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Acronyms for the Forum

I smell spam ^^

Well there is 2 types of 6X. Opinions differ on which is the best but IMO...wait gotta add that...IMO the GGW is a better diode. But in the end its all a crap shoot cause diodes differ too.

IMO - In my opinion
IMHO - In my humble opinion.

For the more arrogant among us (including me)

IMNHO = In My Never Humble Opinion

Well, I really have no idea if it has ever been used here, but the beloved VOM cannot be left out, especially for DIY.
VOM: Volt-Ohm-Meter
Ah, well, thanks for correcting me on another acronym for that. Would have been embarassed to find it, google it thinking of it as something different and then be informed that it was my multimeter. The only device that surpasses it in use is my computer and I still learn new names for it.:o
Please don't look at that as a "CORRECTION" it was merely information. Far be it from ME to 'CORRECT' ANYONE. I'm no authority on anything. Jack of all trades, master of none, lol !!! BTW, if your PC works like mine does on occasion, then heres another acronym for a computer, PITA !!!!! (pain in the ass) LOL
Please add "Sled" (surface-emitting LED)
I FINALLY found it after a bunch of Google searches. I found the desciption on the "Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology" webpage.
It's been driving me NUTS and I didn't want to ask :-)
Well, I really have no idea if it has ever been used here, but the beloved VOM cannot be left out, especially for DIY.
VOM: Volt-Ohm-Meter

Your dating yourself Volkos:p
VOM is from the olden days. lol

Don't feel bad. I still want to type VOM instead of DMM when I'm typing a message.:D

Old habits die hard!
Please add "Sled" (surface-emitting LED)
I FINALLY found it after a bunch of Google searches. I found the desciption on the "Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology" webpage.
It's been driving me NUTS and I didn't want to ask :-)

I always thought it was just another name for a cd drive tray, perhaps a different named used when the optics were part of the tray (like in laptop drives). Guess I were wrong!

Anyhow, oic0 = Oh, I, see, zero (nothing). Screen name ive had on and off for 10 years or more, seemed appropriate for a laser forum though, just in case I screw up and blind myself, my screen name will atleast be ironic :wave:
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