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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Big pack laser sale very cheap! $247 worth of lasers for $70

So yeah... Any time I've tried in the past, I've been told by the police I can't file a civil suit on someone else's behalf, and if I want to file a criminal suit, I'd have to be a key witness.

I'm not really willing to fight your battles for you; as much as I love the community, I have no time and money to help you. I strongly urge both Dave and RoDnSuE to file charges with The West Yorkshire Police Dept and The UK Fraud Centre.

This is a cut-and-dry case, you should have no problems winning. More than anything, I'd like Adam to face five years in jail for fraud. (oh, and up to £500,000 in charges)

I've done everything I can, from tracking down his address, to contacting the relevant authorities, but I'm afraid the ball's in your court now, and there's nothing more I can do to bring this scammer to justice.


People today are too apathetic and hold a criminal's rights in higher regard than victim's rights. I don't see the victims taking this as far as it needs to go. This moron does need prison time and fines for fraud - or let's not sugar coat it - theft.

Do we have his address?

*cough* Ruin Life Tactics - Walrus Wiki *cough*

Ahahahahahah This is truly epic

Epic Idea #1: Post that "you" are having a garage sale. You are moving and everything needs to go. You'll have an HDTV there for $50, a stereo set for $100 and many other cheap ass high-end things. Steal pictures off the internet of "your items" for lulz. Enter your victim's address, and choose a date over the weekend. On those days your victim will have strangers coming to his house constantly asking for cheap stuff. Sometimes even the POLICE get involved. Why? Police track down thefts. If your victim is selling a bunch of high-end merchandise, it's likely the police will check it out.


This is probably one of the best things to do and can even become a major news event in your area. You pull out the 'ole phone book and open it up to the yellow pages. Now, starting from the letter "A" and working all the way to "Z" call up every single business in the book. Set up an appointment with every company in there for (example) Wednesday morning at about 10:00. Give yourself a few days to do it all and get all the appointment as close together as you can.

You can probably see what's going to happen. Wednesday morning at 10:00 his street is going to be totally filled up with a truck from every business in the entire area. From exterminators to furnace repair to roofing estimates, they'll all be there asking for Chris. (Try to make sure he's going to be home when they come.)

On Wednesday morning you'll want to make some calls. At 9:30 call up every pizza delivery place in the area and have a couple large pizzas sent to Chris. After that, call up all the taxi cabs and instruct them to come to your house to take you shopping.

Tuesday night you'll also want to make some calls. Every T.V. station and newspaper in the area will want to know that "something big is going to happen on Sullivan street" in the morning. Don't tell them what, just tell them that they'd be stupid not to get coverage on something like this. Also call up all your friends and have them call up their friends. Instruct them all to show up on Sullivan street at about 9:45 am.

As this will be an historical moment, bring a video camera and tape the whole event just in case you're not happy with the camera work of the T.V. stations. You might want to call in a false report to the fire department that Chris's house is on fire just to get them there and add to the confusion.

It keeps getting better!
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I knew of a guy who did some folks wrong once

He had a Corvette up on blocks in his back yard

'Somebody' put a week-long classified ad in several newspapers etc- that he was selling it for 700$ / OBO and to to come by his home to see it- he must have had to tell a hundred 'lookers' that it was not for sale-

he put a big sign up in his yard to the fact

'somebody' spray painted over it with the word--'THIEF'

getting even is always better than getting mad --- IMHO
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Ehm ..... check your local laws, before ..... :p

Here, as example, if you do that, the "victim" can fill a charge for steal of identity, false commercial advertising and diffamation ..... and, cause there's no way for place anonymous advertising on newspapers or anywhere, police can have your ID in minutes ..... :eek:
Ehm ..... check your local laws, before ..... :p

Here, as example, if you do that, the "victim" can fill a charge for steal of identity, false commercial advertising and diffamation ..... and, cause there's no way for place anonymous advertising on newspapers or anywhere, police can have your ID in minutes ..... :eek:

Not thirty years ago

if you had the cash-you got an ad

No IDs were asked for back then.

no caller ID

anyway how do you figure that this would be a stolen identity- or 'diffamation'-- and Adam is certainly no "victim" he is a victimizer.

