@ iskor 12 You make me really jealous pal. I used to live in the extreme NW corner of In. (WHITING), & we used to get all the snow squalls coming in off of LAKE MICHIGAN. The worst blizzard I lived through was just after the earthquake in PRINCE WILLIAM'S SOUND in ALASKA. Meteorologists predicted that the winter of '63-'64 was gonna be bad & they weren't kidding !!!!! We got 39 inches of snow in a 24 hour period. School closed for 2 weeks, businesses closed & the whole area was paralyzed. The only way to get around was by snow-mobile. Hell, even the EAST CHICAGO-GARY steel mills closed for 5 days, & they don't close for anything, but nobody could drive in to get to work. My DAD & I took turns shoveling snow every hour. We had snow piled in our front yard over 6 feet high. The snowflakes were as big as silver dollars. I sure wish I had been into lasers back then !!! Man, the pix I could have had...... rob