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CLens GB #2 Interest_sign-up

Well....as I said...NO HURRY.....BUT....We will watch this GB roll ahead...at the speed of a Glacier !! HAHAHA !!
More interest should sprout when others have a chance to experiment !! Thanx for your support !!


looking for optics for the 7watt 445nm bad boy. is this 6x set it? need to focus around 30-50 feet. this is for the bee burner project
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These lenses are the best deal you will find for the 6X cylindrical lens pairs you need to tame the awful divergence of the NUBM44 diodes.
have you used the num44? what optics do i need for 1 diode correction? also adjustable focus of course . will add more diodes if one wont do the job. how do we go about the optical correction ? Maybe you can recommend a forum thread for me to study? and sources for all optics
used in the forum thread. i have the mechanical end covered already. Jon
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RedCowboy has built more of these lasers than anyone else I know of. There are threads already about correcting the NUBM44 diodes, so I won't go into all of here again. You can get 7+ watts out of that diode at 5.5 amps. You will need a G2 lens to collimate the beam and just one pair of Cyl lenses to expand the one axis. If you want more control, you can add a Sanwu 3.3X beam expander. It is $55.00, so you won't get one much cheaper than that.
Setting bees on fire at @ 50 feet sounds dangerous, anything you set on fire you should also be able to put out and if you can reach to put it out then you can reach to use wasp and hornet spray in the 1st place.

Seriously a nest in a tree or in a gable vent.......or anywhere out of reach could smolder for quite some time before causing a disaster, I don't want to be a killjoy but you should understand that accidents do happen and starting a fire out of your reach is a recipe for an accident.

Yes I get it that you only want to zap the bees, but your focused beam could unknowingly start a smolder that may not ignite for hours, it's worse than setting a rat on fire that then runs ablaze into a hole in your wall....oops, because with the burning rat you would know, the point is burning at a distance really needs to be done in a controlled manner such as in a fire pit or somewhere that you have complete control.

If you want to experiment with correcting the 44's very divergent beam then these c-lenses are what you want, but please remember to protect yourself and others when lasing and although lasers are awesome tools like with most anything else no 1 tool fits every need.

Enjoy and stay safe. :)
Please check my other posts, it was explained in detail there. also there is my opinions about safety. anyway the situation is the bees nest inside a aluminum observatory dome. so there is no fire hazard. The dome is designed and built by me .
It is constructed with thick aluminum! almost 1/8 for the skin of the dome, As for the nests that are closer to the observatory floor level they are easily dealt with
I will be limiting the duty cycle with ttl timing or a better option, with or without a shutter for the laser, so the beam will be controlled so only enough beam to take the wings off.

MY goal is to pop the queens quickly. whatever power it takes maybe 7watt is a pipe dream maybe 50? 100? what do you think?
one bee for one pulse. less than > .2 and even better >.1 sec to blow the wings off the suckers at 30 ft

I hear you guys are the experts so, how much power does the laser need to have ?

behind the nest is thick aluminum. Also these suckers will be dealt with before any sizable nest is made, if there is a nest, after the bees are gone the nest will be dunked in water and thrown out,

Again, I will need to dial in the exposure time so only the wings are disabled. there will never be any wood or any combustible materials close to the beam ever. so, no amber to start any fire. on top of that, there is a water hose and a fire extinguisher inside just in case.

this is as a controlled environment as one could ask for.

I am a welder and weld on top of aluminum tables. welded my dome, took hundreds of weld hours YES, hundreds so, aluminum is fairly fireproof .

Also for the lenses, they need to be a in a fully threaded OD mount, or unmounted all together the optics wont be in a pointer host at all.
I want all lenses to be larger so they are easily worked with and mounted. The finished module will mounted in a custom machined water cooled block.

I have no trouble with designing, building and machining.

If you guys think I am blowing smoke at you I am always happy to provide pics of the result of many hours of hard work which is my dome.
Also very happy now because it is FINALLY done. this thing took ten years to finish.

I guess what I am asking is. what large and easy to work with lenses do I need, basically I need a list of things to buy.
do I need this 6x lens or what?
I will take care of the holders and aligning.
also left to build is the pointing optics, I will use high magnification for precise aiming of the beam,
As you can see there is a lot of challenges with this build.

anyway we need to have fun with our short lives .... this is my way.

spring is on its way and so will be the bees.
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An aluminum observatory 0.25 inch thick..................WOW how tall is that, do you have any pics ?

It sounds very interesting, what is it built to observe ?

Being built from aluminum it's kind of a lightning rod isn't it ?

I want to see this, have any pics ?
the dome skin is .125 or 1/8. 14 foot1 inch diam and weighs 600lbs even still At that thickness is a very stiff material to get a correct curve from.
I have a 228mm f9 TMB APO refractor and will be looking at the planets, moon and sun. Anything that a 9 inch refractor can see I will try to see, I am not too picky, Even the broadcast towers on porcupine ridge, 6 miles to the north. or the occasional UFO. ;)

The observatory dome is a very good Faraday cage it should protect my equipment from the lightning if it does strike. lightning rods have a point and a hemisphere is made more like a top load for a van de graff generator. I am not on top of a mountain but in a valley so no strikes from lightning..... so far.

