No, its not rich, its simply the natural result of attacking a belief system (as a result of first hand knowledge) that is held in high regards by another person. You'd know that if you had a deep interest in something that was special and important to YOU.
Notice how I did not come here to belittle anybody for their own personal reasons why they do things in life. I did not come here to attach pre-pubescent judgements on you while asking for expertise. I clearly stated assistance appreciated. Since I came here and was met with slander, it's only natural for me to react this way. and still, you continue with additional posts filled with doubt and misdemeanour. Nothing you have said is helpful or in any way resembles the conduct of a reputable member. All you have done is assume. I called this place a fine establishment, and now I know why...
Making it personal by questioning my state of being without knowing anything about me tells me there is no professional basis to the knowledge you like to think is sufficient enough to give you the right to treat people with disrespect. I have yet to read anything interesting on your behalf.
Eudaimonium, he may be a reputable member here, but that's all the more reason he should stick to the guidelines of this forum and approach threads in a constructive and sensible manner that suggests he is willing to assist new traffic that comes this way with friendliness and courtesy. Eud what kind of questions do you need answered? please make a list.
ScumBagAthiest, I will humour your comments further by saying this:
I don't lack evidence. You're wrong again. Firstly, the laser as a signalling device has its place and purpose in specific situations, I am not a kid that believes in conspiracy theories, I actually GO OUT INTO THE FIELD AND DRAW MY OWN CONCLUSIONS BASED ON 1ST HAND FACT BASED ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES- and then I come home and get to identify just who in the media is lying and who isn't. because I know. it's not my fault others haven't presented information in a way that removes any personal issues you may have UNRELATED TO THE THREAD btw. Next time, i'll post 20 years worth of research ALONG with a simple question about a laser pointer, so that a champion member of the forum has enough information to respond accordingly.
Secondly, I have ALREADY made contact so my need for a laser has nothing to do with any "first time discoveries." I'll make it clearer for you- the laser is NOT the sole mode of communication, meditation is. remote-viewing is. COHERENT THOUGHT SEQUENCING is. The human brain is the prime tool here. And this is despite the fact that LIGHT communications alone HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN AS A SUFFICIENTLY EFFICIENT MODE OF COMMUNICATIONS considering the Orbs and lifeforms contacted ARE MADE OF LIGHT (and plasma). But you'd know that being an atheist because you bothered to read my post... yet another assumption that could have been replaced with a sensible question.... How would you know I have nothing to show for it??? what are you psychic now? what colour underpants am I wearing? Are you starting to see the "flaws" here yet? No? Ok.
This is what you said:
"you jump right to attacking me, personally."
(and then you followed that up by saying)
"You are lashing out because you have nothing else to bring to the table... If you were capable of anything more..." and then...
"you'd have noticed that I attacked your theory and premise. Not you, personally"
"I don't know what you're more ignorant about; Lasers, actual science, or the members here."
... You were saying?
what the hell do you call that? Is that not personal? or are you having trouble seeing the problem in urinating all over your own forum?
You need to make a scientific differentiation of your own here. But first, you need to realise I DONT NEED TO BRING ANYTHING ELSE TO THE TABLE because my intention was not to make this a discussion about the nature of ET, or God, on a LASER forum. If you want to start a new thread about this, in a hope that somebody can "convince" you otherwise as though you need them to before you open your mind to possibilities other than what you've been told, go right ahead.
Do you even know the name of the guy you posted in that picture? I don't think you do, his name is George Tsoukalos, and along with Eric von daniken I'm sure they could tell you how Lasers were used before your time and how the technology came about.
Only a moron goes around calling laser technology OLD technology when it was actually given to us by ET and has uses far beyond anything your mind is willing to accept as a possibility. So you best fill your knowledge gap before using a laser pointer and then posting a picture ridiculing the very et beings that allowed you to sit there for many nights, night after night after night, bedazzled over the pretty coloured lights.
"This is most amusing, indeed. I cannot wait to see you on the news, as our new ambassador to the Martians! All hail our IR laser overlord!"
No, all HEIL the guy that knows nothing of what he speaks of before opening his mouth to somebody he knows nothing about.
"Oh, I am going to chuckle about this for some time. Every time somebody asks me about lasers and what can be done with them, I am going to laud the "Tale of the great Dave: Communicator to the stars!"
