I have an Acronym that I've been seeing for a long time now, here & there on the Forum, & try as I might, I can't figure out any phrase or anything that these three initials might stand for. They are "meh". These are used by a lot of different Members, not just by one or two. I see them pop up in all kinds of places, & even the context of the sentence gives me NO CLUE as to what they stand for, or if they are a typo, or WHAT ? I just know that as soon as someone enlightens me as to what they stand for, I'll feel foolish 'cause they're probably something simple, & staring me right in the face, but I JUST CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. Somebody please HELP ME !!!! They are driving me crazy. For an example, here is a sentence where they are used. "For me the bible is meh. I prefer religious texts like the tao te ching or the Confucian scripts. Never read foundation. However, I really like LOTR, HGttG, I heard flatland is good. A brief history of time is good." Quote from text by "ossumguywill" To ANY & ALL who answer this, I give you my THANKS & can now breathe a sigh of RELIEF, PWEW!!!!!!!