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Cheated by tomfire1735

Not sure I would call it cheated if your not out any money. Mail the thing back to him void any contract and wash your hands of it. Sounds like there is more to this for some reason.

Not sure I would call it cheated if your not out any money. Mail the thing back to him void any contract and wash your hands of it. Sounds like there is more to this for some reason.

I did pay a pretty excessive $50 for shipping, though. Not sure if he was trying to con me there. The best case is, of course, a package exchange with whoever got my 561.
Honestly this whole thing makes no sense. Why would he send you the wrong laser knowing that you wouldn't pay him until you were satisfied? Not really sure what kind of scammer would do that. Certainly not a competent scammer.

I'm actually glad now that I didn't sell him one of my beam expanders that I have in the marketplace. He sent me a weird pm saying
buying. how much is shipping to Au?

His location is listed as
Location: Toronto, Canada

It seemed fishy to me so I never responded back.
I did pay a pretty excessive $50 for shipping, though. Not sure if he was trying to con me there. The best case is, of course, a package exchange with whoever got my 561.
Seems very unlikely that somebody else was ordering a 589nm, and you just happened to get their package while they got your 561nm. I mean what are the odds of that:tired:
Honestly this whole thing makes no sense. Why would he send you the wrong laser knowing that you wouldn't pay him until you were satisfied? Not really sure what kind of scammer would do that. Certainly not a competent scammer.

I'm actually glad now that I didn't sell him one of my beam expanders that I have in the marketplace. He sent me a weird pm saying
buying. how much is shipping to Au?

His location is listed as
Location: Toronto, Canada

It seemed fishy to me so I never responded back.

Must have gotten confused, the Isaac_Clarke account had the location set to Australia IIRC.
I agree with you Razako, the odds of that happening are slim to none. These are both costly items, and to be shipped at nearly the same time, and not be sure which is which, probably not.
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I agree, the odds of that happening are slim to none. These are both costly items, and to be shipped at nearly the same time, and not be sure which is which, probably not.

I agree as well. It does not seem reasonable. If he wanted to scam me, he would have sent me a bag of sand and absconded with the shipping ($50.) However, this still doesn't explain why he won't tell me who he sent the 561 to.
If it actually came from Australia I wouldn't deny that it would be almost around 50$. Shipping prices down there are crazy last time I checked, also not to mention their currency isn't doing very well.

Unless he sent it through economy, no way it would be 50$...
I suspected this guy was up to no good when he first came in the forum, even went to the trouble of talking with him on Skype, but he had zero Aussy accent none! After that it was clear to me he wasn't what he said he was. Said his family was part Asian or something and that is why, but I heard no Asian accent either. I reported on it in the forum, but after that just threw my hands up.
I'm buying a 620nm diode from him. The lead time to ship was 4 weeks.

After 3 weeks:

tomfire1735 said:
the diode should be ship out next Friday.

there are quiet a few freak diodes in this batch. Some lase at 615nm during the first 30 sec before climb up to 620nm.

Yours is a stable one. it maintain a constant WL of 618nm during 2 minutes on/ 30 secs of duty at 25-30*C. tested using an 12 mm full copper module.

Then I noticed that his 620nm Titanium pen listed as sold to Dr.laser in his sig, wtf.
I asked about it and.....

tomfire1735 said:
guess i screwed up the surprise then.

i was planning that as a surprise gift which is a jet laser ti pen...guess i have to do something different then.

Dr.Laser said:
Please lets stick to the original plan.

tomfire1735 said:

Why would you tell about all these testing in first place if you are planning to send your 620nm ?

Dr.Laser said:
Just to confirm, so far we agreed on 618nm diode to be shipped on Friday by DHL to CNI.

tomfire1735 said:

Here comes the promised Friday

Dr.Laser said:
So has it been shipped yet ?

tomfire1735 said:
yes it has.

here is the tracking.


Obviously that tracking number is not DHL and it's coming from Australia too ! He is not even trying enough to make it seem legit.

Dr.Laser said:
I thought it will be shipped by DHL, and why it is coming from Australia ?

tomfire1735 said:
that was meant for a different member in Australia.(shipping from Australia because there is a distributor from there).

your is not shipped yet.

it scheduled for pick-up on the 28th of November.

payment received on 31/10/2016 and 4 weeks lead time( 7 days in a week so 4 weeks = 28 days).

your stuff is ready to go.


I can't take more of his bullshit at this point.

Dr.Laser said:
Do you realize the tracking number you sent is actually not working and it is supposed to be for inernational shipment so please don't tell it's for someone in Australia.

You are already raising enough red flags for me.

If you can't deliver EXACTLY what we agreed on, then I want my money back.

tomfire1735 said:
i will refund if you want.

what is your decision?

i apologise for screw up on my end.

Dr.Laser said:
I'll take the refund please.

And BAM!, he is banned right after my last PM.

Now, the claim is pending paypal final decision.
Do I still get refund if he emptied the account ?

Tomfire, if you are reading this, then once again F*** YOU.
Sta, I hope you get this resolved. Luckily you didn't put any money into his pocket. As for you Dr Laser, I also hope that you get your money back. He said he had shipped the laser with a fake tracking number, and then when you confront him he says he hadn't shipped it. He is definitely scamming you there. :tsk:
Not sure I would call it cheated if your not out any money. Mail the thing back to him void any contract and wash your hands of it. Sounds like there is more to this for some reason.

I think that's some excellent advise. See some real wisdom there. Plus reps!! ------ edit, Sta if your out 50.00 for shipping guessing, just keep the laser unless he wants to pay shipping to get it back. But I'm guessing you already figured that out. Hope you find your 561nm. Best wishes
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I thought it was known for awhile that this tomfire guy was a troll? I am surprised anyone tried to have dealings with him. I dunno something about having "fire" in his name and then random numbers just screams troll to me. Glad he is banned.

I am leary of dealing with anyone with next to no rep or a bunch of random numbers in their name, unless they are high rep or a long time member
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I am leary of dealing with anyone with next to no rep or a bunch of random numbers in their name, unless they are high rep or a long time member

I suppose you should like to deal with me, then, given that I have a 3-letter name, high rep, and almost 3 years of LPF membership. :D
I would really like to know what I can do to help avoid the "new user" stigma... I may be new but my intentions are pure and my interest in the hobby is only furthered by the wealth of information and availability of resources here.