I should really make a picture of your dumbass and send it in to George, actually no, he wouldn't get his kicks out of TROLLING the net with other peoples pictures.
"But, keep thinking you know anything. We'll be talking about this at the MENSA meetings for some time. "
Please do, be sure to include a print out of this very post will you? make sure of it. Thanks.
But wait, that's not all...
First you weren't attacking me personally, then I have no science or knowledge, then you ridicule me by posting pictures associating aliens with HARD WORKING HISTORIANS like somehow that was meant to offend me, and THEN.... WAIT FOR IT....
"It's not that I think the OP is an idiot."
LOL. Can you define premise? and does it have anything to do with my INTENTION to use a laser? Or, do you think my entire "premise" is flawed because you don't agree with the REASON behind my use for the laser???
Since you asked a serious question, you'll get a serious answer.
Let's ASSUME aliens had a hand in expanding life in the universe. and that the technology humans currently possess has the capability to destroy matter elsewhere in the universe or even on the next planet. Let's assume that the US government is run by a group of evil characters that has its roots thoroughly entrenched into the ideologies of the third reich. Let's assume that the US fire weapons at ET civilizations on a daily basis using the very technology they got from downed crafts. Let's also assume, considering the amount of weapons systems in space, that the "leaders" of the human race at least have the capability for immorality and gross violent actions against other races. Never mind ET yet, there is already enough evidence that those with power cannot be trusted to make the right decisions for all of mankind... who was it that intended not only to conquer all nations on earth, but also in space? was it hitler by any chance? funny how the cia, nasa and other organizations were founded by Nazi's after ww2 in exchange for what the germans had, in fear of being tried for war crimes...
Don't you think they'd be mighty mighty interested? at least for their own safety? How would you feel, living in a cosmos whereby the only law is freewill, if you decided to get into your craft with the missus for a scientific excursion only to be fired upon, shot down, and then kept underground in a base without your family ever given the right to a proper burial. Humans did make it personal, but that still did not give them a reason to wipe us off the map.
What is it that you think is in store for you after you have conquered the human experience? do you want to stay on earth forever or would you rather prefer the option to embark on unlimited discovery within an eternal existence?
Would you stand idly by as an ET and not be interested in the reasons why a once peaceful race on planet earth has suddenly flipped on its arse in the name of conquest, especially if you were partly responsible for the creation of the human genome?
What if I told you that a female was responsible for your design, would it make more sense to see why the evil elite insist on glorifying man in mainstream media, despite the fact that a woman can grow life inside her belly and breed life like, errm, God?
Far fetched? it is no more far fetched than if you were to travel next door for a spare cup of brown sugar, only to end up being dead at the hands of a psychotic neighbour that insisted there are no such things as other life on earth.
Yet, it is easy to brush off Americas "star wars missile defence system" as just a creative name, because the photon beams must be star-shaped.....
Furthermore, I can understand if you have your own reservations as to your belief system. It is absolutely your right to experience life exactly in the manner you desire. But you might be interested to consider the following definition of an Athiest (no malice intended).
"Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. The term atheism originated from the Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)", used as a pejorative term applied to those thought to reject the gods worshipped by the larger society"
Do you start to see an almost in-built dilemma here? The very thing that I am being called out on, also happens to be very much related to concepts of God, whether or not humans of old misinterpreted the arrival of ET from another planet that brought them technology as to cause (or inspire) them to revere them as Gods or not, the problem lies in the fact that your current belief system, which existed long before I arrived to this forum, is preventing you from having an open mind to consider what I have to say regarding your serious question involving ET. In fact- and I can only comment on what I have gathered by your comments thus far- there is a greater chance that you will reject anything I have to say on the issue because of your closed minded belief system (regardless of any evidence that I may provide), than there is that no other life in the universe exists, or at least near earth. Find me ONE other member on this forum that will disagree with that statement.
It's like a man who believes in his own religion, his religion is his house and only the things that occupy his house. How would you craft a particular message to that person that life outside his house exists, when so much of his being right down to the cellular level, has been evolved to a state of denial? You can't. the only thing you can do is invite them with you on an experience so they can see it for themselves. right?
And for exactly the same reasons why ET can't just rock up to every house to say g'day, you can't easily tell an atheist that God exists, even if it is true that early man considered ET to be God-like in their abilities.
