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Canceled order from Dr. Lava

Oh, I forgot to say that I placed my order with Flaminpyro, he got back to me immediately, and I feel like I'm back in business. He definitely knows how to be a professional. Two thumbs up.

A response from the man himself: Contact info for DrLava

Quite entirely worthless reply IMO.. so instead of apologizing for screwing around with his customers' minds he instead points out that 2 of the people who are siding with his slighted customers are not, in fact, customers. Is it necessary for them to be customers to recognize when someone doesn't give a rat's ass and to recognize that not feeling obligated to one's customers isn't a good way to be? I think not..

And furthermore, how does "not taking payments until the order ships" help those who are on a time schedule or who are seeking to finish projects in a timely manner? All that is being said by that statement is that processing will probably take forever because the seller can't be bothered.
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A response from the man himself: Contact info for DrLava

Quite entirely worthless reply IMO.. so instead of apologizing for screwing around with his customers' minds he instead points out that 2 of the people who are siding with his slighted customers are not, in fact, customers. Is it necessary for them to be customers to recognize when someone doesn't give a rat's ass and to recognize that not feeling obligated to one's customers isn't a good way to be? I think not..

I just read his "I don't care about my customers" response...
What is wrong with Andrew... Maybe his hat is on too tight...

I just needed to respond and jog his memory since he was
so kind to call my name...:cool:

What I don't understand is that the last Post by drlava was on
August 10 2011... yet he was on the Forum on Feb 22 2012 and
did not even bother to respond to his customers here.... :thinking:

Last Activity: 02-22-2012 02:10 PM

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Well, as was very rudely and immaturely pointed out to me within days of joining Photonlexicon.com for the first time, we LPF members ARE just insignificant specks nestled many levels beneath drlava or any other PL member, this is manifested by the location of the response quoted above and the profound lack of a response here on LPF even though drlava has logged on and likely knows of this and the other complaint threads. The fact that we choose to spend our hard earned money on his products does not change the fact that we are just a bunch of dumb-ass "pointer jockeys" and we need to submissively recognize our place. Come on Jerry, you know how it works. Hell, I know those guys would be happy to refresh your memory for you, all you need to do is ask... And wait for a response, although I'd wager based on experience that an opportunity to act like condescending douchebags will be pounced on in VERY short order by several "upstanding and professional" US based PL members lol.. On that note I wonder what it is about US laserists? Not all US laserists act unprofessionally, many are fine people, but the number of bad experiences I had with international professionals was so insignificant that I can't think of any off the top of my head. Maybe the idea of what professionalism is is better understood in other countries.

That initial experience with PL was enough to get me to terrorize the place for 2 years after that, causing some of their membership a good many headaches as I recall. Just think how different people can be when you show even the tiniest bit of decency up front.. first impressions can mean everything ;).
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You...:thinking: "causing some of their membership a good many headaches"...
NOOOOOooooo not you.....:crackup::crackup::eg:

Well, as was very rudely and immaturely pointed out to me within days of joining Photonlexicon.com for the first time, we LPF members ARE just insignificant specks nestled many levels beneath drlava or any other PL member, this is manifested by the location of the response quoted above and the profound lack of a response here on LPF even though drlava has logged on and likely knows of this and the other complaint threads. The fact that we choose to spend our hard earned money on his products does not change the fact that we are just a bunch of dumb-ass "pointer jockeys" and we need to submissively recognize our place. Come on Jerry, you know how it works. Hell, I know those guys would be happy to refresh your memory for you, all you need to do is ask... And wait for a response, although I'd wager based on experience that an opportunity to act like condescending douchebags will be pounced on in VERY short order by several "upstanding and professional" US based PL members lol.. On that note I wonder what it is about US laserists? Not all US laserists act unprofessionally, many are fine people, but the number of bad experiences I had with international professionals was so insignificant that I can't think of any off the top of my head. Maybe the idea of what professionalism is is better understood in other countries.

That initial experience with PL was enough to get me to terrorize the place for 2 years after that, causing some of their membership a good many headaches as I recall. Just think how different people can be when you show even the tiniest bit of decency up front.. first impressions can mean everything ;).

Thanks to Ben and rhd, lava's driver won't be in such high demand here soon.
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A response from the man himself: Contact info for DrLava

Quite entirely worthless reply IMO.. so instead of apologizing for screwing around with his customers' minds he instead points out that 2 of the people who are siding with his slighted customers are not, in fact, customers. Is it necessary for them to be customers to recognize when someone doesn't give a rat's ass and to recognize that not feeling obligated to one's customers isn't a good way to be? I think not..

And furthermore, how does "not taking payments until the order ships" help those who are on a time schedule or who are seeking to finish projects in a timely manner? All that is being said by that statement is that processing will probably take forever because the seller can't be bothered.

:crackup: at Jerry's reply.

Too funny, man.

Thanks to Ben and rhd, lava's driver won't be in such high demand here soon.
Yep. Well done, gents.

I'ma gonna put my order in when you get them built, Moh. Gonna build me one of those fatty Saik builds. :cool:
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Absolutely agreed! It's very good to see any and all efforts and innovation regarding diode drivers.. this community is full of knowledge, there is no need to rely on people who do not even want our business.
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Yeah, I think it goes to show, that Dr. Lava wasn't good to us so nuts to him. We'll just make our own drivers. When his wallet starts getting hit he'll wish he had treated paying customers better.
Anyone with any doubts as to whether drlava feels that he has done his customers a disservice need only read this thread: Contact info for DrLava

By the end of it you get the feeling that he and his "supporters" feel that the customers complaining about their experiences are the ones in the wrong.. I read that thread and what I see is a bunch of excuses about life being too busy along with the general attitude of:

"How dare you speak out against the great and powerful drlava with your petty complaints about service?? You should ALL feel privileged just to have an opportunity to own one of his products some day.. perhaps before you die.. or whenever he feels like shipping your order to you, which could be today, tomorrow, or 6 months from now (with the 3rd option being most likely by far)"

Absolutely ridiculous.. but as long as that is the game being played, here I will be, calling attention to it.. at length.. until even I am sick of hearing about it. And then I'm going to call attention to it some more rofl..
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I've done what I could. But like I suggested/posted on that
Thread.. You will always support your local drug dealer if
you are waiting for your fix... and it seems he only supplies
PL members.

I saw that Drlava found the time to drop in to LPF on Feb 22 2012...
Looking for Red LDs... But couldn't be bothered to address the nine
(9) LPF Threads asking about him and his missing paid for products...

The 2nd last post was last July 28 2011 when the some of first
questions about his whereabouts and late shipping was brought

Yeah a real good business man IMO...
I would never buy anything from him again... If it was another
seller here doing the same thing he would have already met
with the BanHammer...


Lead us out of the wilderness, Moh(ses)!

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