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Ban Hidrogen?

Ban Hidrogen?

  • No, spare him:

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • Yes, ban him:

    Votes: 44 93.6%

  • Total voters


Nov 21, 2007
All right, thats enough for my taste.
joined 25.09.2009, 40 posts, already -152 points. its more than obvious that he tries hard to ruin topics and threads. he got more than 10 neg rep today alone, thats as many reps as can be seen.

his response to his neg reps?
"Negative rep for sending me PM's asking for sexual favors in turn for positive Rep!" (for me)
"Negatie mark for being a homosexual that likes to be butt raped. (quoted first by his father)" (for jaseth)

speculations are ongoing if its arenared. i dont care, i just want him off LPF.


you should also look into banning crazy jay. he neg repped me for no reason after i neg repped him for something he said in another thread. hes done nothing but start arguements. just look at his intro thread in the welcome section...
Crazy Jay has improved some since his first thread. Granted, he is some what trolling the forum. He definitely should not have Neg rep you for what you said.

I have never seen another LPF member with as many Neg-Reps as he has. -152 point(s) total in 10 Days and not one Positive.

I give him less than 24 hrs left here.

Also: I wonder if cold ever ran that IP Check :whistle:
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This is where my idea of automatic banning with more than X number
of neg reps would have come in handy...:whistle:

I'm sure c0ld is not aware of the problem and is not on the Forum...
He is normally quick to respond to the members here..:cool:

He is actually the worst guy I have experienced on LPF ever, I hope he is banned and followingly mass-raped by Christmas critters with AIDS who dig out his eyeball and pee in his eyesocket.
But maybe that's just me.
Congratulations Hidrogen, you are the most worthless and immature member ever to appear on this forum.
Hey Krutz...

you will need to stop hijacking and spamming other threads
with links to this thread..
BTW...I agree with you that he should be banned but we need
to use Forum etiquette just the same...:cool:

BTW.. I just PMed and E-Mailed the admin to get rid of this Hidrogen
(arenared) annoyance..

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this is a throw away account, kids.

Yeah. We get that. Just in case you decide to start another throw away account after this one gets banned, you should know that we'll always be here and (speaking for myself) I'll always be glad to call you out for what you are.

I really don't know what you hope to accomplish by continuing on in this manner. There are only two possible outcomes:

1) All the veteran members will gang up on you and repeatedly call you out until you leave.

2)Admin will ban you.

It's like beating your head against a wall: You're the only one who gets hurt, and we have all the fun laughing and calling you a pathetic dumbass.
Christmas critters standing by.
i didnt spam "lighthearthly". my intention was to end the endless threadjack and flaming (especially) in the "8X Diode Murder fund". like a redirect to the hidrogenthread.
with him getting more than one dozen neg reps today i wanted to simply speed up things too.
critic taken, will reconsider if multi-posting is really necessary next time. if asked i'll remove the posts too.

I really don't know what you hope to accomplish by continuing on in this manner.

It is electronic graffiti. The more people that see his name, the more famous he is. Even getting arrested (banned) is an acceptable (even desired) outcome.

For a person like this, who feels like a worthless nobody, even negative attention is attention.

It "proves" to himself that he is not impotent and invisible.

makes sense. considering how many people spend time with him (being mad or posting or starting threads and emails) he really has some weird kind of influence.. very temporary, but still..

what i find strange is that such people do it on a relatively small and very specialized forum. they must be interested in lasers, not? so why not do it the regular way, ask, read, contribute, and gain a more permanent positive reputation?
but yes, there are times where i like to provoke too, probably everyone has this to some degree.. :-)

If c0ld can do an IP check, and his IP doesn't change, why not just ban his IP instead of all his new accounts? Having a static IP is a great thing for banning :p