I wonder why science calls the "Triune brain", the "Reptillian brain" ...
If you want one single reason that will shut you up Scumbag, i'll give you one. and the same is true for every last person on this planet that genuinely makes the effort.
One reason why ET would want to communicate with me is because I want to communicate with them. simple. In the constructs of love, there is no abandonment. Ever.
Because those who seek to know more, will surely be met with more. Nobody cares to know about God as long as life is good. Nobody cares to know about ET unless ET is made to adhere to your emotional criteria in order to make contact.
How do you expect an intelligent race to approach a young, evolving civilization whose belief system is primarily based around VIOLENCE and SEX? I can assure you there are millions of people who have found their own truth, and the same people were touched in such a way that they deemed the experience too profound to throw in the public wastebucket to be ridiculed, frowned upon and the like. Its worth more than words... ET doesn't judge you. Nor will they ever judge me for taking the time to sacrifice my time and resources to purchase a tool in order to assist in peaceful affairs with them. They didn't come all that way just to get here and cast judgements on the very people they love and adore... and helped to create.
You must understand there is an ultimate purpose to life. And you fit into the picture equally in your own way. If you need to go through a period of time living as an atheist before something happens to you to question your reality, so be it. It's exactly what you need and no et being or anybody else will ever tell you you're wrong, they will simply give you an eternity to evolve to it if you decide it is relevant to your life. God has given you everything, its just that up until this point, you've rejected the concept of God completely. The only time you'd be wrong is when you try to tell another person that the experiences they had is bs simply because that experience has not crossed your path yet. A wise person must ask themselves what good there is in gatecrashing someone's life with information or events that could potentially leave them worse off. Do you think its intelligent not to knock at a lions door should he leap up and rip your head off? or in et's case, be met at your front door with a shotgun because you lack the spiritual understanding of peace itself to such a degree you'd rather kill it in fear for your own safety?
The spiritual path is designed with a certain element of secrecy. Its not for everyone, it is a choice not an ultimatum. And that choice sometimes has consequences. consequences such as never being able to see the world in the same way again. those kinds of discoveries are not for the faint hearted, because it WILL leave you worse off if you're not ready for it. That is why YOU must go in search of ET, as it shows you are ready to learn more. This is to ensure that sacred knowledge does not become like a streetcorner whore in such a way that other people who ARE interested in spirituality get brainwashed and scared off into their own closed-off realities before having a chance to make up their own minds based on true and correct information at the pinnacle of human discovery.
Those people who claim aliens don't exist, are the same people who miraculously can't find the time to look up at their night sky. Those same people who claim aliens don't exist, end up sitting in the front rows of an Obama speech the day before he declares war yet again on a "cave-man" nation. Tell me who the real aliens are? The disappointing fact is, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence, these days you'd be mad NOT TO believe in ET life. Do I get an AMEN-RA?
You never did see Einstein talking on the side of the road about matters concerning science with anyone who was incapable of having a conversation on his level.
You never did see a distracted school student give his algebra teacher his entire love and attention when he did not care for mathematics nor have you ever seen an algebra teacher give more attention to the disruptive carefree student over those students who were fully present and ready to commit to learning things outside of their interests.
The problem with the system is that is has been designed to favour the few over the many. As long as true and powerful knowledge remains exactly that, you will never ever be privy to the true events of history. Because you'd be a threat to the establishment. This is why the US gov passed a law that allows their OWN CIVILIANS to be tried as terrorists should they engage in any action that is deemed a threat to their agenda, and also why the Iraq war had nothing to do with oil and everything to do with exterminating a race of people that had EVIDENCE of ET-HUMAN contact in their very blood.
How do you tell an atheist that he is the proof that he has been looking for, if the education system is filtered with information that does not concern that area of study, and further, go to great lengths to ensure the entire operating manual of the human brain is never discovered?
When a person travels through life with certain "environmental" information programmed into their brain (and especially if they've found a lifestyle that does not require them to know anything outside of their own infrastructure), they find it hard to absorb any new information. That is of no fault of their own but still, when a person does not have a natural interest of their own on a particular subject, the information on that subject will not find its way to them because it will simply not exist as a possible future until they decide it ought to be part of their destiny.
There are more things between heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, heratio.
Do we now have a basis for further discussion? or am I to sit by like ET and wait for you to finish your rant before we can be somewhat productive?
Notice how I did not come here to belittle anybody for their own personal reasons why they do things in life. I did not come here to attach pre-pubescent judgements on you while asking for expertise. I clearly stated assistance appreciated. Since I came here and was met with slander, it's only natural for me to react this way. and still, you continue with additional posts filled with doubt and misdemeanour. Nothing you have said is helpful or in any way resembles the conduct of a reputable member. All you have done is assume. I called this place a fine establishment, and now I know why...
Making it personal by questioning my state of being without knowing anything about me tells me there is no professional basis to the knowledge you like to think is sufficient enough to give you the right to treat people with disrespect. I have yet to read anything interesting on your behalf.
Eudaimonium, he may be a reputable member here, but that's all the more reason he should stick to the guidelines of this forum and approach threads in a constructive and sensible manner that suggests he is willing to assist new traffic that comes this way with friendliness and courtesy. Eud what kind of questions do you need answered? please make a list.
ScumBagAthiest, I will humour your comments further by saying this:
I don't lack evidence. You're wrong again. Firstly, the laser as a signalling device has its place and purpose in specific situations, I am not a kid that believes in conspiracy theories, I actually GO OUT INTO THE FIELD AND DRAW MY OWN CONCLUSIONS BASED ON 1ST HAND FACT BASED ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES- and then I come home and get to identify just who in the media is lying and who isn't. because I know. it's not my fault others haven't presented information in a way that removes any personal issues you may have UNRELATED TO THE THREAD btw. Next time, i'll post 20 years worth of research ALONG with a simple question about a laser pointer, so that a champion member of the forum has enough information to respond accordingly.
Secondly, I have ALREADY made contact so my need for a laser has nothing to do with any "first time discoveries." I'll make it clearer for you- the laser is NOT the sole mode of communication, meditation is. remote-viewing is. COHERENT THOUGHT SEQUENCING is. The human brain is the prime tool here. And this is despite the fact that LIGHT communications alone HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN AS A SUFFICIENTLY EFFICIENT MODE OF COMMUNICATIONS considering the Orbs and lifeforms contacted ARE MADE OF LIGHT (and plasma). But you'd know that being an atheist because you bothered to read my post... yet another assumption that could have been replaced with a sensible question.... How would you know I have nothing to show for it??? what are you psychic now? what colour underpants am I wearing? Are you starting to see the "flaws" here yet? No? Ok.
This is what you said:
"you jump right to attacking me, personally."
(and then you followed that up by saying)
"You are lashing out because you have nothing else to bring to the table... If you were capable of anything more..." and then...
"you'd have noticed that I attacked your theory and premise. Not you, personally"
"I don't know what you're more ignorant about; Lasers, actual science, or the members here."
... You were saying?
what the hell do you call that? Is that not personal? or are you having trouble seeing the problem in urinating all over your own forum?
You need to make a scientific differentiation of your own here. But first, you need to realise I DONT NEED TO BRING ANYTHING ELSE TO THE TABLE because my intention was not to make this a discussion about the nature of ET, or God, on a LASER forum. If you want to start a new thread about this, in a hope that somebody can "convince" you otherwise as though you need them to before you open your mind to possibilities other than what you've been told, go right ahead.
Do you even know the name of the guy you posted in that picture? I don't think you do, his name is George Tsoukalos, and along with Eric von daniken I'm sure they could tell you how Lasers were used before your time and how the technology came about.
Only a moron goes around calling laser technology OLD technology when it was actually given to us by ET and has uses far beyond anything your mind is willing to accept as a possibility. So you best fill your knowledge gap before using a laser pointer and then posting a picture ridiculing the very et beings that allowed you to sit there for many nights, night after night after night, bedazzled over the pretty coloured lights.
"This is most amusing, indeed. I cannot wait to see you on the news, as our new ambassador to the Martians! All hail our IR laser overlord!"
No, all HEIL the guy that knows nothing of what he speaks of before opening his mouth to somebody he knows nothing about.
"Oh, I am going to chuckle about this for some time. Every time somebody asks me about lasers and what can be done with them, I am going to laud the "Tale of the great Dave: Communicator to the stars!"
I should really make a picture of your dumbass and send it in to George, actually no, he wouldn't get his kicks out of TROLLING the net with other peoples pictures.
