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CLens GB #2 Interest_sign-up

Feb 25, 2010
Hi Bob, I received my order today, thank you very much! (y)

Good !!! Well...we better start now....for the next GB for C lenses....

NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lasertree has a nice Fibre Optics unit....for $ 650.00 that squares up the beam..... HAHAHAHAHA.......sigh !!!

I think for our application...C-lenses are just fine....they are even fine for projectors !!! Anyway....The rest of the GB should be receiving shipments thought this week..


Sep 20, 2013
Yeah, I figured Jeff would get his quickly being he is so close to you, Bob. If mine come this week it will likely be Friday or Saturday. ;)
Jan 2, 2008
OK....All done !! Boxed up. See pics. All GB shipments ( Sans Light Super Glue) will be mailed out tomorrow AM. Whoooo Ray !!!!!! This must be the most stretched out GB in the history of LPF ??? Dunno ?? So it goes !! Thanx again. You have all had great patience !!


Update....ALL mailed Saturday AM 5.2.2020 ..Thanx again!! CDBeam

Thank you, Awesome on both group buys.

I appreciate all the work and time and organization and I look forward to getting mine soon.

Longest group buy, maybe. Although one of the groups buys for Blue Fusion kits for driver boards 10 years ago seemed longer. :)
Sep 20, 2013
Got my two sets today. The box was crushed, but the lenses inside their wrappers looked fine. Thanks, Bob.
Apr 11, 2009
Good !!! Well...we better start now....for the next GB for C lenses....

NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lasertree has a nice Fibre Optics unit....for $ 650.00 that squares up the beam..... HAHAHAHAHA.......sigh !!!C Lenses1.jpg

I think for our application...C-lenses are just fine....they are even fine for projectors !!! Anyway....The rest of the GB should be receiving shipments thought this week..

In modern high powered weapon laser builds, I often attach a long thin FAC strip directly in front of the rows of emitters of each multi-emitter die bar. I then attach the prepared fiber ends in front of each emitter, after the FAC strip. I combine the multiple fibers in a bundle in the desired shape prior to collimation. The more bars (emitter count) I use, the higher power I'm building for. The lowest powered builds are typically 2 KW, other weapon systems are typically in the hundreds of KWs.

My optics also arrived today. Thank you Bob.

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LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
In modern high powered weapon laser builds, I often attach a long thin FAC strip directly in front of the rows of emitters of each multi-emitter die bar. I then attach the prepared fiber ends in front of each emitter, after the FAC strip. I combine the multiple fibers in a bundle in the desired shape prior to collimation. The more bars (emitter count) I use, the higher power I'm building for. The lowest powered builds are typically 2 KW, other weapon systems are typically in the hundreds of KWs.

My optics also arrived today. Thank you Bob.


It was funny when you said you had an NMR machine and when you said you volunteered for cosequine testing...........but joking about building laser weapons........tsk tsk tsk, you may have to turn in your mad scientist lab coat. 🤣

Are you are talking old school such as the coherent FAP modules where the bundle is collimated for use ?

Modern weapon systems are built around active fiber and the tiny rows of emitters are optically coupled in the tiny modules like the IPG modules and the final module output is fiber coupled then many modules are fiber combined in order to pump the active fiber gain medium, a double clad active fiber the core of which is doped with elements such as ytterbium and erbium, brag gratings and end scavengers are also employed, the beam quality and spectral coherence of active fiber is far superior for long range use than the raw pump bundles simply collimated.

You can see the robot setting the wires in this pic and the emitter outputs skip the primary fiber for optical coupling, the entire module comprised of dozens of emitters is fiber coupled at the tiny modules final output and then many modules are fiber combined to pump the active fibers gain medium which amplifies the high quality seed laser.


Here's one of my antique FAP modules that's emitter to fiber by way of fac strip like you speak of.

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Apr 11, 2009
It was funny when you said you had an NMR machine and when you said you volunteered for cosequine testing...........but joking about building laser weapons........tsk tsk tsk, you may have to turn your mad scientist lab coat. 🤣

Are you are talking old school such as the coherent FAP modules where the bundle is collimated for use ?

Modern weapon systems are built around active fiber and the tiny rows of emitters are optically coupled in the tiny modules like the IPG modules and the final module output is fiber coupled then many modules are fiber combined in order to pump the active fiber gain medium, a double clad active fiber the core of which is doped with elements such as ytterbium and erbium, brag gratings and end scavengers are also employed, the beam quality and spectral coherence of active fiber is far superior for long range use than the raw pump bundles simply collimated.

You can see the robot setting the wires in this pic and the emitter outputs skip the primary fiber for optical coupling, the entire module comprised of dozens of emitters is fiber coupled at the tiny modules final output and then many modules are fiber combined to pump the active fibers gain medium which amplifies the high quality seed laser.

View attachment 68776

Here's one of my antique FAP modules that's emitter to fiber by way of fac strip like you speak of.

View attachment 68777
View attachment 68778
I love the pics!

