Also, this depend not just from the laws of your country, but also from how much are bad the officers and judges that catch you, or if they need or not to give a public example (or from how much they woked up bad the morning that they charge you ..... yes, in Italy also this count
As example, here, if the judge decide that he/she is pissed off enough, that day, also just modifying a salute is a "illegal making an explosive device" charge ..... and also if you can demonstrate that your modified salute is inside the legal limits, they can still charge you for have done the work "outside an ambient with the obligatory safety devices and precautions", and give you thousands of euro of fines, if not worse ..... same way, there was already some peoples that was charged for "illegal detention of explosives" just cause they buyed a lot of fireworks for a party (please note, LEGAL fireworks, commonly sold also in supermarkets) ..... and when they said the fireworks are legals, the judge replied "one by one yes, but a box full of them is illegal detention of explosives" and condemned them (and they do the same each time, near the end of the years, just for "give an example" ..... )
And at the opposite side, some really illegal makers still sell at end-of-the-year "deadly toys" like "maradona bomb" (around 1 Kg of powder), or worse "zidane head" (
7 Kg of powder stored in a sphere of hardened cardboard ..... practically a war frag bomb) as salutes .....
Just for give you an idea about our "equal for all" laws
Then there's the burlesque side ..... if you can demonstrate that the things that you have at home are for your legit work / use, you can keep enough "funny things" for a half war, with less risks that the one that you have keeping fireworks ..... as example, i can easily build some really bad devices, and also worse substances
(SSHHH ..... who said binary nerve gas ?) , with the chemicals that i have at workplace (as any other peoples that knows something about inorganic chemicals
), but at the same time, all the chemicals that i have here, are here for legit uses and are needed for my work .....
(by the way, don't get a wrong idea about this ..... i only CAN do all these things, but, being fundamentally honest, at least til now
, i don't build these things, nor for fun nor for other purposes ..... er ..... *cough*
ok maybe some salutes for the end of the year *cough*
and I agree completely on let's not discuss this over open internet forums. The last thing anyone wants is some young kid losing fingers, or worse by trying anything here. Even the relatively minor things can still be dangerous. And when we try to give enough info to get a point across, but not enough to build something, we risk someone tinkering around trying to figure it out. (read: probably lose a hand or more)
About this, i agree too, but i'm seeing on free channels like youtube, as example, so much wrong "instructions" and bullsh*ts, given as good informations, that sometimes i feel the need to burn some of the idiots (making them a compliment) that post them ..... some of the things that i have found online are just non-working stupidity, but someothers are a sure way for lost at least your hands, if not your life ..... damn stupids :tsk: :scowl: