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Banning Arenared?

Ban Arenared?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 53.8%
  • Give serious warning

    Votes: 10 15.4%
  • No

    Votes: 8 12.3%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 12 18.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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It really isn't an issue normally, and the ignore feature works well, the problem is when he posts things that are threatening to you, or are intended to hurt the chances of a sale, then it is harmful and cannot be ignored.

Dont be such a big baby.. tell everyone what i "threatened" you with..

What sale have i hurt of yours? quote me please. continue bragging about your toys , have a coke and a smile and stfu.

**EDIT** If anything you've ruined your own sales and ripped off customers , http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/laser_ben-rip-off-dont-buy-him-40795.html

I understand you still a kid , but thats no excuse for your whining.

And another thing , remember its never a threat if it comes true.. thats what you should be worried about. (general statement)

but dont press your luck down hill rider ben.


@ elektro ( if he ever reads this) , im in no hurry to get your respect. your rough edge rubbed me the wrong way too..

and in general , if people want to continue this go ahead but nothing is going to come out of it.

Like I said before , im trying not to get in any confrontations with you guys, but your mouths (fingers) continue talking shit.
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And another thing , remember its never a threat if it comes true.. thats what you should be worried about. (general statement)

What the hell are you talking about. It is still a threat if it comes true, especially because you just keep saying things to me. If you have a problem with me, tell me what it is, don't just send me random threats over PMs and visitor messages.
When was the last time i sent you anything? Do you want to continue? Its your choice.

and i take it you want to continue the negative repping..
I'm just thankful the moderation here is at a level where it makes you actually want to come back and post... (thumbs up) The staff at some forums are out of control with their indecency and superiority complex issues.

Anyway, as far as banning this guy, I don't know him but I will say that creating this thread had little purpose in my eyes. My advice is, if he truly bothers the piss out of you then just ignore him dude! Doing things like creating threads which openly discuss things that should be refined to PM's is not your best option. Spend some more time reading the many other insightful post's that are at your disposal here at LPF and the problem should resolve itself. :wave:
I'm just thankful the moderation here is at a level where it makes you actually want to come back and post... (thumbs up) The staff at some forums are out of control with their indecency and superiority complex issues.

Anyway, as far as banning this guy, I don't know him but I will say that creating this thread had little purpose in my eyes. My advice is, if he truly bothers the piss out of you then just ignore him dude! Doing things like creating threads which openly discuss things that should be refined to PM's is not your best option. Spend some more time reading the many other insightful post's that are at your disposal here at LPF and the problem should resolve itself. :wave:

well that is what im pointing out too, but then again, if the people who keeps on seing this thread will air their comments, the more comments the more trouble.

i do understand those who got offended by Arenared, and I also understand that Arenared is trying all his best to make all things right, but if we keep on airing our comments the more flaming happens.

i guess this will only stop first by removing or deleting this thread.
second for the people who are involved to atleast move on and use the ignore feature,
third, is to wait for sir Coldshadow to decide.


Silence is the best medicine to such a world of confusion. Focusing on the other threads are much more better, if we have issues with other members, deal with it tru PM.. but if the thing is way out of control, lets hope for some other solutions....

if there is a PROBLEM there is always a SOLUTION....

Have a nice day people!
I'm just thankful the moderation here is at a level where it makes you actually want to come back and post... (thumbs up) The staff at some forums are out of control with their indecency and superiority complex issues.

Anyway, as far as banning this guy, I don't know him but I will say that creating this thread had little purpose in my eyes. My advice is, if he truly bothers the piss out of you then just ignore him dude! Doing things like creating threads which openly discuss things that should be refined to PM's is not your best option. Spend some more time reading the many other insightful post's that are at your disposal here at LPF and the problem should resolve itself. :wave:

I guess you're still new here.... and haven't read all of this Thread...

This Thread was a poll to see if other members would vote to Ban
Arenared or not...
The Community spoke and Arenard was banned...

He then contacted the administrator and begged and pleaded
to be let back on and promised not to start any trouble..

So he was unbanned...

This Forum has no "Moderators" and is self moderated..
Any member is allowed start a Thread or Poll... if it follows the Forum Rules..

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Well Jerry as you can see the BS still continues and Neg repping... etc..

Ben's bitchy whining etc..

hopefully this will be over soon.
well that is what im pointing out too, but then again, if the people who keeps on seing this thread will air their comments, the more comments the more trouble.

i do understand those who got offended by Arenared, and I also understand that Arenared is trying all his best to make all things right, but if we keep on airing our comments the more flaming happens.

i guess this will only stop first by removing or deleting this thread.
second for the people who are involved to atleast move on and use the ignore feature,
third, is to wait for sir Coldshadow to decide.


Silence is the best medicine to such a world of confusion. Focusing on the other threads are much more better, if we have issues with other members, deal with it tru PM.. but if the thing is way out of control, lets hope for some other solutions....

if there is a PROBLEM there is always a SOLUTION....

Have a nice day people!

I'd like to point out that every comment in this thread is on topic. That's why this thread is here. It's impossible for a thread dedicated to banning arenared to get out of control when we're all here doing just that. No one is/was out of control except arenared. That's why this thread is here. When we start this kind of discussion in a thread that isn't dedicated to this kind of discussion is when there is a problem.

The person who started the thread did so because they thought it would be fair to put this issue to a poll. There is no problem with that and it is perfectly fair. The forum has spoken, but yet somehow he's still here. It doesn't bother me, since I can't see anything he types, but I still think it's ridiculous that even after all these members have voted, he is still here. He shouldn't be here if that many people agree he shouldn't. Plain and simple.

So maybe he is trying super hard to act differently.. it doesn't matter because we all already know the real arenared. A fake "kinder and gentler" arenared isn't who he really is, and the real arenared will pop up again eventually, I have little doubt. You can't suppress who you really are forever, no matter how hard you try.

Don't get me wrong, I fully support giving people second chances, but some of the things this guy has said to people here are beyond stupid, beyond childish and beyond ridiculous. And it has happened over and over and over. Not just once or twice, but repeatedly. An individual like that will never make a worthwhile contribution here, and serves no purpose other than to cause trouble. Prove me wrong arena... that's all I'll say.
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I'm not here to prove anything, and i honestly do not care what you or Jerry think. All I'm saying is if you guys don't want trouble don't look for it. I'm not. But some of you want to continue the bs.

I'm here to buy laser parts , enjoy reading what new on the laser front and what you guys think about me is te absolute least of my worries.

But I'm not going to allow people to think I'm laying down and let them run their mouths
I'm not here to prove anything, and i honestly do not care what you or Jerry think. All I'm saying is if you guys don't want trouble don't look for it. I'm not. But some of you want to continue the bs.

I'm here to buy laser parts , enjoy reading what new on the laser front and what you guys think about me is te absolute least of my worries.

But I'm not going to allow people to think I'm laying down and let them run their mouths

And to think... I was trying to be nice... with some helpful advice....

I honestly don't care what you post... unless it is some Moronic drivel...
like this... Then I'll respond... If I feel like it...

OOOOOhhhh We are really scared.... big tough keyboard jockey....
OOOOhhh you're gonna make me cry...

The words of a frustrated child...


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Not really frustrated , just expressing that i dont care whether i have anyone's blessing or not.. i dont see moronic drivel in saying that i dont care what you or elektro think about me.

i didnt think you needed me to like or approve of what you think about me..

I personally am not going to disrespect anyone. so i expect the same.

we are all grown ups here , lets try to act that way. ( yes i know i didnt before )

Im going to try and give my input on the LG 8x's, experiments and other laser related items and not focus on these types of threads.

if you guys would like to continue on with this, have fun.

( By the way i like the way you responded by color coding from different excerpts of my original post , it was a creative way of doing it )
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You obviously did not read the rules sticky-- http://laserpointerforums.com/f36/rules-38274.html
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I didn't know tech_Junkie was banned!
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