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An Apology for Everyone

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Mar 30, 2012
Hi Everyone ,

I was not online for like a week or even more.

I would like to spread it all out and tell you about my situation as it seems you got your own theories.

Anyways ... here it is , the truth.

I have started building lasers over here back in 2012. Built like 1-3 lasers a week and sold them one by one.

After a year or even less , I have made a website through which I sold my lasers and could promote them better over the net.

Things were just fine till the end of 2015 when a lot of orders started coming in.

A lot of order means a lot of work , I thought I could handle it. But I could not. Even though I have hired someone to help. But yet I could not finish all orders on timely manner.

I have started to get a lot of complaints , but really worked hard in order to help and finish everything although it took too long sometimes.

I have been working with chinese manufacturers to get the hosts and heatsinks done , and getthing the 501B hosts from them as well as a lot of other parts. This means huge delays. About one month till every order is delivered. Then when a order arrives , I need to build a lot of lasers at once which again means delays. And this loop keeps occurring while getting even more orders.

At the same time , I need to live. I can not keep the money in my PayPal account for 180 days before taking it out. Comon ? it does not make any sense. I had to buy a lot of parts with it , and had to live too.

I usually had about %30 in PayPal so in anycase it will not get down to 0 at anytime.

But then , cases started to appear. At start I tried to handle it , but then too many cases have been opened which means Negative PayPal balance.

I am at a point in which I can not take care of orders. I can take care of about 20 more orders and than I just can not as there is no money to buy parts with at all.

I would like to apologize. I would really like to prove my self and finish those orders. But the reality is that I got no chance of doing so without any money on hand. And I can not ask someone not to open a case on me ? that is not fair towards them too.

I apologize for everything that happened. I should have not taken too many orders from the start. But I did not knew it would be that difficult.

People these days are not patient. I have many order which have been disputed after less than 10 days after the purchase was made. This what have started all of this. And along with PayPal this means disaster.

If people would have waited. And not ask me for a tracking code everyday saying if my order is not going out soon I am canceling it ... it would look differently.

Making 100 or more of these people calm and getting all of them happy is hard to do. Replying each and everyone of them ... as if I would not ... they again start to get into panic. This loop of things is very stressful.

If I had the chance to , I would finish the orders. But as you all guys just open up disputes ... that would not really help either of us.

I am sorry that it happened like this. But after all , it is not only me that make this happen. It is the customers and everyone of you.

I am seeing this with a lot of other people , young and old which I know personally. We all buy stuff from eBay. We all get stuff via PayPal. And I have noticed a lot of people starting disputes for stupid reasons on other sellers too and saying " he will just refund me , he got a lot of orders and money - otherwise PayPal will kick is ass ". This truly makes me angry.

A seller which do not send the item on time should not get a "hold" on his money. This never helps. It just starting this loop over again. This whole money back guarantee is what ruins sellers all over the world. And in a very few cases helps buyers. But most of all it gets sellers broke. And I have talked and seen hundreds if not thousands of these cases in which sellers got broke for no good reason.

After all , I never had the intention of not delivering the product. Never ! I always wanted to help and replied emails very quickly. ( few hours at most ).

I wanted to help and succeed as well. But the situation , customers and PayPal got it shutdown.

In a world where we would have a patient customer , that would wait even after a month he did not receive a custom made product which is being assembled from many parts which are being sourced from worldwide locations. This business would grown well.

This is why WL and others do not take PayPal anymore. As PayPal made customers not patient.

And once again LPF showed us that it could not handle nor help others truly. People here were never nice to me. ( except for a few ). But I did not care till it really got out of hand by them and by me.

I just can not reply to all the emails now. There is too many of them in my inbox and I just really do not want to read them at all at this moment.

You will not here back from me.

Do what ever you want , if you choose not to open a dispute or close the one you already opened , it will help get orders done. As of now 20+- can be finished. But after that no more. If you guys want the lasers done please do. Otherwise I have no way of doing anything with it at all.

I am so sorry to see that until now you try to avoid responding to the most worst thing you have ever done. Order delay is not the worst part. The most important thing is:

1. You frequently giving your customer wrong tracking information. Even giving different customer the same tracking number to buy the time for your shipment.
2. You lie to your customer that package is shipped. Many of them reported that you "make the shipment" up to 4 times while they have never received any package.
3. You use customer address for a purpose other than shipment. As a bargaining chips for threatening the buyer on reporting them to their government just because he ask him to do keep his promise on sending money due to the delay.
4. You refused to give any explanation on your dishonesty when have already addressed the problem and revenge in naive way like neg rep forum post and member that against you.

I would say you are so lucky because the mod removed the most dramatic post that you piss off member and behave like a child. Oh I forgot to say the post is removed just because you keep exposing someone address and real name.

Not look like to me a real apology. Until now you are blaming on "People these days are not patient". People here are patient enough to you. You are done Sci-fi. You ruin your own reputation.

Edit: To futher Sci-Fi Lasers buyer. If you try to purchase laser from this company. Yes you may end up receiving the laser. But it may take up to half a year and you put yourself in dangerous situation because you personal information may spread over the internet and you may be reported to your government by this company.
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Look, I understand that sh*t happens in life and you can get behind in orders. A very simple solution would have been to just raise prices on your site until you could catch up. That would result in fewer orders AND more profit per order on the ones you got. Basically it would solve both of your problems.

The problem was how you continued taking on new orders getting several months behind. You also gave people false tracking info and shipment dates. Why not just say "Sorry guys I'm really really really behind" or something. Giving people false info just makes them mad, panicky and they start to think you're really out to scam them(Hence all the paypal claims).
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Thats the biggest load of malarky I've ever heard. Nothing is your fault huh sci fictional lasers. Why didnt you tell customers there were supply/production problems? Every time you post the hole gets deeper. $$$$$$$$$ you saw $ and thought of nothing else

Oh, if anyone falls for the 20 lasers buildable so don't file, you deserve to lose your $
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Much like everything else I've come to expect from you Eitan, your apology is a half assed rambling mess, that's failed to address pretty much everything except one issue, and even that you blame on your customers, and others.

But after all , it is not only me that make this happen. It is the customers and everyone of you.

What are you on crack or something?

No one forced you to take orders. No one stopped you from listing products as out of stock when you didn't have the needed parts.

No one forced you to lie.

And you're still lying to yourself, which is the really sad part.
Thats the biggest load of malarky I've ever heard. Nothing is your fault huh sci fictional lasers. Why didnt you tell customers there were supply/production problems? Every time you post the hole gets deeper. $$$$$$$$$ you saw $ and thought of nothing else

90% of his "apology" is explaining the situation of his paypal account...... another 10% is blaming on something else :crackup:
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There are so many things that could have avoided this mess.
-Raise Prices.
-List items as Out of Stock if you don't actually have the parts on hand.
-Just be honest with your customers and let them know about delays. DO NOT send false shipping info.

This is not the fault of customers who rightfully started getting nervous and filing paypal claims. It's not the fault of paypal for screwing over sellers. It's not the fault of the chinese for taking months to send parts. This was all caused by bad business management.
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So people opening disputes emptied your paypal account but how does this stop your from fulfilling orders?

From what i keep seeing people are opening disputes for items that they havnt received so you should still have the components in which case having them take their money back shouldnt leave you without parts for builds....

Also what did you expect was gonna happen if you where taking orders when you didnt have the parts and had to wait a month before you could even begin building because stuff was coming from china? (Which also sounds like you are using some pretty cheap postage there...)
I just can not reply to all the emails now. There is too many of them in my inbox and I just really do not want to read them at all at this moment.

You will not here back from me.

This is how you supposed to run a company? It is too many email to you so you will not answer? How about too many order to you?

If you choose not to open a dispute or close the one you already opened , it will help get orders done. If you guys want the lasers done please do. Otherwise I have no way of doing anything with it at all.

Nice threatening again, Thumb up :gj:
He is either delusional and in denial or just slap full of it.

HE SPENT OTHER PEOPLES MONEY AND LIED, and lied and lied, and still would be today if he could. .....Then when called out he got NASTY about it.

His apology is garbage, ......It's the customers fault, does he really believe his own BS?

He ask us not to file a claim, so he can fix things for more people, Oh give me a break, either the money is there or it isn't and if it is people should get theirs back.

I don't think anyone wants to wait for him to fix anything, they most likely want their money back.

You will have it this week buddy, it's in the mail buddy, your number will work by tomorrow buddy, on my word or I will refund you +100, how about apologizing for all the lies while people waited and hoped and trusted, yet you blame the customer......this apology is worse than nothing at all, I was over it, now I'm mad again, you narcissistic liar, I wonder if you do believe your own BS?

How about your threats, how many people had you bamboozled into forfeiting their funds with your threats?

Your apology sucks!
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  • ->If Eitan would have stopped with these statements it would have been a good start for an appology
    [*]->Slippery Slope #1 - Eitan began living off the order money where quickly he spiraled into having to use new order money to fulfill past due existing orders
    [*]->Slippery Slope #2 - he began taking more orders than he could handle;however, Eitan did not stop taking orders which only further exacerbated his predicament
    [*]->And then Eitan lists all of these wide ranging nothing to do with him excuses to further hide from the harsh reality that he alone is solely blame
    [*]->Eitan then removes any semblance of an apology with these stabbing attacks of blame directed at not only his customers but also the members here.

I am sorry Eitan but your apology won't float with you having sunk any chance for redemption with the overbearing weight of all your feeble excuses and unashamed attempts to blame everyone else

Hi Everyone ,

I was not online for like a week or even more.

I would like to spread it all out and tell you about my situation as it seems you got your own theories.

Anyways ... here it is , the truth.

I have started building lasers over here back in 2012. Built like 1-3 lasers a week and sold them one by one.

After a year or even less , I have made a website through which I sold my lasers and could promote them better over the net.

Things were just fine till the end of 2015 when a lot of orders started coming in.

A lot of order means a lot of work , I thought I could handle it. But I could not. Even though I have hired someone to help. But yet I could not finish all orders on timely manner.

I have started to get a lot of complaints , but really worked hard in order to help and finish everything although it took too long sometimes.

I have been working with chinese manufacturers to get the hosts and heatsinks done , and getthing the 501B hosts from them as well as a lot of other parts. This means huge delays. About one month till every order is delivered. Then when a order arrives , I need to build a lot of lasers at once which again means delays. And this loop keeps occurring while getting even more orders.

At the same time , I need to live. I can not keep the money in my PayPal account for 180 days before taking it out. Comon ? it does not make any sense. I had to buy a lot of parts with it , and had to live too.

I usually had about %30 in PayPal so in anycase it will not get down to 0 at anytime.

But then , cases started to appear. At start I tried to handle it , but then too many cases have been opened which means Negative PayPal balance.

I am at a point in which I can not take care of orders. I can take care of about 20 more orders and than I just can not as there is no money to buy parts with at all.

I would like to apologize. I would really like to prove my self and finish those orders. But the reality is that I got no chance of doing so without any money on hand. And I can not ask someone not to open a case on me ? that is not fair towards them too.

I apologize for everything that happened. I should have not taken too many orders from the start. But I did not knew it would be that difficult.

People these days are not patient. I have many order which have been disputed after less than 10 days after the purchase was made. This what have started all of this. And along with PayPal this means disaster.

If people would have waited. And not ask me for a tracking code everyday saying if my order is not going out soon I am canceling it ... it would look differently.

Making 100 or more of these people calm and getting all of them happy is hard to do. Replying each and everyone of them ... as if I would not ... they again start to get into panic. This loop of things is very stressful.

If I had the chance to , I would finish the orders. But as you all guys just open up disputes ... that would not really help either of us.

I am sorry that it happened like this. But after all , it is not only me that make this happen. It is the customers and everyone of you.

I am seeing this with a lot of other people , young and old which I know personally. We all buy stuff from eBay. We all get stuff via PayPal. And I have noticed a lot of people starting disputes for stupid reasons on other sellers too and saying " he will just refund me , he got a lot of orders and money - otherwise PayPal will kick is ass ". This truly makes me angry.

A seller which do not send the item on time should not get a "hold" on his money. This never helps. It just starting this loop over again. This whole money back guarantee is what ruins sellers all over the world. And in a very few cases helps buyers. But most of all it gets sellers broke. And I have talked and seen hundreds if not thousands of these cases in which sellers got broke for no good reason.

After all , I never had the intention of not delivering the product. Never ! I always wanted to help and replied emails very quickly. ( few hours at most ).

I wanted to help and succeed as well.

In a world where we would have a patient customer , that would wait even after a month he did not receive a custom made product which is being assembled from many parts which are being sourced from worldwide locations. This business would grown well.

This is why WL and others do not take PayPal anymore. As PayPal made customers not patient.

And once again LPF showed us that it could not handle nor help others truly. People here were never nice to me. ( except for a few ). But I did not care till it really got out of hand by them and by me.

I just can not reply to all the emails now. There is too many of them in my inbox and I just really do not want to read them at all at this moment.

You will not here back from me.

Do what ever you want , if you choose not to open a dispute or close the one you already opened , it will help get orders done. As of now 20+- can be finished. But after that no more. If you guys want the lasers done please do. Otherwise I have no way of doing anything with it at all.
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90% of his "apology" is explaining the situation of his paypal account...... another 10% is blaming on something else :crackup:

EXACTLY, he would like people to not make a claim so he can fix more lasers, GIVE ME A BREAK!


finishing the 20 would sure be a nice. It would go a long way to all involved you included.

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Asking people not to make claims is ridiculous. The proper thing to to would be to email all the customers whose orders you can fulfill that their laser is delayed but still doable and just hope they're okay with it.

The only way to keep tons of people from disputing is to just refund them yourself or get them what they asked for in a reasonable amount of time.

Just asking people not to put claims up increases the risk for them.
As much as it pains me to see this Joker that apology just does not cut it. It is just a expectation on what happened to you! It is also excuses! You should of kept it small and never did a website that you know people are going to order from! So you lied, and covered your butt with false shipping labels, That is the thing I think that burns most of your customers. Now you dont want to refund the money that is owed back to the people that have purchased those lasers. I dont see were you are in the right here and that apology means JACK
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