all.

Will edit my post.

Thanks for the advices.

I will never let anyone do that again. But we had an issue already so I think I did everything to just get it done.

From now on will never do that again. Never.

Thanks Again ! :beer:
Dec 21, 2014
Eitan you're too soft... Not only do you know what you did to help him, you also know what you've done to help a big bunch of others (I've read quite a few posts with regards to your work and you're in my list of "People to contact" if in need).

Bare in mind, you'll get over your loss and people like him with a lack of trust and a loss of respect will almost always end up with consequences that the wish they hadn't..

Karma, I suppose....

One thing, you've just "advertised" your vulnerability and now there's a possibility some "shirt front*" will try it on after seeing what you went through,.......

The internet is a dangerous place to say you're "open" to scams, and I personally would like to see you carrying on with your good work....

* shirt front = rhyming slang for the UK's worse swear word
Dec 9, 2014
You were offering what amounted to a free repair service, not charging for your time at all, and this guy took complete advantage. And you bent over backwards to make it right, which I don't think you should have done, and he's still not happy. Stories like this make me sad, because people that help others for the love of a share hobby should be rewarded, not punished. It might make you think twice about helping someone genuine and that would be a real shame.
Jan 29, 2012
To be honest he writes in a very similar fashion to the other scammer, Mathew Durrant...Are you sure its not the same guy; he did mention having numerous identities and addresses...;)

Anyway as everyone has said just ignore him. I must say though Im really impressed with your patience! :beer:
Dec 21, 2014
Yep he is I think it is the first one.

And everyone above ^^ Thanks Again for the support !

He has Facebook and there's a list of his family on the page... I'll try see what he's bragging about on FB..... and what other info I can find.... but he sure looks dicey having 4 aliases !!