He prolly crosses the street when he see a 'bobby' coming his way.

And scammers are usually the last ones to 'fill a charge' or even walk into the place where that is done.

my 2 cents----hak
Seriously people. You have this guys info and now it's time for some payback (either legal or otherwise:shhh:). Make an example of this guy or we're just gonna have more and more of these noob scammers here. He's obviously some dumb kid living at home still or he wouldn't even bother trying to scam like $170 from a laser forum. Pro scammers have better things to do. It wasn't even a good scam. He just put his email out there and said "send payment as a gift" hoping to lure in some victims quick. Also he had no pics, low post count and no real reputation here.

There are 2 things we need to do to reduce the recent scamming going on here.
1-Make them pay for their crimes when you can.
2-Be smarter. Don't send items before they pay unless they're a respected veteran here. Be wary of blatant scam techniques like the "send money as a gift" seen here.
^^^ great words of wisdom--buyers beware-scammers are everywhere=

=too good to be true?? first tip-off

What gets me is that the 1st 10 Posts of this Thread were
basically stating... Buyer Beware... and some people
did not heed the warnings...for whatever personal reason...

But I'm sorry to say it was your own fault for sending money
and disregarding the Warnings...

(Greed is the basis on most monetary Scams)

That BTW... does not mean that the little Scammer shouldn't
be hunted down and prosecuted by the full extent of the Law...

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Got a 'TY for the support' PM from Rod last nite-- not a pence from Adam yet-- he acknowledges the heads up before he sent the $$- 70$ lesson on PPing to strangers.

I did not even for a second consider sending Adam any $$--

We are very lucky to have so many trustworthy members i guess we want them all to be such.

The trusted middleman method should be used whenever in doubt.

Fool me once---shame on you!!

Fool me twice---shame on me!

Fool me three times--- you just might get your arse kicked!!! like a futbol.!!

Dave-being the great guy he is- paid full knowing it may be a scam-- He was basically taking one for the team- he said 'better me than anyone else' he only regrets not deleting the creeps PP addy a bit sooner.
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Ehm ..... check your local laws, before ..... :p

Here, as example, if you do that, the "victim" can fill a charge for steal of identity, false commercial advertising and diffamation ..... and, cause there's no way for place anonymous advertising on newspapers or anywhere, police can have your ID in minutes ..... :eek:

Well, that's Europe for ya.

(Greed is the basis on most monetary Scams)

Well, of course it is... that's kind of stating the obvious. Why else would someone want to steal my hard-earned money?
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Just watched an awsome episode of Wire In The Blood (PM me if you watch it) and now i want to play Psychologist.

Assuming his apology was entirely false, my feeling is that the gumtree ads are not his. Reason being he mentioned them in his apology. So, he effectively said "yes, everyone, you have my correct contact details". So, yeah, he's either stupid or those ads are not his. But who knows? I might be wrong.
Just watched an awsome episode of Wire In The Blood (PM me if you watch it) and now i want to play Psychologist.

Assuming his apology was entirely false, my feeling is that the gumtree ads are not his. Reason being he mentioned them in his apology. So, he effectively said "yes, everyone, you have my correct contact details". So, yeah, he's either stupid or those ads are not his. But who knows? I might be wrong.

i think he's stupid! but, he's getting wise here by us telling what he did wrong and giving advice to him.
Just watched an awsome episode of Wire In The Blood (PM me if you watch it) and now i want to play Psychologist.

Assuming his apology was entirely false, my feeling is that the gumtree ads are not his. Reason being he mentioned them in his apology. So, he effectively said "yes, everyone, you have my correct contact details". So, yeah, he's either stupid or those ads are not his. But who knows? I might be wrong.

Well, those ads and this sell both had the same paypal account attached to it, so I'm going to go with stupid.
looks like this perp will probably get away with this scam, and continue with other forums.
If you hadn't noticed they usually always do. But this kid will get whats coming to him eventually.