It was the hydroxychloroquine testing protocol, and I'm back on it now for my rheumatoid arthritis. My RH factor rose since I had stopped taking it a few years ago. Talk about timing!

That is much more modern than we were doing a decade ago! We had to work with stereo microsopes and micro-manipulators. There were no robotics in the lab. I still have some of the gold plated diamond heat spreaders that were used to mount the dies to the cooling system that pumped the heat away. If you think hand assembling laser die arrays for space and aircraft based laser weapons is old school, you should have seen what we launched in the mid 70s during the Directed Energy Technologies project! President Reagan called it the Strategic Defense Initiative nearly a decade later. He literally declassified the existence of our classified project from the mid-70s.

We did not use Coherent modules in the later project, but a very similar design for sure. We needed higher power density for the space we had to work with and of course better thermal management. I actually have some of those Coherent laser modules in storage from many years ago. The multi-emitter dies had 20 emitters each, like the Coherent module you show, but the dies were packed tighter together in larger housings. Saphire optics were state of the art. In 2010, I purchased the newly surplused skywatch system that had replaced radar with IR lasers scanning the skies at USAF bases. They had been obsoleted after being in use for only 3 years! I was the only one with a high enough security clearance to bid on it, or even know that it was up on auction. That was prior to me being reactivated in 2015 and going back to work, but in DC. Nothing to do with lasers either... I really HATE working in DC! Give me a lab anywhere else, far away from there!

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LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
How do you dissipate enough heat in the vacuum of space ? I would think radiating heat would be too slow although it would be included to dissipate after the fact and a large heat reservoir would be needed along with maybe compressed gas cooling for emergency high duty use........I have a lot of ideas but I am curious.

Also what's next ?
Apr 11, 2009
How do you dissipate enough heat in the vacuum of space ? I would think radiating heat would be too slow although it would be included to dissipate after the fact and a large heat reservoir would be needed along with maybe compressed gas cooling for emergency high duty use........I have a lot of ideas but I am curious.

Also what's next ?
Thermal management is always important for spacecraft and satellites. The parts that are in direct sunlight get very hot, and the parts that are not get very cold. So we always have a thermal management system that is in constant operation, just to keep inside temperatures within parameters. Thermal mass is part of the answer. Triple redundancy is required, TECs are fine for heat pumping in lower BTU applications, and are used a lot for slow heat transfer, such as cooling onboard electronics. Phase change heat pumping gives us the most rapid heat transfer. And coolants pumped between the heat sinks on the laser arrays and the thermal masses are the standard for overall temperature balance. These space based lasers are always ready for use, but get very little actual use. Most of them have never been fired at essential targets, as their primary purpose is to destroy inbound ICBMs. We do get to practice from time to time when certain other countries launch test missiles. The lasers are far enough outside of the visible spectrum that the beams are not visible to naked eye or camera. I'm not going to reveal the wavelengths used. When a country has trouble with their missiles exploding at liftoff or soon after liftoff, it has a way of frustrating their missile development programs. Heating gas to vent into space is a last resort, if repeated firing of the laser at full power is required. The nuclear power source is classified. These newer (now 8 years old) satelites are EMP hardened. Far better than the old ones. I'm no longer involved in that program.

I am still called to DC when they need me. We have had some attacks in recent years by other players directing severe weather patterns our way, to where they could damage our infrastructure. The USAF should have never released the report on our weather modification program. You can google the phrase "Weather as a Force Multiplier". And yes, I was involved in that. 2025, right! It's been in operation for a very long time. Hurricane Andrew was a test case, and it went very wrong. They were still learning.

Weather as a Force Multiplier



LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Absorbing heat into onboard compressed gas via. an exchanger and venting hot gas makes sense for emergency use as well as making use of the expanding gas for rapid cooling, but I was thinking converting waste heat back into electricity via. TEG's would be something given a lot of focus, I know the upper working limit of laser components is not very high so that rules out some methods but a reverse TEC type TEG such as a heat pipe TEG should be in use .........I had a PC game over a decade ago and the US/NATO forces had a weather control weapon, it seems like a joke but......is there anything that lasers can't do ?

Jun 14, 2017
CDbeam, I just received my 3 sets. Thanks again, brother!! I haven’t been on the laser gig much lately with TDYs, school, this covid shit sure isn’t helping... anyway, thanks again and hello to all the laser family!!
Feb 25, 2010
Well...Good !!! Another " Von Trapp GB " under our belts !! Watts Next ?????? 115W 450 array GB ??????? I could be tempted !!!!! Not to run it....but to be a participant !! Any others dancing with this " Moral Imperative " ??????? Even if we could get 10 members to join in ????


  • My Group Buy Hero Von  Barron.pg.jpg
    My Group Buy Hero Von Barron.pg.jpg
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Feb 12, 2016
Hi Bob and this GB members,

Last week I finally received the shippings from DTR (this one took 2 months to arrive to Spain) and from some other US vendors. It looks that the post delivery is working again. It could now be time to release my 10 sets.

I would like to ask those GB participants who live in Europe: did you receive your cylindricals? Did they come well, no issues?
Or were there no other participants from Europe except me?
