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Craziest Thing You've Ever Done

Almost as pissed off as she gets when I fill up a jumbo size 3 pound coffee can with that same dust, then dump it out the window of my truck as I drive past her house really fast.

Not that it truly justifies my juvenile behavior, but this woman has harassed me and my family in ways one can only imagine....

Like false reports to CPS claiming that I raise "dangerous" reptiles in my house with the kids.. The case worker came over and saw my GARTER SNAKE collection and laughed, closed the case and left.

do these look threatening to you?? My Garter Snakes LINK

She has stood in the street out front yelling "bring it" and rallied the town board to try and shut down my track... So the gloves are off!!

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Never saw a red Garter before..very cool. I collected these as a kid.

Why not just put up a fence?

I used to have a neighbor like that. My house had a long driveway. So when I tuned up my drag car I'd do short runs in the driveway. It was loud, but the noise law didnt kick in till 10 PM. She called the cops 4 times before the cops told her if she called again they were going to charge her for wasting the cops time LOL. After that I'd do burn outs at 9:50 PM.
My albinos are worth some real money, this year we crossed a red one with an albino, I'll dig up the pictures.

Here is an arial from google earth, and you will see why a fence won't help.

This chick is mental!!! BTW - The green arrow points to ANOTHER wack job neighbor, They are a real pain in the ass and we have been fighting for decades....

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Thanks for all the awesome stories guys! TJ you are crazy.. I thought I had some epic stories about girls (ones I have not mentioned here) but yours still beat mine :p

Mark, I am very sorry but I won't be posting the stories.. I might finish them and send them to you personally if you want, but my new supervisor does some pretty thorough background checks so even if they don't contain material which could directly get me fired, I am playing it safe.. Sorry, should have told you guys earlier.

Thanks for all the awesome stories guys! TJ you are crazy.. I thought I had some epic stories about girls (ones I have not mentioned here) but yours still beat mine :p

Mark, I am very sorry but I won't be posting the stories.. I might finish them and send them to you personally if you want, but my new supervisor does some pretty thorough background checks so even if they don't contain material which could directly get me fired, I am playing it safe.. Sorry, should have told you guys earlier.


send the stories with names swapped out... then he can post them and your supervisor will be none the wiser....

Also LOL at the MX track stuff...
My friend had breathing issues, so he had a tube in his throat. He had a small vacuum pump to draw the mucus out of his lungs. Something like this.

So one day he mentioned he wanted a new device to smoke pot. I looked at his pump and said I could make something out of that. He laughed, and said as long as I didnt break it, go for it. So I disconnected the suction hose, and plunged it into the exhaust fitting. I took his weed pipe and screwed it into the suction fitting. He filled the bowl, and plugged the tube into his neck. I turned it on, and lit the bowl. The bowl lit cherry in a second. I looked at him, and his eyes started to bulge. He opened his mouth and a heavy fog of smoke spewed through his mouth, and out his nose. Waaay to much for anyone to handle. I fell on the floor laughing, and didnt notice he was turning blue. So I jumped up and ripped the hose from his throat. He started coughing uncontrollably, and fell on the floor. I was going to call 911, when he told me no. It took a little while, but he came back to life. I asked him if he was ready for round 2, and we both had a good laugh.
Here's a real gem from the past..

It was 1983 and I was taking an industrial electronics class, I accidentally crossed my screwdriver on a 3 phase 240 volt bus, I just happened to short it at the peak of the sine wave and it smoked the fuses on the transformer outside.

Shut 1/2 of the campus down in a fraction of a second with some killer fireworks.

Melted the end of the screwdriver right off.

I was holding the plastic handle, so aside from the startle of a lifetime, no personal harm came of it.
Here's a real gem from the past..

It was 1983 and I was taking an industrial electronics class, I accidentally crossed my screwdriver on a 3 phase 240 volt bus, I just happened to short it at the peak of the sine wave and it smoked the fuses on the transformer outside.

Shut 1/2 of the campus down in a fraction of a second with some killer fireworks.

Melted the end of the screwdriver right off.

I was holding the plastic handle, so aside from the startle of a lifetime, no personal harm came of it.

Oh christ.... Once I shorted out a couple camera flash caps in parallel, but that doesn't even compare, and that was scary enough. I heard a story about a guy who fuzed his wedding ring to his car when he tried to jump start it... He attached the ground to the engine block, and then the positive shorted out through his ring. yowza.
oooooooooooh boy. Should I tell the story or not... What the hell. Involves more than 1 illegal thing.