I am lucky that there a great view of mountains here from the north and south. It stands on top of a 3 my story lab also built by myself and my father. it measures 34 foot at the top of the dome. it is on the top of 3rd floor. I designed the lab so it is very easy to walk on the roof and work on the dome. and it is fun being up there too.

Seriously, I really help with finding easy to work with optics for the the bee blaster project. Should I get the 6x set or is there any other good choices? i will me machning the cell for the optics I guess a square mounting is a better choice for me.
also could a moderator move this to a fresh thread, under bee blaster for me I did not intend to hijack this thread. 016.JPG
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I don't think we want a bee blaster thread, it's not PC and sadly our free country is not so free, when some knuckle dragger causes a problem I don't want to have taken part in a dozen poorly named threads that will be noted as source material so.....

Holding your focused spot on something the size of a dime at 50 feet is not going to happen free handed, to burn/cut anything will still take a certain amount of time dwelling on it unless you have BIG BIG power and 7W is not that kind of power unless you can focus it very tight and then you can do some small/thin item work pretty quickly.

Ok so next I can hear you say that you want to better focus your beam.

If this GB proves too slow you could use another 6X pair as you want to correct the aggressive axis of the nubm44's beam before using spherical optics to manipulate the corrected beam to get a better far field focus.

To reach out any distance means a beam expander after correction for the 44 diode, so alignment is picky but not at all impossible, I have found and continue to find that building in adjustability throughout my optics train is a good policy, the main issue seems to be how the diode seats in its module, just a fraction of a mm of misalignment multiplies over distance so aligning your c-lens pair to produce a straight and level beam also means making sure your beam at the exit of your primary lens is centered in your device if your beam expander is going to be centered on the other end of your device and even then building in some adjustability is a good idea, I have had to jury rig a mount more than once for my BE but I have also been lucky, there's not much play and even less as an optics train grows.

Have you worked with the 44 diode yet ?

If not get some protective eye glasses that attenuate 440 - 465nm or what ever wavelength you will be working with and get familiar with the laser, then try out the c-lens pair and if you want to go further add a beam expander, someone has suggested and I had thought about before using a FAC type lens near the diode window, but I don't think it's practical.....but maybe you will find a better way.

I suggest bee spray for bees and as you are an experimenter enjoy the lasers for what they are, and if you can safely multitask later then good for you but knowing the potential dangers to bystanders is by far the most important thing, I say potential dangers because we don't allow any real dangers to manifest and make sure you don't, I share information because I enjoy lasers, what you do is at your own risk but for god sake and I say this with respect for not just you but any and all readers, never hurt anyone else through a careless or negligent act, it's illegal and it's wrong.

That said I hope you also enjoy lasers for all their uses and aesthetic purposes and stay safe. :)

I was a bit too exited that someone was interested in the dome and did not think through the title.
You are correct about this country. I see bees as a allergic reaction waiting to happen as I happen to be allergic to them.

The project is still a go, the first laser will be mounted on a telescope on top a mount with servo control.
If a pinpoint beam is possible at 7 feet then this is the distance from the middle of the dome to the target. and it will have a small telescope capable of a 7 foot focus as the targeting optics, with a ccd camera at the focuser It basically only limited to how small of a spot that can be obtained.
I have not worked with the 44 diode yet. starting out with a 1 watt system first.
This is a personal project and no one will get near it or see it fire in person. or see any beam from it.
In your opinion how small can the dot be at 7 feet? what is the best so far? who did it ,and how?
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I understand completely on being reserved.
I used to have the original arctic laser back in the day when w.L. was not even on the us watch list.
I always had it at the astronomy club meetings and my friends there knew it. one night one of the members, a good friend of mine of 5 years talked me into let him try it for a wile. This guy was a fully grown, 30 yr old man with a newborn child. and after I explained about the dangers and showed him how to safely handle this thing. anyway after all of that I thought He new better.

what happened next shocked me. He instantly started to act like a 5yr old with a new toy car. shining a 1watt laser pointer at just about anything and ANYONE. I was scared and mad the whole time. I held my toung the whole time and thank god he did not hurt anyone.

When I got home it occurred to me that I learned 3 important life lessons.
lesson 1, that there was no good use for a laser pointer with this much power.
lesson 2, you really dont know anyone well enough to hand over such a device over to.
lesson 3, what would happen if this guy hurt someone? who is responsible? and would I ever be able to live with myself again?

That pointer was up on eBay and it was sold the next day.
Yep....Slowly we move forward !!! Hope nobodies in'a hurry !! Maybe Jordan wants in for ….mmmm….10+ sets ????? ( Hint ! ) We need a Big Fish !!
GB#2 started 12.7.2018.....not that long ago....we will see !!!

Paul1598419 1
RedCowboy 4
Trinh Hong Phuoc 3
Icecruncher 2

Total 20

OK...current total @ 21 sets. " Slowly I turned...Step by step....Inch by inch....!! " HAHAHAHA ….. Sick Puppy !! CDBEAM

Paul1598419 1
RedCowboy 5
Trinh Hong Phuoc 3
Icecruncher 2

Total 21
Hi Bob,

How is this 2nd GB doing? Still asleep?

I would like to have 10 more of these perfect pairs - it is better to have a stock for future projects instead of chaotically looking around when it is finally needed.

What is the manufacturer's meaning of the minimum order - is it 50 pairs (by number of pieces) or 50x27usd (by price)?
