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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

All Members please read this...

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Apr 1, 2008
Thanks for all the NEW KIND WORDS & DONATIONS guys. Any donations will surely be put to good use. Any homeowner can tell you that owning a house is a CONSTANT drain on financial resources, & that's when things are going good !!! If anything goes wrong, it hits the bank balance & wallet HARD. This is why we REALLY APPRECIATE the way LPF Members have stood in the gap to help us out. It's really heart touching to see what everyone has been able to accomplish for us. Thanks to ALL MEMBERS who have sent kindness in one form or the other. They ALL HELP SO MUCH !!!! rob & family

Apr 1, 2008

We got contacted by our HUD agent today, wanting to know if there was any other paperwork that we wanted her to FAX to the decision makers. We FAXED her a copy of my wife's 3rd denial for SS Disability (INDIANA REALLY SUCKS), & also some 4 pages from the Dept.of the Treasury. Over the past 2 1/2 - 3 years, at REALLY odd intervals, they have been taking $181.96 out of my SS checks, this year the amount was upped to $189.46. We've contacted them to find out the reason WHY these funds were taken out but haven't received any feedback from them ????? Altogether, there have been 18 X that they have hit my SS check for those amounts. Our HUD Rep told us to get the official copies of the deductions so she can send them in to the mortgage decision officials. IF & I mean IF those funds can be sent to the mortgage people, then along with the funds that my wonderful friends on LPF donated, then just maybe we can pull this thing off. April 27th is the LAST day we have to submit anything to help our case out. Then they have 30 days to make a decision one way or the other. Just thought I'd keep y'all apprised of the situation. As for us (family & I) we're just squeakin' by one day at a time, counting pennies & counting down the days 'til the decision comes down from the mortgage honchos. I PROMISED to keep y'all informed, & this was the latest development. MANY THANKS to ALL who are helping us in our time of dire need............ rob & Family
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Jan 18, 2009

Keep on Keepin' On. You are definitely in my thoughts and I hope for the best for you guys.
Apr 1, 2008
Thanks for the encouragement guys !!!

" jake21

What a riot !!! Thanks for puttin' a smile on my face :)

PS sent ya BOTH some Rep Pts.
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Apr 2, 2009
Thanks for the encouragement guys !!!

" jake21

What a riot !!! Thanks for puttin' a smile on my face :)

PS sent ya BOTH some Rep Pts.

^^^ dont that phrase bring back some memories--always be careful what you say.. it can become your unwanted catch phrase.. like Jake the Snake-- ha ha

keep on hangin' in there Rob.. I was denied several times- blew it off-- waited too late to re-apply- started over had to apply several more times- what finally ,I think, got me thru was thre fact that none of my problems BY ITSELF-- was all that big a deal but the combination of all six ailmenst/conditions did make it very hard to hold down a JOB. .. I wrote them just like I was talking /writing to a freind- layed my whole deal out-- no vacations in 10 yrs-food from food bank (where I volunteer)clothes & other household items from charity thrift shop (SPCA/I volunteer there too!)- dial-up ISP( now you really know how bad off I was & still am) no dish or pay cable- 15$ cell phone with 20 min per month(emergency phone)16 yr old car- IRA and investment either used up to survive or down the toilet after 911.. no 'Family' money.

I didnt even get a letter telling me I had gotten improved- I went to the bank to draw out the last few $$ I had- asked my balance and neary pissed my pants- I got a bunch of back months payments and It would have been more If I had not let the first round of applying get away.
I drew out the bulk in Bank checks and paid back every friend/relative I owed-- I was broke again but feel so much better about the whole thing.
SO... apply apply apply- keep your head up- nothing to be at all ashamed of-- you have a hellava extanded family here..

Thanks in advance to any other new readers of this and will send Rob some support..- help out others whenever you can--you never know when you could be in the same situation AND BESIDES its good for your heart!!.

-- Granny's motto"Be Nice!"

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Sep 20, 2008
Glad to hear you are still in your home and that you are
on top of the paperwork... Hang in there bud...:beer:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Aug 24, 2010
It 's good to hear that you are still in your house.
Keep at it, don't give up!
I know someone else that has been fighting with SS for disability for 5 years and finally got it. She had just given up and they approved it, 5 years is a bunch of crap. she should have gotten it when she first applied.
The U.S .gov is screwed up!

Best wishes
Apr 2, 2009
Part of what's screwed up it-- IF you re willing to give a lawyer a big chunk of your SSI they can get it .. If they get all thier bite from the first big check ... they have motive to string you along to let the amt build. I dont think they get a piece of every monthy benefit so...
Aug 24, 2010
I am not sure, but I think they get 33% of the settlement but not the monthly, but I could be wrong.

At least she a decent attorney, he didn't take a percentage. She tried for quite a while on her own with a little help, but her attorney heard her story and decided to help her out with minimal charges. It's not something he normally does he usually does divorces and DUI's. She almost lost everything and it couldn't have come at a better time. She was really down and it's nice to see that things have changed for the better.

I just hope Rob gets good news, it seems like the ones that need it most have trouble getting it and the ones that are scammers or don't need it as bad have no trouble getting it.
Figure that one out!

Incase I didn't say it earlier Hak your one hell of nice guy for helping Rob out. You and some of the other members went above and beyond. I just wish that I could of helped out a little bit more then what I did.

Apr 1, 2008
Thanks guys for ALL the ENCOURAGING COMMENTS & INFORMATION. Any donations will still have a good home here since bills are STILL coming in, (they never stop!!!) :( A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Dennis, (SMEERWORST) for the massive donation that he just sent to us. Came just in time Dennis, we have a DISCONNECT on the electric bill & your donation is gonna take care of a big chunk of that. I just wish I could do more to repay you guys besides just handing out 3 REP PTs. to everyone I can. My family & I REALLY OWE the donating members of LPF a GREAT DEBT, one I hope to be able to pay back SOME day. You guys / gals are just the best friends that a person could ever want. My undying thanks to all whom made contributions. You ALL will be in our prayers whether you're a believer or not,(can't hurt, RIGHT)
Your friend, rob & family
Mar 28, 2011
Thanks guys for ALL the ENCOURAGING COMMENTS & INFORMATION. Any donations will still have a good home here since bills are STILL coming in, (they never stop!!!) :( A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Dennis, (SMEERWORST) for the massive donation that he just sent to us. Came just in time Dennis, we have a DISCONNECT on the electric bill & your donation is gonna take care of a big chunk of that. I just wish I could do more to repay you guys besides just handing out 3 REP PTs. to everyone I can. My family & I REALLY OWE the donating members of LPF a GREAT DEBT, one I hope to be able to pay back SOME day. You guys / gals are just the best friends that a person could ever want. My undying thanks to all whom made contributions. You ALL will be in our prayers whether you're a believer or not,(can't hurt, RIGHT)
Your friend, rob & family

No problem m8.... :)

Hope all goes well someday :wave:

Greetings, sm.
Apr 1, 2008
Thanks for the latest contributions, every cent that comes in is used wisely & the words of encouragement help to give us the stamina to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Some PM's have also been sent out as well as REP PTs. when the system allows. I will post again as SOON as I know ANYTHING AT ALL. Thanks again, rob & Fam.
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