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Complete guide to owning lasers- Please Read

You are very welcome. I enjoy teaching uniformed people about not only the dangers of lasers but also that they can be a blast if treated properly. We can never forget the dangers and when we do, thats when people get hurt :(

Lase safely everyone :beer:
You are very welcome :D That's exactly what I wanted to provide, a one stop place for laser knowledge
Threads like these should be a mandatory read for creating an account. Just think how many questions it would weed out.
Threads like these should be a mandatory read for creating an account. Just think how many questions it would weed out.

Yeah but there is no way to ensure people read it without tests and if there is a test how many people do you think would join? I mean IMO it'd weed out the immature laser fans who give us a bad name but on the other hand it'd keep them from learning the dangers of lasers and proper safety.

Double edge sword when you think of it :undecided:
Thank you :) I'm glad people are still reading it. There are a few posts recently that would be answered by just reading a few stickies but its sad people don't, so thanks for reading :beer:
Updated trusted sellers/parts suppliers due to shops closing :cryyy:
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As a person that been around laser low power and high I thought it was cool now im older and some what wise i thought of geting it to this as a hobby. I have read and understand your information posted and will follow the steps listed thanks so much for this list it makes it so i do not have a costly mistake

Thank you for this great thread. I get something new out of it every time I read it .
Wow! What a great post! Congrats about the sticky! you may want to take NOVAlasers off the list, until they are taking orders again. I miss NOVAlasers....... )':
