Hey Boris,
you said it before, you dont use protection because it does not bother you.. That isn't the mentality we (I hope I can speak for the community here) want to see.
Even the dot on the white wall can and will cause damage to your eyesight.
However you seem to know that but dont care.
I dont condone self harm but its a different story using a 35W laser out of your balcony.
Yes there might be no one at that location where you intended to shine the beam to but.
a single twitch, god forbid a stumble / trip could cause you to shine the beam all over the place.
Yes the possibility is small but there.
Having other unsuspecting people get eye damage to the point of them going completely blind is just unacceptable.
Its not like a nuclear weapon, but its very much like pointing a loaded gun out of your window and trying to just hit the tree but nothing else. (sure the gun might be lethal and a laser would not be but it still can and will cause serious LASTING! harm!)
What would you do if your neighbor would do that?
You dont need to trust me / us.
Have a look here:
You can find accidents where lab personal got permanent eye injury by using a <5mW HeNe laser.
Thats red. Blue also has photochemical hazards.
5mW thats 0,005W or just 15000 times lower than you are building currently.
So please take responsibility and dont just use that handheld out of a window.