"But, keep thinking you know anything. We'll be talking about this at the MENSA meetings for some time. "
Please do, be sure to include a print out of this very post will you? make sure of it. Thanks.
But wait, that's not all...
First you weren't attacking me personally, then I have no science or knowledge, then you ridicule me by posting pictures associating aliens with HARD WORKING HISTORIANS like somehow that was meant to offend me, and THEN.... WAIT FOR IT....
"It's not that I think the OP is an idiot."
LOL. Can you define premise? and does it have anything to do with my INTENTION to use a laser? Or, do you think my entire "premise" is flawed because you don't agree with the REASON behind my use for the laser???
Since you asked a serious question, you'll get a serious answer.
Let's ASSUME aliens had a hand in expanding life in the universe. and that the technology humans currently possess has the capability to destroy matter elsewhere in the universe or even on the next planet. Let's assume that the US government is run by a group of evil characters that has its roots thoroughly entrenched into the ideologies of the third reich. Let's assume that the US fire weapons at ET civilizations on a daily basis using the very technology they got from downed crafts. Let's also assume, considering the amount of weapons systems in space, that the "leaders" of the human race at least have the capability for immorality and gross violent actions against other races. Never mind ET yet, there is already enough evidence that those with power cannot be trusted to make the right decisions for all of mankind... who was it that intended not only to conquer all nations on earth, but also in space? was it hitler by any chance? funny how the cia, nasa and other organizations were founded by Nazi's after ww2 in exchange for what the germans had, in fear of being tried for war crimes...
Don't you think they'd be mighty mighty interested? at least for their own safety? How would you feel, living in a cosmos whereby the only law is freewill, if you decided to get into your craft with the missus for a scientific excursion only to be fired upon, shot down, and then kept underground in a base without your family ever given the right to a proper burial. Humans did make it personal, but that still did not give them a reason to wipe us off the map.
What is it that you think is in store for you after you have conquered the human experience? do you want to stay on earth forever or would you rather prefer the option to embark on unlimited discovery within an eternal existence?
Would you stand idly by as an ET and not be interested in the reasons why a once peaceful race on planet earth has suddenly flipped on its arse in the name of conquest, especially if you were partly responsible for the creation of the human genome?
What if I told you that a female was responsible for your design, would it make more sense to see why the evil elite insist on glorifying man in mainstream media, despite the fact that a woman can grow life inside her belly and breed life like, errm, God?
Far fetched? it is no more far fetched than if you were to travel next door for a spare cup of brown sugar, only to end up being dead at the hands of a psychotic neighbour that insisted there are no such things as other life on earth.
Yet, it is easy to brush off Americas "star wars missile defence system" as just a creative name, because the photon beams must be star-shaped.....
Furthermore, I can understand if you have your own reservations as to your belief system. It is absolutely your right to experience life exactly in the manner you desire. But you might be interested to consider the following definition of an Athiest (no malice intended).
"Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. The term atheism originated from the Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)", used as a pejorative term applied to those thought to reject the gods worshipped by the larger society"
Do you start to see an almost in-built dilemma here? The very thing that I am being called out on, also happens to be very much related to concepts of God, whether or not humans of old misinterpreted the arrival of ET from another planet that brought them technology as to cause (or inspire) them to revere them as Gods or not, the problem lies in the fact that your current belief system, which existed long before I arrived to this forum, is preventing you from having an open mind to consider what I have to say regarding your serious question involving ET. In fact- and I can only comment on what I have gathered by your comments thus far- there is a greater chance that you will reject anything I have to say on the issue because of your closed minded belief system (regardless of any evidence that I may provide), than there is that no other life in the universe exists, or at least near earth. Find me ONE other member on this forum that will disagree with that statement.
It's like a man who believes in his own religion, his religion is his house and only the things that occupy his house. How would you craft a particular message to that person that life outside his house exists, when so much of his being right down to the cellular level, has been evolved to a state of denial? You can't. the only thing you can do is invite them with you on an experience so they can see it for themselves. right?
And for exactly the same reasons why ET can't just rock up to every house to say g'day, you can't easily tell an atheist that God exists, even if it is true that early man considered ET to be God-like in their abilities.
I wonder why science calls the "Triune brain", the "Reptillian brain" ...
