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Cheated by tomfire1735

I don't think Isaac ever had all the wavelengths he claimed to have. He never showed proof and claimed to have a 50mW 594 handheld. Really??


Was VisualGreen in Australia too? If he was, that explains a lot. I had thought VG was in Michigan, but another member said he was an Aussy.
I don't think Isaac ever had all the wavelengths he claimed to have. He never showed proof and claimed to have a 50mW 594 handheld. Really??


That proves it, you don't get 50mW 594's in handhelds. They are even less efficient than 589's.
PayPal refunded my money today. That whole thing was a total waste of my time.

As for 620nm diodes, I don't know if he had any of them but these are coming from RPMC lasers, just in case someone is interested.
I'd like to know who received the 561 too, hard to believe someone would refuse to send it back, but I suppose there are jerks who would do that.

Me too. It is hard to believe someone who did not order the 561nm would just keep it refusing to send it back but maybe there are other considerations as to why he would not comply--probably are if the guy who sent it to him is as flakey as everyone seems to think.

Hello folks.
I recently purchased a 561nm PGL-III-C from tomfire1735, and it arrived today.

Only problem is that it isn't a 561nm laser. Instead, he sent me a horrendously mode-hopping 589.

Fortunately, I agreed to not pay for the laser until it arrived, so I have some leverage in this case.

He is banned now.


I can understand your frustration at not getting a 561nm rare wavelength not readily available unless you order one from CNI via one of their 23 distributors. Am reasonably certain one of them would order one in from CNI and sell it to you, perhaps with a deposit of some kind to be sure you are real. Maybe check it out instead of knocking your head against the wall about used laser sales from end-users flakey or not. See all the distributors here on lower portion of page here: Contact CNI
Pick one you think likely to sell to you and email them..

You were only "cheated" out of $50 shipping and what you received is worth $50 so cheated is a little strong---hoodwinked and deceived about a 561nm, yes. I don't understand what has been going on/is ongoing but if the guy wanted to "cheat' you out of $50 why did he ship anything at all?

Are you planning on sending the 589nm you received back so you can really claim totally cheated out of $50 or are you planning to keep it and pay nothing for it as compensation for the aggravation incurred?

If you are keeping it you can certainly recoup your $50 by selling it. If you are doing the "right"/correct thing and sending it back as it was not what you expected and you don't want to pay for it---then yes you were cheated out of the $50 shipping + return cost unless you are reimbursed for those costs.

You have been as cautious as possible -- the result is not your fault---you acted in good faith.

Is a crazy situation/problem for sure.

In any case good luck.
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Before I took my hiatus from LPF I attempted to buy 2 PGL-C's from Tomfire. One a 589 the other a 593.5. It was a very stressful shit show with $1400 of mine on the line. Thank god I had the sense to insist on paying as goods and services and ponying up the 3% to cover my ass. still don't know if he was intending to scam me because if he was he went to lengths to fake emails from customs saying that they we're not allowing the lasers to leave Canada as they were. It was a few weeks of frustrating excuses as to where they lasers were and why it was taking so long. But the tracking numbers did show a package being held by customs. Super weird.

In the end he returned my money after I declined his offer to put key switches and shudders on the lasers which the emails from customs said they would allow delivery if this was done. But I just had a bad feeling and demanded my refund instead. I did have to get paypal involved but in the end he refunded my money in full his self. Like I said it was a really strange situation and if he was scamming me it didn't make a lot of sense which is why I did not make a thread about it. I was hesitant to point fingers. I just wasn't sure.

Edited to add- In your case its also pretty strange. As was said, If it was a scam why ship an equally hard to buy and expensive rare WL? Why not just send a 532, a non working pgl or send nothing at all for that matter? It doesn't make much sense much like my situation. So Sta is the 589 an actual CNI PGL-III-C? Tom said he offered to refund you fully and to pay for return shipping of the 589. Is this true? You said he told you you could keep the laser. If so is there a reason you won't accept that offer and return the 589? I mean I understand this whole thing is hella frustrating and disappointing but if he refunded you in full and paid to have the laser shipped back to him don't you think its unfair of you to keep it? I guess I don't see what justification you have to keep a working 589nm you didn't pay for.

So weird that there are now 3 of us that had bad buying exp with this guy and all 3 of them make no sense. It really makes me think there is more to this rather than a scam. I got a full refund even my shipping so Tomfire is out 50$ from my deal gone wrong, a 589 worth $600 from you and possibly more from the other person. What does a person have to gain to keep loosing money like this and gaining nothing? Nothing. Maybe this was just a lack of attention and poor planning. If he refunds Sta the 50$ nobody is out any money so IMO there has not been any crimes here other than bad dealings and frustartion.
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Sta what's the power on the yellow you got?

I have a 561 pen it mode hops like crazy but i get 5 mw out of it. you're not that far away so you could come see it and make me a offer

any lasers you'd trade for?
