I live next to Melbourne airport, however I do not intend to use lasers either visible or invisible near my area. Thankfully, I am not in the habit of pointing any lasers at aircraft domestic or foreign, I have seen too many irresponsible people ruining it for others by doing silly things. One of my most favoured pieces of equipment is the Pulsar Recon x550- I am not permitted to use gen3 or gen4 tubes in my country at this time. I currently have a multi-cam setup with recording facilities that enables me capture the same footage simultaneously but through different equipment. Through the x550, lifeforms that actually live and operate in infra-red become visible, and through the HD equipment nothing is visible (without ir passthrough or switch mod). By combining the footage captured simultaneously, I can illustrate how it is possible for lifeforms to be sharing the same space despite the fact it cannot be seen with the naked eye- much in the same way as radio station frequencies share the same space with other individual signals that operate obliviously to one another, or to a greater degree, how the human eye apparently cannot perceive fast moving/oscillating objects above a certain fps.
Similarly, due to limitations of the human eye in that it can only perceive part of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is difficult to observe life forms that operate above our range of awareness without the use of special equipment. A man by the name of Jose Escamilla has documented lifeforms operating in infra-red and anybody can follow suit by modifying sony nightshot camcorders with ir mods to allow ONLY ir to be seen. Will anybody be intrigued enough to go out and discover this for themselves? probably not, skeptics don't usually set off to prove themselves wrong. If an idea is rejected it is rejected until somebody they respect shows them otherwise.
Wolfman one the potential problems is that you're basing your statements on what mainstream science has reported. Even you are under the impression that et lifeforms would have to travel in the same way humans do to get from point a to point b. Distance is not a factor and is at this stage irrelevant because there is so much of the spectrum that you can't see, that the first place you should be looking is right in front of your eyes in the evening sky. It is not empty space. far from it. nobody needs to do any hardcore mathematical equations to see what is plainly there if only your eyes could see it. Since we are limited at this stage, we rely on technology to do the seeing for us. I invite you to take the time to look into this a little more if it interests you.
Consider mars for example. There's nobody on the planet besides majestic members that has the ability to see life on mars. Let's assume nasa isn't lying and it really is a barren planet. How do you know for sure that mars (M'ares real name) isn't teeming with life in a spectrum that you cannot perceive??? what equipment do you possess that can tell you for sure? So you see, the majority of information available is just regurgitated information and even that is based on filtered data that you are "not allowed" to know. Blame the masons or the illuminati if you must.
So the point you made about ET being that far away and needing to solve the problem of travel due to distance in light years really is a hypothetical argument that is based primarily around the assumption that ET would travel in the same way we would. It's a paradigm shift in understanding, considering that there are several energies that travel faster than light. These are Ultra-violet, X-ray, Gamma, Zero-point and also Gravity, notice that light cannot escape a black hole but there is something that does escape a black hole- and that is gravity. And of course, Thought. Thought is infinitely faster than light- it is instantaneous and operates on zero point energy (we know this to be the grid which connects all life forms together as one mind, hence telepathy. hence bio-location. hence faster than light travel).
The university of Stanford in conjunction with doctor Steven Greer and the disclosure project are currently in the process of building their own anti-gravity based on information that was previously (and in many ways still is) suppressed by the powers that be. They have currently managed to remove 7% of the effects of gravity, in an effort to achieve levitation and bring these free energy technologies to the fore for humanity's benefit. Truth be told, ET antigravity technology works on thought. The first thing they discovered and removed from downed crafts was the Biological seat, in fact that was one of the only things of interest due to the fact that they realized the entire craft could only be piloted with the instructions of thought. So in other words, there are no joysticks of steering columns, only a biological interface that connects the brain to the craft. In this mode, they did away with any kind of avionics because their own brains was already far more advanced than any device they could produce. In the context of ET being fired upon by humans, Psychometric radar for example would operate on energies that also run through the human brain (as the total number of minds in the universe is ONE), so one's intention to fire at ET is transmitted instantaneously through thought. ET therefore would possess the ability to anticipate Intentions before electrical signals from the attacker's brain (using lightwaves through the nervous system) could reach their fingers to pull the trigger.
Please take a look at "Superconducting Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) on a Magnetic Track" found here:
Superconducting Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) on a Magnetic Track - YouTube
Antigravity has already been achieved by humans on a small scale my friend. Replace the magnetic track with the magnetic field around the earth, and you have the ability to circumvent the effects of known physical laws. Including gravity. Gravity can be controlled. 360 degree travel is now possible using free energy out of thin air. Even tesla knew this information, and could send power wirelessly using the abundant energies available in the very empty space around you.
This discovery serves as the critical link between what religion has been hiding about the nature of God and tangible, scientific fact. You are the science, in fact, if you were to do a study of the human brain during certain sleep cycles (whereby the brain works faster than in waking hours), and if you correlate this information with the resonate frequencies of earth, you would discover that the figures are identical. the magnetic field around the human body can be controlled via your own thoughts. I knew there was truth to the story of the levitating Buddha. I can give you my personal method for how to achieve an out of body experience, whereby you operate on pure thought in a faster time and outside of the framework of physical laws. Have you ever drifted off to sleep, and had what seemed to be a LONG dream, only to wake up and realise that only 2 minutes have passed? that's a clue.
To say communications between ET and humans is impossible has to be a statement well redundant at this point. The study of the human brain will unlock the answers to long-range communication. Also, if you study quantum mechanics, you would know that it is possible for the exact same thing to occur in different places in time-space simultaneously. You need only to understand how the human brain communicates electrically with magnetic flux to find all the answers of ET communications. Little do most people know, that if I shine a laser in the night sky, I am already communicating with entities that are considered ET that are within our atmosphere (look up UFO RODS). Just because the human eye cannot see in infra red, or xray doesn't mean lifeforms operating on that energy don't exist, which btw, are not just energies but once you are ALSO vibrating to that wavelength, actually becomes an infinite reality in the same way that we look into an infinite cosmos in the physical hertzian realm. Notice how the SUN is producing all these energies that scientists "think" are harmful to us. They are, but only because you are not resonating at the same wavelength in order to be part of that world. So, if scientists agree that these energies are the building blocks to new planet formations and what have you, then one could deduce that these energies are actually creating realities or parallel universes that can be populated.
If UFO's "de-Materialise" out of this physical world and into the next, which btw has been documented quite thoroughly, then the question remains, where are they dematerialising to??? and the answer is, to another spectrum or wavelength that you cannot perceive. So, if somebody fires a bullet at an ET craft, it will dematerialise into another reality in order for the bullet not to have any effect. As a matter of fact, you'd think its gone away somewhere, when in fact it is still there looking at you, just from another wavelength. Again, they do possess the ability to perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Light beings (Orbs), or 3rd level beings, can perceive infra red and the entire hertzian band.
If only a person would not be frightened by the prospect of meeting ET lifeforms, they would surely discover that communications is already taking place, and is possible to communicate further. it's just that the closed-minded individual that operates on doubt prevents 2-way communication. Sorry to scare you, but they can hear your thoughts. And they know who is ready for the experience and who isn't. At such a critical point in our evolution, it is important not to do any extra damage by forcing any kind of contact. For the person that is not capable of enjoying the experience, will not attract the experience. It is only through gradual exposure with several "small occurrences" does a human begin to shed doubt and become more open to the prospect of full contact. They are there to nurture our evolution, not to interfere by forcing an experience upon somebody that may very well react in a way that is counter productive to the disclosure movement.
As for wormholes, they exist as large bodies and also microscopically in the very space around you. I can vouch due to my own knowledge regarding out of body experiences, that the "tunnel" that is seen before exiting the physical body is in fact a wormhole to another dimension. Yet, its difficult to prove that without giving instructions for the person to experience it for themselves. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Try telling a scientist that has evolved to a "standard research methodology" that the evidence exists within him. He will look at you and laugh, because his area of study is of the external, and thus they need to see tangible evidence in the external. As a result of so many years studying in the wrong direction while developing skillsets in other areas, there has been no time for these scientists to take a break, do some meditation and discover for themselves that the God particle exists within them. And can be controlled at will.
This is why you have establishments such as the "illuminati" or, the illuminated ones (that can see in the dark i.e. see spectrums that are invisible to others). Secret societies have been practicing what others would call impossible for centuries. Ordo templi orientis, order of the golden dawn, ordo aurum solis, and others, practice mind over matter on a daily basis and this is why every war is religious-based. They do not want this information to come out because the entire monetary system and methods of enslaving the masses would fall apart. Religion is false until it recognises the God within you, and then it becomes science.
Does this make sense?