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Banning Arenared?

Ban Arenared?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 53.8%
  • Give serious warning

    Votes: 10 15.4%
  • No

    Votes: 8 12.3%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 12 18.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Jan 30, 2009
There is a similar thread to this in the Veterans section, but I think this issue should also be open for us people who have not been around for as long or just don't have the time to post very often.
Quite simply, who wants Arenared banned?
Personally I have not had any large fight with him, but I am seriously getting tired of the incredibly disrespectful and rediculous things he litters the entire forum with. Time and time again I have seen angry, childish comments at youtube flame-war level from him.
This kid must be the one of the most neg-repped people on the forum ever, yet he is still allowed to stay on the forums.
I would like to have him banned to make this place a nicer one for us all.

Please vote and give your opinion.


There is a similar thread to this in the Veterans section, but I think this issue should also be open for us people who have not been around for as long or just don't have the time to post very often.
Quite simply, who wants Arenared banned?
Personally I have not had any large fight with him, but I am seriously getting tired of the incredibly disrespectful and rediculous things he litters the entire forum with. Time and time again I have seen angry, childish comments at youtube flame-war level from him.
This kid must be the one of the most neg-repped people on the forum ever, yet he is still allowed to stay on the forums.
I would like to have him banned to make this place a nicer one for us all.

Please vote and give your opinion.


Wait you can post/read the Veteran forum?

As far as Arnerand, I have been busy the past months and have not been frequenting the forum as much as I used to, so I can't really judge the situation all to well.

I have however, read a couple of his posts, which could be considered at the very least insulting...his attitude leaves much to be desired, if this is grounds for ban, I do not know, I will let the more active members decide that one.
If you look at the very bottom of the main LPF page you can read the titles of threads in the Vet's section.

I don't care because I have personally not seen him foul up. If it weren't for all of the hullabaloo about him I would barely even realize he was causing trouble. I've only been a forum member for 2 months. I really don't care as long as he doesn't start a flame war on one of my threads.
If you look at the very bottom of the main LPF page you can read the titles of threads in the Vet's section.

This. I do not have access (I think you need 1000 posts) but I saw a thread in the latest post feed with the name suggesting that Arenared should be banned. Of course long-time members and large contributors to the forum should have more say in whether he is banned or not, but I thought I would put it to all the rest of you anyway.. since he has not been banned yet.

Thanks for your input guys.

Deal with it jaseth , go cry and whine elsewhere. Anyone getting banned is not your decision. It never will be. If you don't like what I say add me to your ignore list. That's what it's for.

By creating your poll it doesn't do anything to anyone. Have fun trying to play leader
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Deal with it jaseth , go cry and whine elsewhere. Anyone getting banned is not your decision. It never will be. If you don't like what I say add me to your ignore list. That's what it's for.

By creating your poll it doesn't do anything to anyone. Have fun trying to play leader

The entire forum shouldn't need to ignore you. And even then, new members get to see your garbage. If you can't manage to keep yourself to helpful and useful posts, then I see no reason for you to be here. Threads like these are taken very seriously by the admin.
People shouldn't be banned for being assholes. People should be banned for breaking the rules, that's why they're there.

Haha, I'm the only person who voted "No".

No offense to other people, but it's the internet, don't take it so seriously. As long as he doesn't break some major rule, there's no point in banning somebody for being insulting. You can't just ban somebody for being a douche, usually they'll just come back under (a few) other nicknames and be even more troublesome.

Then again, I have no issue with arenared personally. A troll always makes things interesting.
People shouldn't be banned for being assholes. People should be banned for breaking the rules, that's why they're there.

Haha, I'm the only person who voted "No".

No offense to other people, but it's the internet, don't take it so seriously. As long as he doesn't break some major rule, there's no point in banning somebody for being insulting. You can't just ban somebody for being a douche, usually they'll just come back under (a few) other nicknames and be even more troublesome.

Then again, I have no issue with arenared personally. A troll always makes things interesting.

You obviously did not read the rules sticky-- http://laserpointerforums.com/f36/rules-38274.html
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No advertising for other laser forums.
People shouldn't be banned for being assholes. People should be banned for breaking the rules, that's why they're there.

Haha, I'm the only person who voted "No".

No offense to other people, but it's the internet, don't take it so seriously. As long as he doesn't break some major rule, there's no point in banning somebody for being insulting. You can't just ban somebody for being a douche, usually they'll just come back under (a few) other nicknames and be even more troublesome.

Then again, I have no issue with arenared personally. A troll always makes things interesting.

C0ld has every reason to ban people for generally being insulting, as do most other forums I'm a member of.
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C0ld has every reason to ban anyone for anything even without reason , not because you guys take a poll and say so..

If you want to start posting rules , make sure you at any point in time didnt break any of them..

you people are ridiculous..

But make sure you read the review im about to post on the new Wicked Lasers Evolution i just received.. ;)
Also , im sure that those of who who sell on here , would gladly take my money wouldnt you.


well anyways , i will not be posting what i think on here as far as my opinion goes..

+1 chalk one up to censorship
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hey guys i think we should try and move on from this one. chatted with arenared and he agrees to keep it chill

plz never hesitate to contact me, quickest way is always atarasov @ hushmail dddottt com
this is warning, if anything else happens in future just PM
to be 100% honest don't know every little detail on this one... i am generally extremely liberal as u all know, and believe in the concept that u shouldn't get offended on the internet (interfended lol). but if something is threatening / illegal/ racist it crosses line

[edit] if anyone believes im missing something plz PM me with info
Nice triple post! Interfended, ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!! OK moving away time...
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