Ok, I'm 20 and dating a 15yr old at high school. Cute little redhead. I'm on probation for theft of a college (nother interesting story) and doing my best to fly under the radar. (they kind of frown on dating anyone younger than 16. We hadn't been sexual so I didn't have to worry about that. I kinda got the hint one night that she was finally going to be intimate with me so I drove over to her house in the middle of the night to go get her. She lived in the basement and had a window that was right at ground level. I knocked on her window a few times and noticed that it was open. So, I climbed into her room and found that she wasn't there. Ok, the window was open. Obviously she's left and I'm thinking she'll be back in a little while. I lay down on her bed and cover myself up in case her parents decide to come downstairs and before long, they do... All the while my heart beating loud enough to be hear I think by her parents and they shut the door and go away. Sure was a close one. I continue to lay there all the while under the covers and with my eyes closed eventually fall asleep... (yeah you know where this is going) I wake to DAD screaming at me "Where the *uck is my Daughter and Who the *uck are you??!?!" We go upstairs and while dad is calling the cops I sit with mom at the kitchen table. He finishes his call and goes to the front door and opens it in anticipation of the police's arrival. He comes back into the kitchen and starts grilling me about where his daughter is. I'm freaking at this point and thinking to myself... Probation...Cops..Forever behind bars. I never did tell them my name. So in a flash of brilliance or stupidity, I bolt for the front door that dad was stupid enough to leave open. Dad charges after me and I'm like grease Freakiin lighting. I outdistance him by about 50 feet and think to myself, "Ok, this is not going to work.. I'm overweight, and getting tired, I've gotta ditch this guy." So I head for a yard and a fence. I hop over the fence and hear dad yelling behind me "I wouldn't run through that yard if I were You!" I found out why seconds later as a Doberman comes running off the porch of the second story, down the stairs and right at me! I didn't stop for nothing and continued through the yard to the back fence. The dog was gaining on me and I barely made it over the fence before he caught up to me. Dog comes screaming to a halt, I literally jumped head first over that fence.. Never ran so fast in my entire freaking life! I continued to run through a large field after picking myself off the ground and headed for some bushes along one side of a street. I hid in those bushes for probably 40 minutes all the while the cops were patrolling the area looking for me. When I deemed it safe to continue on my way, I walked 10 or so blocks to a friends house and crashed on his porch swing. I woke the next morning and went home having thought I'd gotten away scott free. That was until my next meeting with my probation officer and she asked me who the redhead was and told me kindly to never ever go back to that mans house ever again. No time served, no trouble, just a warning. We broke up not long after that.

I found out later that the reason she wasn't there, was that she'd ran away from home.
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..... I accidentally crossed my screwdriver on a 3 phase 240 volt bus, I just happened to short it at the peak of the sine wave and it smoked the fuses on the transformer outside .....

ROTFL .....

IT remembered me when i was in class ..... our institute was in a very old building, and in some classes there was works in progress ..... in one, near the blackboard, the workers had started to work on a connection box that was carrying the 3 phase lines to the mechanical part of the school (it was divided in mechanic and electronic parts), and when we come back in class, they was gone to eat and left wires coming out from the box (and, ofcourse, seeing this, you think "it's all unplugged, cause only an idiot can left flying cables from 380 and 420 V uninsulated and plugged, in a class of students" ..... right ? :p)

So the professor said "push those cables in the box, so we can use the blackboard" ..... i was there and pushed them in ..... for abitude, i always touch cables from the gum part, also if unplugged, and this probably saved me ..... cause when i pushed the cables together in the box, BOOM ..... a flash, some fused copper drops here and there, smoke and burned gum smell, and all the mechanic part in blackout (and a half heart attack, for me, the teacher and another pair of persons around, :p) ..... those idiots left the power plugged for not disconnect the rest of the labs, cause they was working with gloves, so pushing the cables together, i shorted all the phases of the 380 and 420 V together at the same time.

Hell, that day my hands was shaking for the rest of the lessons ..... thinking about it now, it's funny, but i can ensure you that, at the moment, it was anything, except funny, for me ..... and, btw, i think these workers have never heard so much insults and curses in all their life like from me that day .....
I literally jumped head first over that fence.. Never ran so fast in my entire freaking life! I continued to run through a large field after picking myself off the ground and headed for some bushes along one side of a street. I hid in those bushes for probably 40 minutes all the while the cops were patrolling the area looking for me.

LMAO Been there many times. I've always loved the adrenaline rush while waiting for the cops to pass by. :angel:
