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Calling myself out.

Apr 26, 2010
I'd like to call myself out here, as I haven't been the best businessman as of late.

From slow shipping, lack of contact, forgetting builds, to even forgetting to ship things like endcaps, lenses, and whole orders.

I will not be selling much in the future as I have seen bad traits in myself that lead me to not be the best person to buy from.

I will continue my work in my dorm, as this is what I'm good at, but quickness in items leaving my room, I am not.

I would like to apologize to everyone that I have wronged. I've done my best from next day shipping, to refunds, offering what I can.

I know it hasn't been the best service, but I hope that I at least did what I could to make up for lost time.

Thank you, and I am sorry.

You are forgiven. Don't be too hard on yourself. You have a lot on your plate and you are learning about time management and perhaps your tendency to over commit yourself. You are still one of the good guys. :D
Way to be a $h1tty example for the newbies bloom. Your terrible deeds haven't gone unnoticed

Just kidding, I'm agreeing with the post above ^

Finish that 609nm project asap, you'll have free time you didn't even remember existed
What you're getting yourself into, with testing every gas laser on the gas land man, no one can blame ya.. Keep up the good work we all are reasonable people, no one's making any judgements since we all know you!

Have fun with them beams and stop making us jealous with your unique wavelengths keep it to yourself , no kidding!
I've always thought of you being one of the good guys, no worries bro:beer:
I totally need to make a thread like this.

Same goes for me, everything he said.

+1 to Bloom.
Too much time searching for multiline Ions is my guess.


I'd like to call myself out here, as I haven't been the best businessman as of late.

From slow shipping, lack of contact, forgetting builds, to even forgetting to ship things like endcaps, lenses, and whole orders.

I will not be selling much in the future as I have seen bad traits in myself that lead me to not be the best person to buy from.

I will continue my work in my dorm, as this is what I'm good at, but quickness in items leaving my room, I am not.

I would like to apologize to everyone that I have wronged. I've done my best from next day shipping, to refunds, offering what I can.

I know it hasn't been the best service, but I hope that I at least did what I could to make up for lost time.

Thank you, and I am sorry.
There may be some merit to that statement.

A lot of my time is spent helping out people in gas, or reading my textbooks.

Or experimenting. Lots of that.

I have a couple wicked cool, doctorate level experiments slated for development soon. Just need some decent optics :)
Respect to the OP :beer:

Wish more people would be honest like this.

I'm awaiting some things myself from another member that isn't bothering posting a PM for day's, weeks months to go by.
It's really killing me and my excitement for lasers couse of this person.
I'm not pmíng him sinds i think he is getting swamped by them, but i atleast expected some sort of update etc...

This is not about the OP but about someone else.

Shipped a laser back for repair (08-06-2013) and he offered free shipping back wich i accepted... still not arrived back to me, no pm nothing :(

Would have loved some sort of communication back to me, even when it's not about lasers, just to know the person himself is ''ok'' and so i can understand the situation.

It's really killing me...
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I just felt that I was not only disappointing those around me, but myself.

I shouldn't have gotten involved with financial matters, if I was not able to hold up my end of the bargain.

This does mean I am leaving.

I will still continue doing my research, posting my findings, and making videos. However, selling things will not be in my line of work.

Again, I would like to apologize to all that I have wronged. You deserved better from me, and I understand that.
Better to bow out gracefully now, than to be jeered and chased out later :whistle:

Kidding, of course. Everybody's life changes, the amount of free time is always dependent upon other, more important things in one's life. Kudos to you for realizing this early instead of trying to force yourself to make it all work :beer:
Relax, at least you are trying.

For perspective I have been waiting over 2 years for a refund on some hosts I bought. Tenatively it will happen this month, if so I will post and let people know

I bought some drivers when I first came on the sight, Never received - THat was in 2008 - 5 years ago.

In both instances there were LOTS of threads complaining about the person who was not fulfilling their stuff. They received lots of negative rep and some people were even threatening them.

If you start getting hate mail, then worry. Otherwise, it's water under the bridge and move on. Try to make right as best possible. Thats what we all do.

Oh, and one last thing.

Do what I do, Never sell anything, just keep buying....and buying.... and buying... (Like the Lasos I'm picking up on Sunday... :)

I just felt that I was not only disappointing those around me, but myself.

I shouldn't have gotten involved with financial matters, if I was not able to hold up my end of the bargain.

This does mean I am leaving.

I will still continue doing my research, posting my findings, and making videos. However, selling things will not be in my line of work.

Again, I would like to apologize to all that I have wronged. You deserved better from me, and I understand that.
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I'd +rep your integrity if I could. Maybe if you stopped posting such great content on here, I'll be able to rep you again someday. :)

Bloom cant read this- i was forced to put him on 'ignore' I will not go into the details and I am glad most of you are happy with him.. I tried hard to overlook his interaction with me both at the forums and the SELEM event- i tried to take into consideration his
'problems' but his insistence to argue with me was bad for all-

I can say I too was a PITA when 19 years old and thought I knew it all.

I still wish him well--

