Re: ROUND 2!: THE "Skylaser" (laserBtB) groupbuy!
So, all pointers going to the US would have to be marked <5mw then. Don't have a problem with that but let's see what Offroad says about this. I'll change my order as needed whatever the answer is. I'm NOT whining.... just looking for answers so I can make informed/intelligent decisions:tinfoil: If I would be getting the OSRAM pen as a gift then I would also changeup my order as it's allready a unit in my list

Greatly apreciate all of Offroads efforts:thanks:
Checked my list and the PL650-1000mw doesn't show FDA on their site. Smeerworst reviewed it but he's from the Netherlands
Actually, it looks like everything on the Sky site over 500mw isn't FDA.
Checking previous GB to see others buys if I can. Just trying to help out and look for the answers for all of us. My posting this stuff is in no way shape or form meant to cause issues!!!!!!:gh:
The only member I see that bought a >500mw unit in the last GB that might be from the US was Encap but I can't see where he's from in his profile.
The last GB was almost all <500mw (listed by Sky but pretty much everything they sell is overspec). I don't see any pens listed in the previous GB.
Hope it's ok that I keep editing my post....
My understanding is that Kevin would actually be delivering the US bound units with him when he comes to the states and then Fedex them once he gets here. If that is true, then I would think that either everything not FDA would have to be labelled <5mw and everything over 500mw would be labeled <500mw so he would not get in trouble or have them confiscated. Either that or he can't bring them with him. He apparently can't legally ship with batteries or bring them in so this would further back up the way I'm hashing this out in my noggin. Hey, I may be completely wrong about all of this so please don't flame me. My intentions are for good
Offroad is working hard for us. Doesn't owe me a thing and I'm personally very grateful for how he has treated me. I've certainly noticed that he's also held his tongue on a few things that he didn't have too.:wave: