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Buy / Sell / Trade Rules

Mar 27, 2011
I'm sure the mods see this even more so, but lately we've had a number of people try to bypass these rules;


Maybe it would be a good idea just to copy this thread/first post, into the General, and Welcome sections, and also to add how this would be enforced.

For example;

If you attempt to post in the B/S/T section your thread will not be approved.

If you attempt to post a For Sale thread in places other that then Buy Sell Trade section to circumvent the 20 post rule, your thread will be deleted and you will be temp banned for 1 day.

Maybe lowering the requirement to 10 posts or something lower would also be good? This I'm not sure about about, but it seems we do get quite a few people who come here just for the purpose of selling a laser one time.

How about a rule stating that while the item/thread is waiting approval by a mod that for the sake of fairness the mod not be included in the bidding until after the thread has posted.

Conflict of intrest.... Yea I said it.
How about a rule stating that while the item/thread is waiting approval by a mod that for the sake of fairness the mod not be included in the bidding until after the thread has posted.

Conflict of intrest.... Yea I said it.

I don't know about you but I would trust the Mods to be
fair about that...

You sound like you are afraid you will lose out on some
fantastic deal.....:thinking:

I agree... if they try to circumvent the sale rules we just
need to report it and have the mods delete the thread and
perhaps hand out a short ban....

The 20 posts still sounds good to me. Let them contribute
a bit to the Forum before they just profit from it..


You can contact us at any time through our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
I don't know about you but I would trust the Mods to be
fair about that...

You sound like you are afraid you will lose out on some
fantastic deal.....:thinking:

I agree... if they try to circumvent the sale rules we just
need to report it and have the mods delete the thread and
perhaps hand out a short ban....

The 20 posts still sounds good to me. Let them contribute
a bit to the Forum before they just profit from it..


You can contact us at any time through our Website: J.BAUER Electronics

If you only knew.
The problem is, there are some people that can't contribute, and don't want to contribute, but could possibly still offer someone a good deal, where everyone benefits.

Maybe if a person with no posts wants to sell, and doesn't want to stick around to post, require them to use a middle man, obviously cover the price of shipping to/from middle man, and a small feel on top of that, to be split for tester and the rest as a donation to forum.

How about a rule stating that while the item/thread is waiting approval by a mod that for the sake of fairness the mod not be included in the bidding until after the thread has posted.

Conflict of intrest.... Yea I said it.

I'm guessing this does happen, I mean it's human nature. I'm not sure what kind of a system would be fair though, and certainly it would only work based on the honor system.

The problem is, on the flip side, if mods say aren't supposed to bid for 24 hours, after approving thread, that puts them at an unfair disadvantage too.

Another option would be to ask that mods not bid on sales threads that they approve, but this can also cause problems, and I'm sure one mod can tell another that something is up for sale. I mean I've told people "Hey, you're looking for XXXX there is a FS thread up for it right now"...

Idk, this is a complicated side issue that I don't really want to touch, but I do understand where you're coming from 100%, and it's a bitter pill to swallow if you're waiting for something for a long time, and someone beats you to it, due to an unfair advantage.
The problem is, there are some people that can't contribute, and don't want to contribute, but could possibly still offer someone a good deal, where everyone benefits.
The last time I checked this was a Laser Related Forum
not a FREE Classified Advertising Forum.
If they can't contribute or don't want to contribute they
are on the wrong Forum...IMO

If they only want to sell then they could easily point to their
eBay or Kijiji Listings until they accumulate 20 "Laser related"
posts as described here....



You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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I dont think reducing post count requirement to 10 will do any better.. And i will agree with Jerry here, The seller must have 20 "Laser Related" posts , like if he doesnt have anything to contribute how will he have 20 laser related posts then why is he here, for gossip i guess?
I like the idea of lowering the number of posts required to post a thread in the B/S/T section, maybe 10-15 posts?

I actually came here to sell some lasers and buy some others , so far I have only bought because I honestly have nothing of VALUE to add to this forum, I can talk about silver and/or gold all day long, but when it comes to lasers I'm drawing a blank, I mean I love lasers, I love reading about them, I love watching them, and I love using them, but talking about them, i have absolutely nothing to say about them, really what is there.
Well. It was a thought. I have no dog in this fight so to speak, just like to see people get a good deal when possible.
I'm sure the mods see this even more so, but lately we've had a number of people try to bypass these rules;


Maybe it would be a good idea just to copy this thread/first post, into the General, and Welcome sections, and also to add how this would be enforced.

For example;

If you attempt to post in the B/S/T section your thread will not be approved.

If you attempt to post a For Sale thread in places other that then Buy Sell Trade section to circumvent the 20 post rule, your thread will be deleted and you will be temp banned for 1 day.

Maybe lowering the requirement to 10 posts or something lower would also be good? This I'm not sure about about, but it seems we do get quite a few people who come here just for the purpose of selling a laser one time.

IIRC all of the new members trying to circumvent the B/S/T restrictions first tried to post in the B/S/T board, but (of course) were unsuccessful

If they didn't read the sticky in the board they wanted to post in, I don't think that they will read the sticky in another board


They did read the sticky and still decided to try to find a way around it ;)

How about a rule stating that while the item/thread is waiting approval by a mod that for the sake of fairness the mod not be included in the bidding until after the thread has posted.

Conflict of intrest.... Yea I said it.

Search back through the completed sales.
I believe that you will find that this is a non-issue

Cause FS threads mods are interested in won´t get approved.

Who got my <1mW DX 650nm which I posted FS? I´m sure Simon is to blame.
Cause FS threads mods are interested in won´t get approved.

Who got my <1mW DX 650nm which I posted FS? I´m sure Simon is to blame.

If this (and/or others) is true, please send me a PM
It should NOT be happening

Cause FS threads mods are interested in won´t get approved.

Who got my <1mW DX 650nm which I posted FS? I´m sure Simon is to blame.

Maybe no one else wanted it or the members that
did were asleep at the time is was offered.

I've lost out on a number of good deals in the time
I've been here because a lot of the Sales Threads
are opened in the wee hours of the morning when
I'm catching Zzzzs.

Should we now disallow Sales Threads because not
ALL the members are awake at the same time...:thinking:

I don't think so... That's the nature of the beast...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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