If you want one single reason that will shut you up Scumbag, i'll give you one. and the same is true for every last person on this planet that genuinely makes the effort.
One reason why ET would want to communicate with me is because I want to communicate with them. simple. In the constructs of love, there is no abandonment. Ever.
Because those who seek to know more, will surely be met with more. Nobody cares to know about God as long as life is good. Nobody cares to know about ET unless ET is made to adhere to your emotional criteria in order to make contact.
How do you expect an intelligent race to approach a young, evolving civilization whose belief system is primarily based around VIOLENCE and SEX? I can assure you there are millions of people who have found their own truth, and the same people were touched in such a way that they deemed the experience too profound to throw in the public wastebucket to be ridiculed, frowned upon and the like. Its worth more than words... ET doesn't judge you. Nor will they ever judge me for taking the time to sacrifice my time and resources to purchase a tool in order to assist in peaceful affairs with them. They didn't come all that way just to get here and cast judgements on the very people they love and adore... and helped to create.
You must understand there is an ultimate purpose to life. And you fit into the picture equally in your own way. If you need to go through a period of time living as an atheist before something happens to you to question your reality, so be it. It's exactly what you need and no et being or anybody else will ever tell you you're wrong, they will simply give you an eternity to evolve to it if you decide it is relevant to your life. God has given you everything, its just that up until this point, you've rejected the concept of God completely. The only time you'd be wrong is when you try to tell another person that the experiences they had is bs simply because that experience has not crossed your path yet. A wise person must ask themselves what good there is in gatecrashing someone's life with information or events that could potentially leave them worse off. Do you think its intelligent not to knock at a lions door should he leap up and rip your head off? or in et's case, be met at your front door with a shotgun because you lack the spiritual understanding of peace itself to such a degree you'd rather kill it in fear for your own safety?
The spiritual path is designed with a certain element of secrecy. Its not for everyone, it is a choice not an ultimatum. And that choice sometimes has consequences. consequences such as never being able to see the world in the same way again. those kinds of discoveries are not for the faint hearted, because it WILL leave you worse off if you're not ready for it. That is why YOU must go in search of ET, as it shows you are ready to learn more. This is to ensure that sacred knowledge does not become like a streetcorner whore in such a way that other people who ARE interested in spirituality get brainwashed and scared off into their own closed-off realities before having a chance to make up their own minds based on true and correct information at the pinnacle of human discovery.
Those people who claim aliens don't exist, are the same people who miraculously can't find the time to look up at their night sky. Those same people who claim aliens don't exist, end up sitting in the front rows of an Obama speech the day before he declares war yet again on a "cave-man" nation. Tell me who the real aliens are? The disappointing fact is, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence, these days you'd be mad NOT TO believe in ET life. Do I get an AMEN-RA?
You never did see Einstein talking on the side of the road about matters concerning science with anyone who was incapable of having a conversation on his level.
You never did see a distracted school student give his algebra teacher his entire love and attention when he did not care for mathematics nor have you ever seen an algebra teacher give more attention to the disruptive carefree student over those students who were fully present and ready to commit to learning things outside of their interests.
The problem with the system is that is has been designed to favour the few over the many. As long as true and powerful knowledge remains exactly that, you will never ever be privy to the true events of history. Because you'd be a threat to the establishment. This is why the US gov passed a law that allows their OWN CIVILIANS to be tried as terrorists should they engage in any action that is deemed a threat to their agenda, and also why the Iraq war had nothing to do with oil and everything to do with exterminating a race of people that had EVIDENCE of ET-HUMAN contact in their very blood.
How do you tell an atheist that he is the proof that he has been looking for, if the education system is filtered with information that does not concern that area of study, and further, go to great lengths to ensure the entire operating manual of the human brain is never discovered?
When a person travels through life with certain "environmental" information programmed into their brain (and especially if they've found a lifestyle that does not require them to know anything outside of their own infrastructure), they find it hard to absorb any new information. That is of no fault of their own but still, when a person does not have a natural interest of their own on a particular subject, the information on that subject will not find its way to them because it will simply not exist as a possible future until they decide it ought to be part of their destiny.
There are more things between heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, heratio.
Do we now have a basis for further discussion? or am I to sit by like ET and wait for you to finish your rant before we can be somewhat productive?
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